Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 407: : I have never read

It took nearly an hour to climb the tens of thousands of steps. At the end of the steps was a red-lacquered bronze door. Under the eaves above, there was a plaque with the words "Academic Academy".

Xiang Jing glanced at these four words, only to feel a majestic atmosphere oncoming, and the people who wrote these four words must not be ordinary people.

At the door, there are already two gentlemen who are waiting there, standing with their hands in their blue shirts, unsmiling, and showing some majesty.

Xiang Jing stepped forward and said, "The two gentlemen who are in charge of the test."

"It is," said the gentleman with a pinch of goatee on the left chin. "Under Si Feipeng, this is Kuang Hua. I and the other two are responsible for this introductory test."

Xiang Jing looked at Kuanghua, his cheeks were thin and looked like malnutrition, with a trace of unhappiness hidden in his eyes.

Xiang Jing didn't say that it was broken, but he said, "I have two jobs."

"Let's start" Si Feipeng said, taking out a crystal and said, "Let these children reach out and hold this crystal."

Xiang Jing nodded and asked Qin Tian and the others to step forward one by one.

Qin Tian stepped forward and held the crystal, and then a flash of light flashed, and a line of text "Ten years old, twenty-five cows" appeared on the crystal.

"Oh?" Si Feipeng's eyes lit up and he nodded and said, "Yes, go to Mr. Kuanghua to register and fill in the entry form."

Qin Tian put down the crystal and walked to Kuanghua who was aside.

Kuang Hua sat at the table with pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table. He drew out a copy and put it in front of Qin Tian. He said lukewarm, "Fill it."

Qin Tian picked up the pen and filled in the paper. Fortunately, Xiang Jing had been teaching them to read and write during this period. Although the characters were not very good-looking, it was better than the illiterate.

After filling out the form, Kuang Hua took a look and frowned slightly. In Xiang Jing's opinion, Qin Tian's words were passable, but in the eyes of the teacher of Tianqi Academy, it could only be described as unsightly.

Kuang Hua folded the form and put it aside, then took out another one and gave Qin Tian "refill it."

Qin Tian didn't start writing, but looked at Kuanghua and said, "I haven't read a book. These words are all items. Brother taught me to write them."

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Xiang Jing temporarily asked the five of them not to call him master, but eldest brother instead.

"Haven't read?" Kuang Hua and Si Feipeng, who was testing Yu Wenyu, were both taken aback.

Especially for Kuanghua, Tianqi College has a specific time for enrolling students every time, and it is rare that this kind of renunciation happens halfway.

Kuang Hua was born in a poor family, and it was not easy to get to Mr. Tianqi Academy. It was also because of Zeng Jin's experience that he was particularly uncomfortable with those from a family who bullied men and women, and were superior.

He would never come if it wasn't for his duty, like this kind of situation where he apparently walked through the back door when he was a monk.

But now I heard Qin Tian say that he had not read a book, which surprised him a bit.

In general, these kind of people who walk through the back door are not many of the children of the family or even the relatives of the imperial family. How can they come from people who have never read.

Xiang Jing stepped forward and said, "None of the five of them have gone to school, please forgive me."

Kuang Hua nodded, unfolded the folded paper, took the one that would be placed in front of Qin Tian, ​​and copied the one written by Qin Tian.

I have to say that the master's calligraphy skills of the Tianqi Academy are good, and every stroke has a charm in it.

"Twelve years old, 25 cows"

"Thirteen years old, 25 cows"

"Thirteen years old, 25 cows"

"Fifteen years old, 30 cows"

Si Feipeng, who was in charge of the test, looked at the five children in surprise.

The youngest of them, Qin Tian, ​​was only ten years old, but he had a strength of 25 cattle. The oldest, Yu Wenyu, had a strength of 30 cattle. The rest was even more powerful at a young age.

Without exception, they all meet the standard or even exceed this standard. These children are worthy of vigorous cultivation wherever they are.

Especially Qin Tian, ​​the future will be unlimited. According to the standards of Tianqi Academy, Yu Wenyu can start to cultivate immortals and enter the foundation building stage. Other children also have good talents.

However, Si Feipeng was just a little surprised. For so many years, Apocalypse Academy has produced many talents and talents, and even built a foundation at the age of ten, or even a hundred years of direct cultivation.

Xiang Jing doesn't care about talent. In his opinion, his apprentices are the best. Even if the talented younger brother has some talents, the medicine pile will give you a peerless powerhouse.

Except for Qin Tian, ​​Yu Wenyu, the Gu family brothers, and Yun Xi's forms were all filled out by Kuang Hua, and they looked at them with a kinder look.

Finally, it was Xiang Jing's turn. It was the same crystal, which showed "24 years old, early foundation construction."

This age has only reached the early stage of foundation construction. According to the standards of Apocalypse Academy, it is too late, but the dean greeted him in advance, and as long as the test is okay, he can enroll.

Therefore, Xiang Jing and the others successfully obtained the identity badges exclusively for Tianqi Academy, as well as the school's unique clothing, with a pure white school uniform with a sky character on the left chest.

In fact, Xiang Jing and the others can enter the Apocalypse Academy, it is really no different from going through the scene.

According to the normal steps, if you want to enter the Apocalypse Academy, you must first take a seven-day singing test, and then there will be a martial arts test. You may not be able to enter after all of them.

Therefore, for students who can enter the Apocalypse Academy, hard power is a part, and luck also accounts for a part.

Generally, the high-level college students are not bad when they choose to enter the college. They look at not only strength, but also character. No matter how talented the talent is, if the character is not good, it is just a curse.

It can also be seen that the relationship between Wei Qiming and Su Mingpo is so good that they are willing to sell such a big face.

At the same time, Xiang Jing also owed a lot of favor.

But these are nothing. Xiang Jing only needs a little time to develop. After his rise, then this ancient world is not for him to be free.

"Qin Tian, ​​Yu Wenyu, Gu Haoran, Gu Haoyang, Yun Xi, you follow Mr. Kuang, and he will take you to where you live and familiarize yourself with the school environment."

Si Feipeng looked at Xiang Jing and said, "Deacon Xiang, please come with me. I will take you to the library."


Xiang Jing arched his hand at Si Feipeng, and told Qin Tian in his mind that they could study and practice at ease, and tell him what to do in the first place.

Before Xiang Jing flew up, he copied a copy of Starnet's program. At this time, the communication came in handy.

For example, these ancient world powerhouses have thousands of miles of sound transmission, and they have high technology.

The mountain gate opened, and Xiang Jing and his five apprentices stepped into the first Apocalypse Academy in the Xia Kingdom, starting a new life.

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