Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 421: : Accident

Anyway, a year's time is a closed-door effort for the cultivator.

After leaving the bank, Xiang Jing walked directly towards Tianqi Academy. The matter here has been resolved, and the next step is to concentrate on training in Tianqi Academy.

A few days later, Qin Tian entered the inner courtyard to study, and Xiang Jing specially cooked for a sumptuous dinner.

Ten days later, Xiang Jing successfully erected a third abutment in his body, which was a yellow abutment as he expected.

At the same time, Xiang Jing's strength increased by a large margin, and he successfully entered the middle stage of foundation building.

Feeling a significant increase in his body strength, Xiang Jing clenched his fists, feeling refreshed.

According to this progress, in a year or so, I should be able to reach the realm of foundation-building Dzogchen, and I still feel a little excited when I think about it.

"Master is coming soon, something has happened!"

That day, Xiang Jing had just cleaned the library of the library, and Yun Xi's anxious shouts were heard in his ears.

Xiang Jing's heart jumped and he quickly went to the small courtyard where they lived.

From a distance, Xiang Jing saw the campus gate collapsed, the wall collapsed, and fighting sounded inside.

Xiang Jing frowned and rushed into the small courtyard in the blink of an eye. He saw the Gu brothers lying on the ground, Yun Xi cried and squatted beside them, Yu Wenyu leaning against a tree with a pale face.

"What's the matter?" Xiang Jing's heart burst into flames.

Yun Xi wiped her tears and said intermittently, "Senior Brother Qin came back to see us today. Not long after we arrived, a few people who claimed to be the inner court came. They said that Senior Brother Qin had leaked the martial arts of the inner court and wanted to take Senior Brother Qin back for interrogation. , Brother Qin argued with them a few words, and the fight broke out. Senior Brother Yuwen and Senior Brother Gu helped, but those people were all masters in the foundation-building period."

Yun Xi couldn't go on talking as she talked, and there was no need to say more about the results later, the facts were plain before her.

Xiang Jing took a deep breath, then cured Yu Wenyu and the Gu family brothers with a pill, and told them not to walk around. After leaving the small courtyard, Xiang Jing went back to the library.

Finding Qi Lao at the concierge, Xiang Jing directly took out twenty bottles of good wine.

Qi Lao, who was dozing off, stood up in a spirited spirit, and stared at the twenty bottles of Maotai in Xiang Jing's hand.

But immediately, Elder Qi felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and looked at Xiang Jing and found that he was a little different in the usual way, and his expression was indifferent, and there was anger that could not be hidden deep in his eyes.

Elder Qi lay down again and said, "Xiang Sheng, what do you want my old man to help?"

Xiang Jing said, "I borrowed the general documents from the Qi Lao Inner Courtyard."

After getting along for more than two months, Xiang Jing found that Qi Lao's position in this Apocalypse Academy was very unusual.

The old ghost is an honorary professor in Apocalypse Academy, and Violet is a first-class teacher in the inner courtyard. The status of these two is the top existence in Apocalypse Academy.

However, it was these two people who didn't dare to make trouble when they met Mr. Qi. The old ghost was able to confuse himself occasionally. Every time Violet saw him, he was a respectful salute.

How could it be simple for these two people to be treated like this? There must be a common clerk for this inner courtyard.

Old Qi opened one eye and looked at Xiang Jing and asked, "What do you want that thing for?"

Hearing what Qi Lao said, Xiang Jing was sure that he had a passbook.

Xiang Jing did not conceal anything, and told Qi Lao what had happened in the small courtyard, "Please also Qi Lao help me, and I will return it in double the next day."

Old Qi smashed his mouth twice and said, "I don't care, but you, a deacon of Cangshuge, if you enter the inner courtyard privately, something will happen."

Xiang Jing bowed his hand and said, "I have to come forward for this matter, and I will bear the consequences alone."

Old Qi touched his chin, then threw a piece of jade slip and said, "Go early and return early."

Xiang Jing took the jade slip, put down twenty bottles of good wine, turned around and left quickly.

After Xiang Jing left, Qi Lao smiled and held twenty bottles of wine, as if he was holding a baby.

He watched Xiang Jing's departure and muttered, "It took more than two months from the early stage to the middle stage of the foundation building. Although he is a little older, he is still a bit talented."

Old Qi opened the wine bottle, took a deep sip of the wine, nodded and said, "For the sake of your sincerity, I can help you."

In fact, what Qi Lao thought in his heart was that Xiang Jing didn't know how many good wines there were. If he was kicked out of Tianqi Academy because of this, he wouldn't be out of wine in the future.

First Qi Lao drank a glass of wine, and while drinking, he raised his hand to draw something in the air, and then with a big wave of his hand, a vivid paper crane appeared, flapped its wings and flew away from the concierge.

"Old ghost, the little guy who competed with you in cooking is a bit troublesome. Now he has gone to the inner courtyard. You go and help him."

Old Qi drank the wine as if talking to himself.

Qi Lao's voice suddenly rang in the ears of the old ghost who was studying new dishes in his residence, so that the hand pillows that had been concentrating on adjusting the condiments, and then a pot of peculiar dishes were destroyed.

"Fuck! Old thing! I'm not finished with you!"

The old ghost almost lifted the table, and after calming down, he snorted and strode towards the inner courtyard.

In fact, with the seniority of the old ghost, he should have lived in the inner courtyard, but since he studied a dish and almost exploded the inner courtyard, the dean ordered him to move to the outer courtyard, but the treatment in all aspects was the same as before.

Xiang Jing, who had obtained the general documents, quickly walked towards the inner courtyard, holding the jade slip with the engraving of the apocalypse in his hand.

The so-called inner courtyard was built on a mountain in the outer courtyard of the Apocalypse Academy. It was blocked by an enchantment formation outside. No one could enter except those who could travel with related documents.

Xiang Jing came to the foot of this mountain and looked up. The mist inside was hazy, which really meant a bit of a fairyland.

Holding the jade slip in his hand, Xiang Jing walked directly up the mountain, feeling a trace of pressure on his body, and then disappeared.

One step out, he has already entered the inner courtyard of the Apocalypse Academy, and the barrier just passed.

Xiang Jing, who has done some research on the enchantment formation, knows the strength of the formation. If he rushes through it, there will only be one result-death.

After entering the inner courtyard, Xiang Jing quickly climbed the steps and headed towards the inner courtyard.

The inner courtyard is built on this mountain, and the entire top of the mountain has been flattened to make various buildings, so the inner courtyard disciples are there for daily life and study.

Xiang Jing calculated based on time that Qin Tian should have been taken to the inner courtyard, and now he is finding where others are.

Inner courtyard Xiang Jing was born unfamiliar, and it was the first time he came. He did not answer the communication call, so it was very difficult to find Qin Tian.

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