Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 427: : One-time time accelerator

General Peng was also slightly moved after hearing this. As a border general, he naturally knew the strength of Qi Yunzhai, and Yin Zhuxue had no reason to lie to him.

"Miss wants to use him for her own use?" General Peng asked speculatively.

A cultivator who can slay the peak strength of foundation building with the realm of the middle stage of foundation building is terrifying.

The ancient immortal cultivation system is extremely rigorous. A gap between a small realm is a hurdle, let alone two levels higher, even higher levels of killing are terrible.

And Xiang Jing has passed the first level, but he has also crossed two levels, and the battle is resolved by means of quick kills.

It was also this point that Yin Zhuxue took a fancy to, and General Peng understood as Yin Zhuxue's identity, why he had to take the initiative to talk to an unknown person.

The savior is just an excuse, mainly because he has taken a fancy to Xiang Jing's skill and strength and wants to use it for himself.

This kind of person who can leapfrog kills, cultivate well, and in the future will be invincible in the same realm, and there is no solution to leapfrog killing.

It's a pity that Xiang Jing doesn't play cards according to the routine at all, and there will be a period of time before he speaks.

General Peng, who understood Yin Zhuxue's thoughts, arched his hands and said, "The last general will lead."

Then he changed into light clothes and swiftly followed Xiang Jing's departure direction.

"Is it necessary?" Yin Chengye asked, looking at the direction General Peng was leaving.

Yin Zhuxue nodded, "Father's enemies in the court have begun to move around. Father can't protect us all the time, so we have to rely on ourselves and try to reduce the burden on our father."

"I understand." Yin Chengye nodded, taking this incident as an example. Fortunately, it was a bandit. If their father did it to the enemy in the hall, the consequences would be disastrous.

When General Peng left, Yin Zhuxue directly ordered to camp in place.

Although this Qiyun Village was bloodbathed by Xiang Jing, it was still useful to clean up the temporary residence of Dangdang.

Walking through the mountains and forests, Xiang Jing returned towards Taoism. He first arrived in Shang Country, but by accident, he saved the children of Shang Country's great figures. According to the development of the plot, he can use their power to let himself and others enter the Shang Country safely. Territory.

However, if Xiang Jing took the initiative, he would lose the initiative, so he chose to let them take the initiative.

Xiang Jing admitted that he had a blocking element in it, but he believed in his own judgment. Judging from the attitude that Yin Zhuxue had just arrived, he would not let him leave easily.

Regardless of whether it is mutual use or whatever, as long as the initial trust can be obtained, Xiang Jing will be a lot smoother in Daxia.

Walking through the woods with Yun Xi on his back, Xiang Jing glanced back inadvertently, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

He was right. Yin Zhuxue sent someone to follow. Although General Peng was good, his tracking skills were decent.

However, Xiang Jing was already proficient in reconnaissance, anti-reconnaissance, tracking, and anti-tracking. Even if General Peng was careful not to reveal any flaws, he still discovered it.

Xiang Jing didn't say anything. If he continued to move towards the Taoist temple without incident, he returned to the Taoist temple before long, and Yun Xi on his back woke up.

As soon as she woke up, she cried with Xiang Jingwa in her arms, and Xiang Jing patted her on the back as much as possible to soothe her emotions.

The incident this time will have an impact on Yun Xi's body and mind, and she can only step out of the shadows slowly by herself.

After calming their emotions, the voice of the system rang in their minds.

"Ding, the task is complete: reward energy crystal × 30, one-time time accelerator × 1, air fire × 1."

"Ding, the host has gathered the fire in the wood, fire in the stone, and fire in the air. Does it synthesize the real fire of Samadhi?"


"Ding, start synthesizing, and the synthesizing is complete, and the samādhi real fire has successfully merged."

Xiang Jing took a deep breath, his fingertips stretched out, and a ball of flame appeared on his fingers.

At first glance, this group of flames is no different from ordinary flames, but when you look carefully, you will find that it contains extremely powerful and violent energy. Once released, its power is hundreds of times more powerful than the three separate flames.

It is worthy of the legendary flame. With the real fire of Samadhi, Xiang Jing has one more hole card.

This time the bandit incident made Xiang Jing realize that their strength was still too weak, but in terms of their physique, the strength of eighty oxen was already the limit, and any forced improvement would only have a counterproductive effect.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Xiang Jing decided to dive in the mountains and forests, concentrate on cultivating, and improve his strength, while patiently teaching his several apprentices.

Xiang Jing thought so, and did so. In the following time, in addition to his daily practice, he focused on the development of the specialties of five apprentices and the teaching of martial arts.

Xiang Jing discovered that Qin Tian's abilities in all aspects are relatively comprehensive, and belong to the type that can be fully developed. Yu Wenyu has a high combat talent and can be cultivated in this area.

Yun Xi's fighting talent is average, and her cultivation is not bad, but what Xiang Jing didn't expect was that she learned cooking the fastest.

But it doesn't matter, as long as they like it, Xiang Jingjing is willing to teach.

Gu Haoran usually speaks less and seems a little insensitive, but he is reliable in doing things. He can basically do everything Xiang Jing asks him to do.

Gu Haoyang is a bit more clever and more flexible. It can be said that the two brothers are exactly opposite in character.

According to each of them, Xiang Jing chooses different methods of training and teaches students in accordance with their aptitude.

This is also the only treatment that the five apprentices he personally received at the beginning. When there are more people in Kaishanli, Xiang Jing will ignore this.

During this period, he used a one-time accelerator to retreat and practice, and in three days, he directly erected half of the fifth abutment.

This one-time accelerator is taken out as something similar to a tent, but the texture is very strange, and the one-time maintenance time is three days.

Xiang Jing roughly figured it out, this one-time accelerator, the acceleration time ratio is about 1:10.

In other words, three days have passed outside, and Xiang Jing has actually practiced in this tent for thirty days.

Xiang Jing asked Yuan whether this time accelerator is permanent. If there is one, it will be more effective in practicing. Letting his apprentices in can not only increase their strength, but also accelerate their physical growth. You can also let them start cultivating immortals quickly.

After all, the flow of time inside the time accelerator is different from the outside.

The source only said one sentence, "The system store is only the host can't think of, and there are no things that the store does not have, so the host only needs to work hard to refresh the store, and he will have whatever he wants."

Xiang Jing curled his lips after hearing this. If Nengjing is so profitable, he doesn't have to plan so carefully.

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