Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 442: : Ancient Zongmen

Wu Xin said, "Sister, I am a new disciple of the Sect Master. My name is Wu Xin. From now on we will be the same."

Looking at Wu Xin's sincere and lovely smile, Yin Zhuxue also smiled and said, "Sister Wu, you go first, we will come later."

Wu Xin nodded and happily went to the hall for dinner.

Yin Zhuxue and Yin Chengye sorted out their moods, and then went to the hall.

They were convinced that in the afternoon, Xiang Jing did use a certain secret method to increase their strength. Although the process was painful, the increase in strength was real, and they had checked that there were no hidden dangers or side effects.

This is very powerful, and the strength can be improved by bearing the pain, which is what anyone wants.

Sometimes a person is stuck in the same realm, and it is difficult to make progress for months or even years. Now that you can make such a direct improvement, I am afraid that people who know will rush to find Xiang Jing.

Yin Zhuxue and Yin Chengye have directly increased the power of four cows, and they are the most direct experience.

When they came to the hall, Xiang Jing, including Qin Tian, ​​were all there. They were originally cultivating in the time secret realm, and they were called out by Xiang Jing.

Today is the first gathering of ten disciples, and they must all know each other.

For this reason, Xiang Jing specially cooked some good dishes personally. Of course, the girl Yun Xi would not let go of such a good opportunity and made a lot of delicious dishes.

A round table was placed in the middle of the hall, Xiang Jing sat on the main seat, and to the left were ten disciples including Qin Tianyu and Wenyu.

Xiang Jing took out a good collection of Moutai. This bottle is dozens of times better than the ones that Xiang Jing gave to Qi Lao in terms of taste and quality. It is usually stored. Today I am very happy. take it out.

However, Xiang Jing prepared this bottle of wine for himself. These disciples are still children. Except for Yin Chengye, who is already an adult, the others are still growing their bodies and are not suitable for drinking.

However, Xiang Jing specially brought out the beverages that must appear at the banquets on the earth. The wine is not good, but the beverages still want to drink as much as possible.

Xiang Jing raised his glass and said, "I am very happy today. You can be with me and reinvigorate Xiaoyao Zong with me. I hope that after ten, centuries or even thousands of years, you will still have a meal and drink with you like today. Order wine and chat."

I wanted to finish drinking and drank a glass of Chinese wine. Then he picked up his chopsticks and said, "Eat dishes and eat dishes, don’t give me the whole set of empty heads and brains, I won’t say it, you guys eat first, come and taste this seat and the cloud Which Xi’s craft is better?"

Qin Tian didn't hesitate, picked up the chopsticks and placed a braised lion head in his mouth. Then he gave a thumbs up and said, "Well, it's delicious, it's so delicious."

When the other disciples saw that the senior brother had moved their chopsticks, they didn't have any pretense, and they all picked up the chopsticks to eat.

"This chili-fried pork is a bit spicier than usual, and it must have been made by Sister Yun."

Yu Wenyu took a bite of fried pork with chili and said while breathing.

"Then Brother Yuwen, is it delicious or not?" Yun Xi said while looking at Yu Wenyu with a smile.

Yu Wenyu took a sip of Coke and said smoothly, "It's cool, delicious, it's even better than the master's made."

Yun Xi satisfactorily retracted the soft hand on Yu Wenyu's waist.

Looking at the noisy and cheerful scene in front of him, Xiang Jing felt very comfortable, as if he was lying in a hot spring, warm.

Bei had money and used both hands together, eating and drinking, and said vaguely, "It's delicious, it's so delicious, I've never eaten something so delicious."

Bei Youqian was born into a wealthy family. Since he was a child, he has always been short of the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, and all kinds of delicious food under the world, otherwise he can't support such a rich figure at a young age.

However, he is used to eating all kinds of delicacies. After eating the meals cooked by Xiang Jing and Yun Xi, he can no longer extricate himself. In addition to practicing every day, he is going to cook Yun Xi for him.

He didn't dare to pester Xiang Jing. For the first time, he pestered Xiang Jing and asked him to run ten laps around the top of the mountain to make a boiled cabbage. From then on, Bei had money and never dared to ask Xiang Jing to make it. I ate.

However, like today, Xiang Jing and Yun Xi both cooked their specialty dishes. This was so happy that Bei had money and couldn't open his eyes.

"Junior brother, eat slowly, no one will grab you." Geertu said the most hurt, and the movement in his hand and the speed of chewing in his mouth were no slower than Bei Qiang.

When he was born in the north, he had the most snacks from beef, mutton and animal meat, like the various delicacies in the south, and he ate very little. After entering the Xiaoyao School, he opened the door to a new world.

Yin Zhuxue and Yin Chengye, who arrived late, had a special feeling in their hearts when they saw this scene.

Born in Xiangfu, they have to receive various etiquette and culture educations, learn a variety of knowledge, martial arts, and social demeanor.

When eating, sometimes it takes a long time to respond to a sentence from others, and sometimes it feels very tired, but there is no way, who makes them the children of the prime minister of today's big business country.

Like today, the scene of everyone being unrestrained, speaking freely, and drinking happily. They had imagined it before and thought it was out of reach, but they did not expect it to be realized.

"Hey, Brother Yin, let's drink one."

Bei Youqian said to Yin Chengye, holding the drumstick in one hand and the cup full of Coke in the other.

Yin Chengye was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and raised his cup and said the word "drink" as he raised his head and ate a glass of Coke.

It tasted like drinking Erguotou.

Xiang Jing looked at these children quietly, imagining that they would grow up step by step in the future, and the sect would also develop step by step to the right track. Just thinking of the scene, Xiang Jing couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart.

After drinking for three rounds and cleaning the battlefield, they all went back to rest.

Xiang Jing carried the remaining half bottle of Maotai, and sat alone on the roof of the hall, looking up at the stars, his thoughts drifting away.

"The scenery above is good," Xiang Jing said suddenly.

Qin Tian, ​​who was at the entrance of the main hall below, jumped up and came to the roof to salute "Sect Master."

Xiang Jing raised the bottle in his hand, "Drink something?"

When Qin Tian didn't speak, Xiang Jing smiled and threw the bottle over.

Qin Tian took it, and after hesitating for a while, he raised his head and took a sip of wine.

After all, the young man had never drunk alcohol before, and strong alcohol entered his throat.

Qin Tian walked to Xiang Jing and sat down, looking up at the starry sky like him.

Xiang Jing looked at Qin Tian and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Qin Tian took another sip of wine, coughed twice and said, "Home."

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