Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 451: : Golden Core Period

After talking about the main business, I then simply chatted and chatted, and it was time for dinner.

Duan Jian'an hosted a banquet in the Yipin Building of Huanongcheng, hosting Xiang Jing and taking care of him, which was equivalent to giving a teacher banquet for two children.

At the banquet, several people pushed their cups and changed their cups, chatting and laughing, and it was very lively. Duan Jianan and Shen Wei were drunk.

After eating and drinking, he refused their invitation and Xiang Jing opened a room in the Yipin Building, but he didn't refuse in terms of room fees. Anyway, these two grandpas had rich wealth and didn't care about such a small amount of money.

Early the next morning, Duan Jian'an prepared the medicinal materials that Xiang Jing needed. The entire ten carts were all medicinal materials needed for refining the Spirit Pill.

Xiang Jing learned from Duan Jian'an that these medicinal materials are very cheap, which is the more common one.

After Xiang Jing received the medicinal materials, he did not rush back to the sect, but wondered whether to recruit an alchemist in this Huanong City.

After all, he has all kinds of medicinal materials, but he doesn't know how to refine it himself. Buying it back and no one refines it is the same as buying a pile of waste products.

When looking for alchemists, Xiang Jing asked Duan Jian'an and Shen Wei. According to them, there is a Jishitang in the center of Huanong City, and there are often alchemists, Xiang Jing can go there to try his luck.

Xiang Jingyiyan went to Jishitang and came to this five-story building. Watching the people coming and going at the door, there was a faint fragrance of medicine wafting out, which shows that the Jishitang is indeed strong. capital.

Xiang Jing thought for a while, and set up a position directly at the entrance of Jishitang, with a sign next to it, which read "Recruit an alchemist, with good treatment."

As soon as this sign was put out, it immediately attracted a lot of crowd watching.

Someone asked, "Your Excellency, who are you helping to recruit alchemists?"

Xiang Jing said, "Qiyunshan Xiaoyao Sect."

"Qi Yunshan Xiaoyao Sect?" The man shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

The onlookers heard that it was a sect that hadn't heard of it at all, and most of it disappeared at once, and the rest were basically idle and bored watching the excitement.

Xiang Jing was not in a hurry, and waited quietly. He believed that there would always be blind people, oh no, he was fooled by the eyes and beads.

As a result, one day passed without any gain.

The next day passed, and no alchemist was still recruited.

Not to mention the alchemist, there is no one like an alchemist, all the people who eat melons.

After three days in a row, even Ji Shitang's buddies knew Xiang Jing, but still did not recruit an alchemist.

Ji Shitang’s buddies told Xiang Jing not to wait. During this time, alchemists from the entire ancient world had basically attended the alchemy ceremony, even in Huanong City.

The Alchemy Ceremony is the industry of ancient alchemists. It has been handed down since ancient times. At the beginning of the ceremony, alchemists from the entire ancient world will participate in the competition to compete on the art of alchemy and their insights and opinions on the pill. I hope to become famous in the ceremony. , From then on to the peak of life.

After Xiang Jing heard this, his whole body was not good. Feelings have been waiting for so many days.

This is not to blame Duan Jian'an. After all, one is engaged in medicinal materials and the other is an escort. Although they are in Huanong City, they don't know much about these things.

It's like each circle has its own culture.

Xiang Jing didn't mean to blame them either. He went back to clean up and salute, said goodbye to Duan Jian'an and Shen Wei, and prepared to get up and return to the sect.

Duan Jiuming and Shen Shiqi also followed Xiang Jing. This is what they meant by Lao Tzu, and their future is important if family affairs are taken care of.

However, just as they were about to leave Huanong City, the entire sky above Huanong City was suddenly covered by a cloud. The cloud came suddenly and gave people a very depressive feeling.

Huanong Chen's people all looked up, wondering what was going to happen.

Then, under the clouds in the sky, an old man in a black robe appeared in the sight of everyone.

His breath is extremely powerful, and there are bursts of black aura on his body.

His appearance, like a big mountain, pressed over the entire Huanong City, making people breathless.

Xiang Jing also looked up at the black-robed old man, frowning slightly. This old man was very strong, better than any immortal cultivator he had ever seen, and was afraid that he had already broken through the foundation building and entered the Golden Core stage.

Moreover, seeing his gloomy aura and black aura lingering on his body, it was obviously an evil cultivation, that is, the so-called evil evil way.

"Where is the kid who built the five bases not long ago?"

The black-robed old man kept patrolling the city and finally spoke.

His voice was like Hong Zhong Dalu, deafening, spreading throughout Huanong City, and some of the weaker ones directly fainted.

"Zuo Laoxie"

Suddenly, in Huanong City, a figure flew high into the sky, facing Zuo Laoxie.

The appearance of the coming person in his forties, the face of the Chinese character, the big eyebrows and the big eyes, gave people a sense of anger and prestige. His appearance made the pressure of oppression over Huanong City much less.

"It's another golden core stage" Seeing this man, Xiang Jing immediately judged that his cultivation level was also in the golden core stage, not weaker than that of Zuo Laoxie.

"Zhu Yan," Zuo Laoxie squinted at the middle-aged man and said, "I didn't come to fight you today."

"If you go, don't fight," Zhu Yan said in a strong tone. "This is Huanong City, the boundary of the Great Merchant Nation, not your ghost valley."

"Then I want to find that person today?" Zuo Lao Xieyin said with a smile.

"Then I can only fight you back." Zhu Yan said, with flames emerging from his body, making him look like a fire god.

"Hmph, let's try." Zuo Laoxie snorted coldly, his body blackened even more.

"Wait for two, why don't you take me with you if you have fun."

Just as the battle between the two Golden Core Stages was about to start, a lazy voice came from not far away.

Then I saw a young man with a disheveled hair, stepping on a fairy sword, and staying between the two.

The visitor lifted the hair in front of him, glanced at Zuo Laoxie and said, "Zuo Laoxie, do you want to try with me?"

Seeing the visitor, Zuo Lao Xie said with a condensed expression, "Pure Yang Jianzong Li Yixin."

"It's right down" Li Yixin nodded, Mimi smiled and looked at Zuo Laoxie, then pointed at Zuo Laoxie and raised her finger to Zuo Laoxie.

Zuo Laoxie's pupils searched for a while, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then only heard a soft noise from far away, and Zuo Laoxie's angry roar, "Li Yixin, this enmity is written down in the ghost valley."

Li Yixin retracted his hand and curled his lips and said, "It's a bit too far, it won't be so easy to hide next time."

"Friend Li Daoist" Zhu Yan stepped forward and greeted Li Yixin and asked, "Friend Daoist Li came here for the person who built the five bases?"

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