Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 455: : The rules of entry

This group of people estimated that they wanted to forcefully break into Qi Yunshan, but they didn't know that Xiang Jing had already opened the flame formation before he left.

They are just mortal wombs, so how can they stand up to the flames of the real fire of Samadhi, it is not bad that they are not burned to ashes.

"The Xiaoyao Sect has the courage to come out to me, what kind of ability to hide in the formation!"

In front of the Blood Fiend Sect, an old man angrily roared towards the mountain.

Xiang Jing pretended to be a passerby, walked up to grab a disciple of the Blood Evil Sect, and curiously asked, "My friend, what are you doing?"

The disciple of the Blood Fiend Sect was also full of anger, looking at Xiang Jing in an unkind tone and saying, "Bill."

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows, then jumped to the front of the crowd, and said loudly, "Xiaoyao Sect Master Xiang Jing is here!"

Standing in front of dozens of people in the blood evil sect, with his back leaning on the mountain gate, Xiang Jing stood proudly with his hands behind him and said, "Why do you wait for the evil sect to come to my Xiaoyao Sect?"

The leader of the blood evil sect elder shouted angrily, "Xiang Jing! You robbed my blood evil sect opportunity and dared to hurt my blood evil sect disciple. You must pay the price today."

The old **** Xiang Jing said, "You evil sect still cares about this? It's not cheap."

"Humph," the elder of the Blood Fiend Sect snorted coldly, "I will let you see today, the Blood Fiend Sect is powerful."

"Heaven Demon Blood Fiend!" I saw the blood evil sect elder screamed, his body surged, and he saw blood-red rays of light gushing from his body, and then attacked towards Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing raised his hand with a golden yang finger, pierced the blood light directly, and shot at the elder of the blood evil sect.

"Building the pinnacle!" The blood evil sect elder was shocked, and tried his best to roll around a lazy donkey, avoiding this golden sun finger.

However, the blood evil sect disciple behind him was not so lucky, and was directly penetrated through his head.

The elder of the blood evil sect stood up with a gray head and looked at Xiang Jing with dread, but still said arrogantly, "Huh, Xiang Jing, you wait for me, today's hatred, I have written down the blood evil sect."

The elder of the blood evil sect finished speaking with a group of disciples of the blood evil sect, and ran away.

Xiang Jing waved his hand and said, "Welcome to come again."

Xiang Jing will not kill them for the time being for this kind of power used to brush side missions. The routine of playing small and old is very applicable here, and they have to squeeze their utilization value severely.

"Ding, the task is completed: reward energy crystal × 10, sect skill fragment × 1, the strongest realm transformation fluid × 1."

After the mission was completed, Xiang Jing returned to the sect, Qin Tian and the others were still practicing in the time secret realm, while the stationed Yun Xi was studying the recipe.

It seemed that he didn't know what was happening outside, and Xiang Jing told them not to go indiscriminately before leaving, and the Huoyan Array had a sound insulation function, which was normal.

After returning to the sect, Xiang Jing rubbed his hands, and it was time to open the random sect building. This time he could open two of them at once. Xiang Jing was still looking forward to it.

Open one first, Xiang Jing takes out a random sect building and clicks on it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the sect building: Tianshu Pavilion."

The Tianshu Pavilion is obviously a place for storing spiritual skills and exercises books and the like, and its function is similar to the library.

Xiang Jing thought about it, and placed the Tianshu Pavilion on the right side of the main hall. Anyway, there are a lot of empty places on the mountain.

There are five floors in the Tianshu Pavilion, and there is a strict order of grades. The first floor can only display books about general martial arts and physical training.

Starting from the second level, there is the imperial level, and then the mysterious level, then the earth level, and finally the sky level.

Xiang Jing tried to place the exercises of different ranks randomly, but disappeared as soon as he let go, and then appeared on the floor where he should have appeared.

Xiang Jing threw all the books copied from the Tianqi Academy into the Tianshu Pavilion for the disciples to learn from.

However, it also stipulates that before there is no corresponding strength, it is forbidden to learn spiritual skills that exceed one's own ability.

Putting all the books in one mind, the whole Tianshu Pavilion was still empty.

Xiang Jing wondered if he wanted to find a way, where to get some martial arts and spiritual skills, to fill the collection, otherwise it would feel like an empty shelf.

I have seen a few good spiritual skills in the system store before, but unfortunately there is no Crystal, and the grade is relatively high, otherwise you can buy it for practice.

Xiang Jing shook his head, let's talk about this later, it is best to get it naturally, or Xiang Jing can sneak into a superpower's Buddhist scripture pavilion, and then copy all of them one by one.

Of course Xiang Jing just thought about it, after all, super powers are not so easy to get in.

There is also a random sect building. Xiang Jing washed the handle and opened it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the Zongmen Building: Zongmen Gate."

"Ding, the host gets the Zongmen Mountain Gate and Zongmen Gate, and unlocks the hidden reward: the entry rule."


Xiang Jing's eyes lit up and he rubbed his hands, first at the sect gate.

The sect gate is different from the mountain gate. The mountain gate is the gate and the gate is the face.

Xiang Jing directly arranged it at the end of the steps up the mountain, just like magic. At the edge of the mountain, there was suddenly a towering red lacquer gate, straight into the sky, carved with beasts, carved beams and embroidered pillars. Majestic, just looking at it is awe-inspiring.

Immediately on both sides of the gate, two rows of towering walls were extended, enclosing the entire mountain peak.

When Xiang Jing watched all this happen, his excitement was overwhelming. When he has time, he must study the layout of the sect and thoroughly reveal the majestic atmosphere of these buildings.

There is also an entry rule. Yuan told Xiang Jing that the so-called entry rule is a rule that can be formulated on the way from Zongmen Mountain Gate to Zongmen Gate, such as prohibiting the use of spiritual power, prohibiting flying, or one hundred times the pressure. Category.

Xiang Jing thought for a while and decided to set it to prohibit the use of spiritual power.

"Ding, the entry rule setting: prohibit the use of all spiritual power. Once confirmed, it cannot be changed. Are you sure?"


Xiang Jing definitely chose. He considered that if he offends a strong opponent in the future, he will be drawn to Zongmen Mountain Road. On this mountain road, all beings are equal. If you dare to come, I dare to fight. Your mother doesn't even know you.

This can also be regarded as a hole card of Zongmen.

Of course, Xiang Jing can also control it at ordinary times to hide the power of the law and use spiritual power on the mountain road.

However, Xiang Jing can only control the switch. Once the power of the law is triggered, he can't use spiritual power himself.

After finishing these arrangements, Xiang Jingfei went up to the towering mountain gate and looked inside the sect, thinking about the large number of buildings lined up here in the future, and the scenes of a group of disciples practicing on the martial arts field.

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