Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 467: :The symbol of crossing the border during the foundation building

Another person in the early days of the Golden Core said, "Xiang Jing, since ancient times, the blessed land and the secret realm of chance have been inhabited by the capable. If you don't want the blood to be splashed with the Xiaoyao Sect today, you should hand over the blessed sky and the indomitable pill Today, you will die without a burial place."


Xiang Jing Yangtian laughed and said, "Don't you think it is funny to say this? This sect was established by this seat, and this pill is also obtained by this seat. But you can take it in one bite. You have seen shameless people. , I have never seen you so shameless, and I don’t bother to talk nonsense with you. If you want, come and get it!"

Xiang Jing didn't push them too much, anyway, the characters were almost the same, but a group of self-proclaimed and upright robbers and hypocrites were not much better than the evil sect group of villains.

It just so happened that he also wanted to try, how strong this guardian **** is under his full strength.

Under Xiang Jing's instructions, the guardian **** statue began to move again.

The speed is so fast that you can't see clearly, the power of building the foundation of Dzogchen, you can get it with one punch wherever you go, it is not too domineering.

However, after a few moves, the problem appeared. The guardian **** statue could only attack within the guardian formation, that is, within the scope of the sect. The attack range was limited. Once this group of people escaped far, they could not be hit.

Someone discovered this, and after calculating the safe distance, the encirclement was re-formed and confronted Xiang Jing away.

However, in just such a short time, the number of righteous and evil sect members who died under the guardian **** statue was no less than a few hundred, and many of them were strong men of the Jin Dan stage.

However, those who died were basically the joy of the early days of Jindan, and some of the brains basically retreated, letting the cannon fodder be sent to death, waiting for opportunities.

Seeing that the guardian **** was so overbearing, Xiang Jing was very satisfied, but the group of beatings couldn't find the immortal cultivators in the southeast, northwest.

Except for a small number of fast runners, most of the dead bodies were more or less injured.

But even so, they still did not retreat, because they had found the defect of the stone statue and could not leave the sect.

The stone statues are inseparable from the range of the sect, but they can attack from here to the formation. Although the speed will be a lot slower, they will always break when they are slowly worn.

Xiang Jing naturally knew this, so he summoned the stone statue back.

Someone yelled, "Xiang Jing, give you one last chance to hand over Qi Yunshan and Dan Fang, otherwise, when the battle is broken, it will be your day of despair!"

Xiang Jing looked at them with disdain, "If you have the ability to grab it, I have already written down the faces of you today, and I will return it a hundred times later!"

"Hmph, pay back a hundred times, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for that day!"

The crowd separated, and Zhuang's corpse appeared in the field of vision. He looked at Xiang Jing surreptitiously and said, "This stone statue is your last resort, but he can only protect you for a while, not your entire life. This formation is also However, the middle rank of the Profound Rank can be broken in just half a day. I will do it myself and see if you die."

"Old miscellaneous hair!" Xiang Jing looked at Zhuang Shi and said, "Is it true that you can't deal with this seat?"

"Oh? How about you deal with one and show me?" Zhuang Shiyin smiled and looked at Xiang Jing, trying to provoke him and force him to come out.

On the face of Xiang Jingming's quarrel with Zhuang's corpse, he couldn't talk about it. In fact, he had quietly opened the system store, without speaking, he just stared at the cross-border talisman during the foundation construction period.


Seems to hear Yuan's impatient and helpless voice

"Only this time, not as an example. Ding, the cross-border talisman during the foundation building period is successfully purchased, and 500 energy crystals are deducted. The host has 400 energy crystals. The items have been placed in the space ring. Please check."

Xiang Jing grinned, his confidence was immediately sufficient, and he looked at the group of immortal cultivators on the opposite side with full confidence.

Then he reached out his hand and pointed to Zhuang Shi and said, "Today, this is my seat? Take your old miscellaneous hairs.

After Xiang Jing finished speaking, he secretly smashed the cross-border talisman during the foundation building period. The next moment, his realm immediately went from the foundation building Dzogchen to the Jindan Dzogchen.

Feeling an unprecedented powerful force in his body, Xiang Jing moved his body twice, his bones crackling.

In the next moment, he stepped out of the guardian formation and appeared in the public eye.

Seeing Xiang Jing actually walked out of the guardian formation, Zhuang Shi grinned and said, "Those who want a chance, let's go together and block his way! Kill this kid!"

Zhuang Shi drew his head, and the group of immortal cultivators rushed towards Xiang Jing as if they had been beaten up with blood!

"act recklessly"

Xiang Jing looked at them indifferently, raising his hand to shoot out a series of golden sun fingers.

That scene was like a laser rain, which immediately penetrated through the bodies of many immortal cultivators, and fell on the ground like kites with broken wires.

However, this didn't have any effect, and there were still a large number of immortal cultivators vying to kill him.

Xiang Jing directly drew the Sword of Extinction and rushed into the crowd to kill.

A sword struck out, directly cutting off a piece of immortal cultivators, and cutting them directly in the middle!

"Boy Hugh is crazy!"

With a loud shout, a cultivator in the early stage of Jin Dan rushed out, taking a picture to Xiang Jing.

"Thunder Palm!"

Xiang Jing shouted, his left hand backhand greeted him with a palm.

Hearing only a thunder and explosion, the old man was directly slashed outside and tender inside. Before losing consciousness, he said in horror, "The Golden Core is great!"

Xiang Jing wiped his neck with a sword and turned around to kill the others again.

However, this group of people was not as brave as they were just now, one by one avoided without fighting, and kept shrinking back.

After hearing these five words Zhuji Dzogchen, no one with a little brain will go up to die.

What is the concept of Dzogchen Foundation? Yesterday to today, so many cultivators add up, but there are only a few cultivators of Dzogchen Foundation building.

And the immortal cultivators of Dzogchen wishing to kill them shouldn't be too simple.

Suddenly many people started to retreat.

However, Xiang Jing won't let them go so easily. If you dare to move my sect, I will let you stay here today.

With the speed and strength of absolute crushing, Xiang Jing pushed all the way, directly hitting a gap in the crowd, and corpses fell towards the ground every moment.

"Tigers and Dragons!"

With a roar, the Zhuang corpse who was about to turn around was set in place, and then he could only watch Xiang Jing's Nirvana Sword fall in horror, cutting off his head.

He was only two realms short of Jin Dan Dzogchen in the late Jin Dan, and Li Yixin at the peak of Jin Dan could abuse him, not to mention Xiang Jing at this time.

After solving a few leading Golden Core Stages, the rest of the immortal cultivators were directly killed by Xiang Jing, and one by one they tried to escape.

However, Xiang Jing was already red eyes at this time, and this group of people must die today.

Just as Xiang Jing was about to kill a young man in white with a sword, a strong wind suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped him.

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