Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 469: :safe and sound

Xiang Jing was a little surprised, and then asked, "has anyone come to find fault recently?"

Yu Wenyu shook his head and said, "No, the sect is very quiet recently."

Xiang Jing nodded and said, "That's good."

"Sect Master" Yun Xi took Xiang Jing's hand and said with tears, "Let us tell us about this in the future, don't carry it alone."

"Sect Master, the disciples are willing to coexist and die with the sect!"

The brothers Gu Haoran and Gu Haoyang said in unison, looking at Xiang Jing with firm eyes.

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "I can understand your feelings, but your main task now is to cultivate and not become strong. How can you help me, but I promise you that I will take you with you step by step. Go to the top."

Qin Tian and others nodded seriously, and went back to practice under Xiang Jing's supervision.

They were shocked by the changes in the sect, but they even wanted Xiang Jing to be safe.

Xiang Jing stood up, went outside the hall, and looked down the mountain.

There was no one under Qi Yun Mountain, and none of the fleeing sect forces who had been killed by Xiang Jing said they wanted revenge.

Even the Xuan-level sect Haoyue Sect did not move at all, as if nothing happened three days ago.

Xiang Jing pondered for a moment and shook his head. It doesn't matter if these sects come to take revenge or not, it is their business, and it has nothing to do with him.

Xiang Jing then took out the five random ancestor idol fragments, rubbed his hands, and opened them.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Monkey King fragment×5."

Hearing the sound of the system, Xiang Jingle's mouth almost couldn't close.

Monkey King, Monkey King, was once one of the favorite mythological characters in the hearts of Chinese people on earth. I didn't expect it to be this way for the first time, and it was the fragment of Monkey King.

However, it was five fragments away from the ancestor idol of the Great Sage Qitian, and it was hard to say that he would not get it next time.

So we still have to do more side missions and go out more.

Half a month passed unconsciously.

In the past two months, Xiang Jing didn't wait until any sect said he would come to avenge him.

However, the reputation of Qi Yunshan's Xiaoyao Zong Xiang Jing can be said to resound in the big business countries, and even the borders of neighboring countries have rumors about Xiang Jing.

This little-known sect, which has only been established for about half a year, has shown his tough side to the world.

Just ask the sect forces in Xinjian, who dared to chase a group of immortal cultivators with one sword at a time, it was incredible to think about it.

However, Xiang Jing did it, and also killed a grandson of the Supreme elder of the Xuan-level sect.

Everyone thought that this matter would not end so easily, after all, many of the forces that Xiang Jing offended were of the rank, and even the Haoyue Sect, who was a strong man in the Yuan Ying stage.

As a result, half a month passed, and when everyone was eagerly looking forward to the follow-up, those sects seemed to have nothing happened. They didn't put one fart, let alone seek revenge from Xiang Jing.

The human heart likes to guess, and the inaction of these sects reflects the mystery of Xiaoyao Sect.

A new sect killed so many of them, but in the past half a month there was no action at all.

Someone can't help but guess whether there is any extraordinary master behind this Xiaoyao Sect.

There are also people who speculate whether this Xiaoyao Sect is branched from the top powers.

After all, a new sect, the hilltop was built like a top sect in half a year, and the stone statue that is so strong that it is abnormal, and Xiang Jingming is the strength of the foundation building Dzogchen, but it can burst to rise to the Jindan Dzogchen. Strength.

Such unusual signs have forced people to have a lot of guesses and conjectures.

However, only these sects know the truth.

Especially the only Xuan-level sect Haoyuezong among the offending ranks.

When Haoyuezong Supreme Elder Jiang Qingtian learned that his grandson had died under the sword of Xiang Jing, he went straight away, and that day he would go to Xiaoyao Sect to kill Xiang Jing for revenge.

However, the appearance of one person directly placed the entire Haoyue Zongzhen in the sect.

At the same time, a person appeared in the other sects that Xiang Jing had offended, and suppressed the entire sect.

Among them, the lowest cultivation level is also in the Yuan Ying stage, and the strongest can't even see the depth.

Without everyone knowing, this crisis of Xiaoyao Sect was so easy to resolve.

Xiang Jing himself didn't know anything about it. Not only did those sects not come to avenge, but during this period, someone came to sign up to join the Xiaoyao sect.

There are also many strong people who come to the sect and want to join the sect. Among them, there are people with three religions and nine streams.

However, most of them are people who have offended those sects that Xiang Jing has offended.

They guessed that they also saw that those sects did not seem to dare to move the Xiaoyao Sect, so they came to seek shelter.

For these people who want to join the sect, Xiang Jing doesn't have a whole idea. For some murderers and arsonists, he even directly sent them on the road.

Although the sect is now spacious and urgently in need of manpower, this does not mean that Xiang Jing will lower the threshold, and some people who want to fill the number will be admitted.

For the disciples, Xiang Jing himself checked one by one, and for those who had already cultivated immortality or casual practice, Xiang Jing selected the best ones.

Within half a month, a total of 200 new disciples were recruited, and those who were casual cultivators received a dozen.

Among the ten people from all walks of life, there are teachers with a look of despair, the boss who once opened a restaurant, the accountant who manages the accounts in the big family, the painter who cannot understand painting, the calligrapher who writes ghosts and signs Herbal pharmacist, sickly doctor, blacksmith who wrought iron, was born in Fengyue place, a beggar who was dressed in tatters but insisted that he was an alchemist, and a gangster who looked like a rogue leader.

Among them, the strongest is the rogue leader, who has the strength of the middle Jindan.

Such strength is enough to live a life of worry-free and respectable life in a Huangjie sect.

However, when Xiang Jing learned that he had offended Haoyuezong, he understood the reason.

This group of people is not serious and unreliable, but they are magically gathered together by Xiang Jing.

After Xiang Jing asked them to fill out the form, they were placed on the peaks of each mountain, and if they had anything to ask, they would teach the disciples to practice.

More than two hundred disciples were newly recruited, which happened to be assigned to them.

For teaching students, the teacher is the most outstanding. The others seem to have little experience, but at least they have something to do.

To recruit this group of people into the sect, you don't need to think about Xiang Jing to know that it will definitely cause trouble, but Xiang Jing is not afraid of trouble, and if there is trouble, it means that there is a side task, and Zhengzhou has no trouble.

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