Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 475: : Baihuazong

Such as offensive combat, defensive combat, combat deployment, coordinated actions, combat command and so on.

Xiang Jing's explanation was like opening a new door to Qin Tian and the others, and all kinds of brand-new ideas were constantly instilled into their boys.

On the way, Xiang Jing would occasionally detour and choose some more dangerous places, and then let them conduct individual combat training and team combat training.

Theory is only theory, and corresponding practice must be paid to play the role of theory.

At first, the cooperation between several people was not so tacit, and mistakes were often made.

After Xiang Jing gave them a summary, and their own understanding, as well as the actual combat time after time, the tacit understanding between the several people has almost run in.

Xiang Jing thought, there is really no such thing as a combination formation, such as a sword formation, otherwise, if they are equipped with it, their strength will definitely increase.

"Ding, the host should quickly pay off the debt and think about it."

Before Xiang Jing didn't owe Nengjing, Yuan Tiantian tempted him to buy a new one. Now, tired of debts, he urges him to pay off the debt every day like the uncle.

The source of the changes made Xiang Jing have to sigh with emotion that the state of the world is cold and the feelings are warm and cold.

"You can pull it down"

Xiang Jing ignored Yuan and continued to move in the direction of Huiyin City.

When they arrived at Huiyin City, Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu broke through to the middle of the foundation construction.

Among this group of disciples, the two of them have the highest talents.

Yun Xi and the Gu family brothers were almost close, but they could make up for their weaknesses with diligence and worked hard to cultivate, and it would take a long time to catch up.

After entering Huiyin City, although the Hundred Sects Competition has not yet begun, many sects and various forces have settled in the city. While waiting for the start of the competition, it is also convenient for each other to inquire about news.

Xiang Jing took Qin Tian and the others to live in the first-grade building. They came early this time and found nothing similar to Liyang City.

But along the way, many people looked at them with a strange look.

To ask why, Xiang Jing and his six masters and apprentices were wearing all white robes, with the three characters of Xiaoyaozong written on their backs. It was hard not to attract attention.

During this time, Xiaoyao Sect was the hottest emerging power in Dashang.

However, the outsiders know very little about the Xiaoyao Sect. They only know that the sect master of that sect is a fierce man, not to mention those who chase thousands of immortals, those sects dare not retaliate.

Because of this, it was the first time that Xiaoyao Sect appeared in front of the world in such a fair manner, or it was the first time these people really started to pay attention to this sect, and could not help but arouse their attention.

For this, Xiang Jing was very calm, and he kept shouting for the side missions to come soon. He was so arrogant, why didn't those sects who had been offended by him come to do things.

In this way, until Xiang Jing entered the first-grade building, no one of the sect forces came to trouble him, but he took the initiative to leaned over, and the group of people couldn't avoid it, and he couldn't avoid it and shouted with a strong smile. , And then slipped away with various excuses.

Xiang Jing curled his lips and secretly said that it was boring, but he estimated that there was still hope for side missions, such as Haoyuezong, this profound-level sect with a strong Nascent Soul stage, and he would definitely not just let it go.

Although Xiang Jingjing couldn't figure out why they didn't retaliate until now, but in this Hundred Sects Grand Competition, the Haoyue Sect, who is a profound sect, would definitely come to participate.

Xiang Jing allowed Qin Tian and the others to move around freely, and they could buy whatever they wanted.

Then I sat alone in the Yipin Building, served a plate of peanuts and a jug of wine, and waited while eating. A group of people came to look at the door.

Those who saw Xiang Jing, although they did not know Xiang Jing, the three eye-catching characters of Xiaoyao Zong behind him indicated his identity.

Those people, like hiding from the plague god, walked upstairs when they came to the room.

Xiang Jing drank the wine and continued to wait, when suddenly he saw a few women in white clothes fluttering with a veil coming in.

When they came in, the system's voice followed in their minds.

"Ding, the side mission is released: to teach the disciples of the Hundred Flowers Sect who speak bad words."

"Mission completed: reward energy crystal × 10, strongest realm transformation fluid × 1, random ancestor idol fragments × 1."

"Mission failed: cancel all rewards."

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows and sat quietly on his seat.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the voices of several people from Baihuazong.

"Sister, isn't that person the Sect Master Xiaoyao I saw last time in Liyang City?"

"Yeah, it's really him, no matter how lingering this person is, you can touch him wherever you go."

"In the case of Qi Yunshan last time, he also killed several of our sect's juniors and sisters. It is really hateful!"

"Okay, let's go upstairs to put our luggage first." Senior Sister Xiao is still the leader. She glanced at Xiang Jing and said, "Master is still waiting for us to pass, don't delay."

"Yes, Master Sister."

They dare not disobey Xiao Lingqian's words. Although they resent and hate Xiang Jing, they still honestly go upstairs to put their luggage.

Xiang Jing glanced at them and said indifferently, "Snatching the chance, and the skill is not as good as people being killed, who is the blame?"

Xiang Jing's words were tantamount to the fuse, igniting not only the Baihuazong family, but also other sects who also ate on the first floor.

One by one, they immediately looked at Xiang Jing with anger, as if they were about to devour him.

Xiang Jing drank a sip of wine and said, "Why, is there something wrong with what this seat is talking about? If that day, I was defeated by the guardian sect and my Xiaoyao Sect was destroyed and destroyed, I would feel the slightest guilt. Since your fellow dare to move my Xiaoyao Sect, it deserves to be killed by this seat."

What Xiang Jing said is very reasonable, but how uncomfortable it is in these people's ears.

"Xiang Jing, what do you mean!"

A female disciple of the Hundred Flower Sect, the one who had a good relationship with Guan Linxiang last time, she glared at Xiang Jing and shouted.

Xiang Jing shrugged and said, "It means literally, but everyone who has no problem with personal ears can understand, and you disciples of the Hundred Flower Sect are so uneducated, this seat and your suzerain are the same generation, you are just a mere disciple. Dare to call your name directly?"

What Xiang Jing said is reasonable and well-founded, but there is a strong irony both inside and outside the words.

Ni Liren was about to explode, and she said without thinking about it, "You are not a sect of the Xiaoyao Sect, even if you are lucky and somewhat capable, my Hundred Flower Sect is the Huang-level Sect, how can you compare it!"

Xiang Jing glanced at Ni Li, and a strong breath came out of him.

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