Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 478: : With rhythm

Otherwise, it is terrible to say that people talk, just these people, you and me, will be enough for Baihuazong.

"Shut up, what do you know!"

When Xiao Lingqian was thinking about how to solve this matter, Ni Li couldn't restrain his anger and drank to the crowd next to him.

The corner of Xiang Jing's mouth rose slightly, and the pig teammates were about to perform, and they could start eating melons again.

"Why, your Hundred Flowers Sect's moral conduct is like this, so why don't you say it?"

In the crowd, I don't know who said something, which immediately angered Ni Li.

"Who said that? Stand up for me!" Xiao Lingqian did not hold Ni Li, she rushed out, shouting at the crowd like a wild beast.

Seeing Ni Li's attitude so arrogant, the others followed suit with sarcasm and abuse.

"That is, your Hundred Flowers Sect is not good enough by yourself, and you are so fierce, so you really think that Huiyin City is your Hundred Flower Sect?"

"I can see it clearly today. It turns out that the Hundred Flower Sect is nothing more than that. It's really superficial."

"This kind of sect is also worthy to participate in the Hundred Sects Competition. It really discourages us Huiyin City."


One after another sarcasm and verbal abuse surrounded Ni Li, making her only feel the world spinning, and there were voices in all directions.

"Enough! Shut me up!"

Ni Li roared, and burst out all of her cultivation base, she was about to sweep the crowd around with a sword.

"Junior Sister!"

At a critical moment, Xiao Lingqian grabbed Ni Li's raised hand and stopped her.

Xiao Lingqian was also irritable, but the most basic reason is that if Ni Li hurts these ordinary people here, it is likely to anger the local forces of Huiyincheng, and it will not be so easy to solve by then.

Xiang Jing hugged his arms and looked at the scene with a smile without saying a word. These were all in his expectation.

"Sect Master Xiang!" Faced with the constant sarcasm and verbal abuse all around, Xiao Lingqian looked directly at Xiang Jing and asked, "What do you want?"

Everyone looked at Xiang Jing, and temporarily stopped their verbal attacks on the disciples of Baihuazong.

Xiang Jing spread out his hands indifferently and said, "What do I want? I should ask you this sentence, what do you want?"

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "You have lost to this seat. If you are willing to bet to lose, you should follow the gambling agreement. Do you think this sentence is too much, or do you want to say that the implication is that this seat will give you a step down? Have you ever given this seat a step? First, the disciple attacked our sect, and the skill was not as good as the people who were killed by this seat. If you have the ability to avenge you, this seat will continue, but you are not able to stay on the side of the Yin and Yang strangeness, this seat did not say What, are you pretending to be your horse? It makes sense to think that all of you Hundred Flowers Sect are all women? Tell you, here in this seat, this set does not work well!"

What Xiang Jing said was loud and sound, justified and well-founded, and instantly prevailed.

Some words are seen through but not broken, and if they are said to be broken, it is really a complete tear.

For example, Xiang Jing is now ready to tear his face with Baihuazong. It is really funny to this group of people. It is like how wronged they are. Don't play if you can't lose.

Xiao Lingqian was speechless when Xiang Jing was talking, her body trembling uncontrollably because of the atmosphere.

Ni Li's face was flushed with the atmosphere, and she was really afraid that she would break through the blood and attack her heart and spew out a mouthful of old blood.

However, immediately afterwards, Ni Li suddenly cried out directly, pear blossoms with rain, as if she was wronged by the sky.

When Ni Li cried, the audience was quiet, and even those cynics stopped talking.

Xiang Jing raised her eyebrows. Ni Li seemed to be crying, but Xiang Jing wanted these people to think she was crying, otherwise the situation would not be good for him.

Xiang Jing's voice calmed down and said, "This seat is not an unreasonable person. If you apologize to this seat in good faith, then forget about it."

"But" Xiang Jing said with a change of tone, "If you want to use crying to get through and get sympathy, then don't blame me for not being human."

Xiang Jing's move was to advance and retreat, which seemed to give Ni Li a chance, but actually pointed out that she might be a fake cry.

And saying that would surely anger Ni Li again and cause her to run away.

Sure enough, Ni Li's crying voice twitched, and then looked up at Xiang Jing and said resentfully, "Xiang Jing, you are delusional, you despicable villain, I will not apologize to you even if I die."

Xiang Jing still speaks, and the onlookers first fight for him.

"The disciple of the Hundred Flower Sect really doesn't know good or bad, and he has no education."

"Yeah, Sect Master Xiang is so magnanimous. It was because they were wrong, and they looked justified."

"I just sympathized with her a little bit. It's really bad. Such people shouldn't be polite to her."

"Sect Master Xiang is still too benevolent. If you lose, you lose. The attitude is still so bad that you don't know how to cherish the opportunity. Just follow the appointment and kneel down and apologize."

"Kneel down and apologize!"

"Kneel down and apologize!"

"Kneel down and apologize!"

If one person takes the lead, a group of people will immediately cater to it.

Suddenly kneeling and apologizing, these four words became one piece, constantly impacting Ni Li's nerves.

On the surface, Xiang Jing remained calm and composed, but in fact he was already laughing inside.

From the beginning to the present, the whole situation is within the scope of his calculation and control. These two little girls still want to fight him in the film, too tender.

"Ding, the task is complete: reward energy crystal × 10, strongest realm transformation fluid × 1, random ancestor idol fragments × 1."

The task was completed, but the matter was not over yet, Xiang Jing did not speak, just looked at them like that.

"Protect Master Sister!"

The disciples of the Hundred Flowers Sect saw their words becoming more and more intense, and they walked up to form a circle, protected Xiao Lingqian and Ni Li behind them, and glared at these fragrant sprays.

"Why, relying on the Huang-level sect, I don't want to admit it if I lose!"

"Don't think that you are all immortal cultivators. I am afraid of you. We have a wealth of talents in Huiyin City, which is worthy of your Hundred Flowers Sect."

The behavior of the disciples of the Hundred Flower Sect made some residents of Huiyin City think it was a provocation against Huiyin City, and they became more vigorous.

Vaguely from the grievances between Xiaoyao Sect and Hundred Flower Sect, it became a matter between Huiyin City and Hundred Flower Sect.

Xiang Jing is silently being a melon-eating crowd.

How to bring the rhythm? That's how it is brought, the plot of the real textbook.

Just when it was about to become out of control, a powerful breath pressed from a distance, forcibly opened a way among the crowd, and came to the disciple of Baihuazong in the blink of an eye.

Looking closely, the visitor is a woman in her thirties, with a nice face, a bulging figure, a mature temperament, similar to a royal sister, but with a frosty face, of course she also exudes a strong golden core Breath.

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