Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 602: : The Immortal Eucharist

However, the next moment, these three monsters approached Tiemu's two heads, looked at him with all eyes, and showed an ugly and weird smile, and then, both heads spewed huge **** of light at the same time. Lasers are emitted from the eyes.

"Fuck, dare to laugh!"

Tiemu yelled, facing the laser that was rushing towards his face, his fists were thrown out, and with a quick punch, he directly scattered the light ball and laser.


Tiemu yelled and swung a fist to attack the big heads of the three monsters, but suddenly a shadow was cast over their heads. The monster could actually keep up with Tiemu's speed, with two fists and countless tentacles facing Tiemu. The wooden claw strikes.

Tiemu's eyes condensed, and he reacted quickly. This monster was definitely not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

"The Immortal Eucharist!"

With a roar, Tiemu's body suddenly radiated a lot of light, and his figure was straight up to three feet tall, as if he was a little giant, and he took the monster's attack without any damage.

Endless murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and Tiemu's power directly increased, and his fists waved like a storm and bombarded the three monsters. Each fist fell like a cannonball, listening to the fortress. People are shaking.


After a loud noise rang out from all directions, the three monsters had been blasted into dregs and turned into a pool of fleshy mud, and Tie Mu Da panted heavily, and his body slowly returned to its normal state.

Frowning at the monster corpse he had blasted into dregs, Tiemu frowned and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This monster is really outrageous, that is, he already needs to use the Immortal Eucharist to destroy one end, and if there are more, Tiemu can't hold it.

This is not only the southern battlefield, but also the other battlefields. Fortunately, there are two palace masters in the other three battlefields, and there is only one person in the south.

"Old Qi, come back quickly, something has happened!"

Just now, all the hall masters who were out of the Hall of Heroes received the order from the main hall master Huangfu Haoran to return to the Hall of Heroes to discuss the matter of the new monster that appeared this time.

In the Qunying Hall, the eight hall masters have all arrived, but Xiang Jing, the head of the seven halls, is no longer there.

Huangfu Haoran asked, "Where are five or seven people?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it any longer, Tiemu said, "Old Qi left suddenly in a hurry and has not returned."

"When did this happen?"

"Half a month ago."

"Do you know where he is going?"

"I don't know, he didn't say, just that he would come back as soon as possible."

Huangfu Haoran didn't express too much expression. He nodded and said, "Don't wait for him, let's talk about the new monster that appeared this time."

"Boss" Tiemu frowned and said, "I think these monsters are constantly getting stronger. Every time I fight with them, I feel a little harder than before."

"Well, I also found out," said Yin Hao, the master of the Eight Palaces. "It is better to say that they are adapting and adapting to our strength, so as to improve themselves."

"Or, they are evolving," said Lu Buhui, the lord of the Six Palaces. "As far as I know, these monsters did not have such a large size before, and did not have the characteristics of many heads, many hands and many feet. They were after fighting with people in the ancient world. , Became like this again and again."

Fourth Hall Master Jin Ming frowned and said, "If this goes on, these monsters will evolve to the point where we can't even deal with them."

"I want to go and see." Jing San, the Lord of the Three Halls who has not spoken, said, "With my strength, I can sneak into the place where they came out and find a way to completely eradicate them from the root."

"No, it's too dangerous." Huangfu Haoran rejected and said, "We don't know what's in there. If we rush over, we will probably fall into their plan. Now these monsters are getting stronger and stronger. If nine of us have an accident, Gu The world will really fall completely."

"Perhaps we can let Seventh Brother seal them for another hundred years." said Xiao Jianren, the lord of the Nine Palaces. "We are only in the early stage of refining virtual reality. There are still four small realms from the top of refining virtual perfection. Brother will seal them with a sword for a hundred years, and when we have enough strength, we will kill them all at once."

"This method is good." Tiemu agreed, saying that our respective cultivation techniques and spiritual skills have not yet achieved great results. When we reach the top level, we will be able to match the powers of the ancestors, without fear of these monsters.

"I agree"

"I agree"

"I have no opinion"

Several other hall masters expressed their opinions that this is the best and safest method so far.

Huangfu Haoran looked at Tiemu and said, "Five, find a way to contact Qi, and let him come back quickly."

Tiemu heard that Huangfu Haoran's tone was already a little dissatisfied, and he nodded and said yes.

At this moment, the eagle falcon screamed outside the main hall, and then a giant eagle, which was completely condensed from spiritual energy, held a scroll in its mouth and flew into the main hall with a sword at its feet.

"It's the eagle condensed by the old Qi's aura." Tiemu quickly recognized that it was Xiang Jing's aura.

The giant eagle hovered in the sky above the hall, and then landed in the center of the hall, putting down the scroll in his mouth and the fairy sword at his feet.

Then the giant eagle said, it was Xiang Jing’s voice, "Hall Master, the fairy sword in this fairy sword can be used twice, and once it can seal those monsters for a hundred years. After using it, this sword is also a powerful sword. If no one uses his aura, just give it to Old Jiu.

"Then I want to announce one thing. Starting today, I will officially withdraw from the Hall of Heroes. From now on, we will return to the bridge and the road, and the water will not be the river."

After the giant eagle finished speaking, it turned into aura and dissipated around. When there was a soft cry, a ring and a mask fell into the field. It was Xiang Jing's spatial ring and that stubborn mask. The ring contained his secret secret. Everything in the hideout.

"Hey, what do you mean Lao Qi! Make it clear!"

The Lord of the Five Halls, Tiemu, looked at the place where the giant eagle had disappeared with anger, angrily trying to catch him, but this was just a cloud of aura with Xiang Jing dialect, and it dispersed after speaking.

"Boss" Tiemu said angrily, "Give me a few days, I'll bring Lao Qi back to ask for clarity." After speaking, he flew outside.

"Stop!" Huangfu slapped the armrest and shouted, "Do you know where he is? The ancient world is so big, where do you go to find him, and now the life and death of the ancient world are in our hands, don't you know which one is more important? "

"But the boss!" Tiemu turned his head and said with a trembling voice, "Old Qi is a brother who has worshipped together. He left when he said, how can I accept it."

"Five" Huangfu Haoran's voice eased and said, "I know you have the best relationship with Qi, but now that everything is still unknown, if you act rashly, it will only make the situation worse."

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