Doomsday Ring

Chapter 112

The latest chapter of Doomsday Ring, Chapter 112 The dinner at Qiao Xing’s family (please ask for the full order and ask for a monthly pass), Piaotian Literature

4 adults and one child, strolling in the rain, Only Bai Yuetong was holding an umbrella.

Qiao Xing and Qi Xinzhu use holy splendor, while Lu Luo upholds the principle that no sparrow is fleshy. If you suck another wave of rain, you can be poor if you are poor, but you can’t live without it.

Qiao Xing’s home is on the edge of the parish. Although it is also a parish, it is very far from the core area of ​​the parish.

If an ordinary person walks on foot, it will take about half an hour to get there.

Lu Luo and they followed to Qiao Xing’s home. Qiao Xing’s wife Li Lan was a little surprised to see so many people suddenly, but there were more surprises.

Because there are many people, especially youngsters, it can bring vitality to the family.

My husband is a very special person, no matter his status, status, strength, or character, he is very special, so his family has never had any friends.

And her husband Qiao Xing hardly allows people who walk through the back door to come here, never sells face, and never makes friends with others.

He is like a lonely walker, except for serving Dawn, taking care of their mother and daughter at home.

Therefore, Qiao Xing did not invite anyone to visit the house.

There are three guests in the house at a time. This is the first time they have been married for more than 10 years.

“That many guests, come in quickly, come in quickly, and I will prepare the food.”

Li Lan’s face is full of smiles, because of her husband’s particularity, she does not Make too many friends because she is afraid that her inadvertent words will affect her husband.

This can be considered a tacit understanding between their husband and wife.

“Aiya, are you Xinzhu? It’s been a long time since I saw you. Come in.”

“Excuse me, Li Lan, Aunt.”

“Excuse me “

Li Lan’s friendliness makes Lu Luo very comfortable. He doesn’t speak sorrow anymore at this time. eccentric also depends on occasions and characters. Now the most correct choice is obediently and honestly. Say a word.

He knows very well that Qiao Xing can eccentric him, but he cannot refute him. The difference in strength and status is so realistic.

Lu Luo glanced at Qiao Xing’s home, wooden handmade furniture, simple decoration style, these all are what he expected.

[Basically all are handmade, the workmanship is not rough, but the authors of these furniture obviously have no woodworking experience. 】

What Lu Luo was looking for was whether there were any unusual luxury items, but he scanned it around with the observer and found nothing.

“It seems that Master Qiao Xing has almost negligible material desires

Even the items commonly used in life are the most common things.”


“Do you think Master Qiao Xing’s home is very simple and very warm?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Their home was 10 years ago This way, 10 years later, nothing seems to have changed. Master Qiao Xing is really a very devout believer.

In this regard, I am far behind her. I occasionally buy expensive cosmetics and clothes. , Equipment or something.”

Qi Xinzhu said with a smile, it can be seen that she sincerely admires Qiao Xing.

Lu Luo’s focus is not on warmth and simplicity, but on the furniture itself.

To be honest, the manufacturing process of these furniture is very simple, even crude.

These pieces of furniture have a characteristic, that is, their cuts are very neat, as if they were cut open instantly by a sharp blade.

[These furniture cuts are all artificial cuts, cut with a very fast sharp blade, and spliced ​​with suitable notches. 】

“Does even the furniture have the mystery of the sword technique?”

No desire, no greed, almost unable to mention anything other than his own career and family interest.

In the face of such Qiao Xing, Lu Luo feels that he has nowhere to start. How can he behave so that such a person can teach himself private goods?

“Hey, take one step and count one step.”

“It’s dinner!”

Li Lan prepared a lot of food and two dishes for everyone.

The dishes are still so simple, one synthetic meat, one carrot, but because of the number of people, the portion is several times larger.

“Sit down and eat.” Qiao Xing opened his mouth, and the others sat down obediently.

This dinner is not as easy and pleasant as the morning.

Bai Yuetong stared at Lu Luo from time to time, and Lu Luo stared back unceremoniously. Even Qi Xinzhu, who had always been peaceful, soon joined the battlefield of staring.

Their eye contact is extremely rich in content.

Bai Yuetong -Lu Luo: I made your robotic arm. I gave it to you. Are you so cruel? .

Lu Luo -Bai Yuetong: This is what I got from answering questions honestly. Earnings from labor, you just stare at me.

Qi Xinzhu -Lu Luo: When did you know her? You have a lot of friends.

Lu Luo -Qi Xinzhu: I met at the little swan club last night, I thought she was riding a tricycle, who knows not.

Bai Yuetong -Qi Xinzhu: Others say you are Saintess, but you are talking about the object here, blaspheming the cheating couple of the holy light.

Qi Xinzhu -Bai Yuetong: You put… Forget it, holy light doesn’t allow me to swear, but according to Lu Luo, I can say to A.

[The expressions in the eyes of the two women became vicious! 】

The three people stared at each other without talking anyway, which made Qiao Xiaomi a little scared looking at the expressions all of the three people, and did not dare to ask what was wrong.

“Can you guys eat well? You eat with your mouth, not your eyes. If you don’t want to eat, just go out.”

Qiao Xing opened his mouth, and the three dared no longer My eyes exchanged, and I started to eat this not particularly delicious meal.

“Lu Luo big brother, eat this!”


“Xiao Lu, Xiao Bai, Xiao Qi, you guys eat quickly, although The taste is not great, but the amount of dishes is definitely enough.”

Li Lan and Qiao Xiaomi are very enthusiastic, and even Qiao Xing occasionally interacts with mother and daughter.

After eating obediently and honestly, the three of them sat on the table and waited for Qiao Xing’s next instructions.

“Li Lan, you take Xiaomi back to sleep.”

“Ah? Good.”

Li Lan feels that today’s husband is a little different. If it is usual, no matter when and where, he will tell Xiaomi a story before going to bed.

It may be the guest who came today. It is very important to the husband.

“Father, kiss, then I’ll go to bed!”

Qiao Xiaomi is also very sensible tonight, she kisses Qiao Xing without crying or making trouble, without mentioning play Or telling stories, followed Li Lan upstairs.

At this time, Qiao Xing turned his head and looked towards Bai Yuetong and Qi Xinzhu.

“Young Lady Bai and Saintess adults, you are both young girls, they should be very topical together.

Our house is relatively small, with only 2 rooms, you two tonight I will just live together.”

Bai Yuetong:? ?

Qi Xinzhu:? ?

I have to say that Qiao Xing’s personnel allocation method is simply arbitrary to the extreme, and straight to the extreme.

Lu Luo wondered, can’t Qiao Xing see that the relationship between these two people is very rigid?

Of course Qiao Xing can see that the two women are not dealing with each other, but does he need to care about other people’s ideas? No need.



After Qi Xinzhu and Bai Yuetong were assigned, Qiao Xing turned his attention to Lu, who was a little fidgety. Luo.

“You come with me.”

“Um, yes!”

Lu Luo is very sensible, no matter what Qiao Xing will warn him next, Don’t come close to his family again, or drive him away.

He is mentally prepared.

When Lu Luo left, Qi Xinzhu took Lu Luo’s hand. She, who was always gentle, stood up and issued a solemn warning to Qiao Xing.

“Master Qiao Xing, Lu Luo is the person that Master Han Shiyu values, and is my companion and friend. I don’t want you to hurt him or target him.”

Lu Luo I was a little surprised at Qi Xinzhu’s performance. The last time I was surprised, it was outside the wall when Qi Xinzhu said that he wanted to break Gu Fangyi for him.

Sometimes the character of this woman is really not as docile as she usually shows.

Qiao Xing glanced at Qi Xinzhu, slowly closed his eyes, and then opened them suddenly. The powerful holy splendor made Qi Xinzhu unnaturally back off.

“If I want to kill him, no one in Fourth Ring can keep him, nor can Han Shiyu.”

[Can Lu Di work? ]

I don’t know, can you let them try?

Lu Luo actually wanted to ask, but he thought about it. Asking this question at this time is most likely to be beaten, so don’t ask.

Lu Luo put his palm on the back of Qi Xinzhu’s hand.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

It’s one thing to hold Lu Luo by yourself, and it’s another thing for Lu Luo to hold her, although not the first time, But I am still very embarrassed, and there are other people here.

Pooh! Even if there is no one else, you shouldn’t let a guy like Lu Luo stop.

Qi Xinzhu pushed Lu Luo’s hand away and stayed away.

“I see.”

Qiao Xing left with Lu Luo.

Bai Yuetong has been staring at the two, naturally seeing the little movement between the two just now.

After Lu Luo and Qiao Xing left, she put her hands on the table, shrugged, and pushed her feet off the ground.

“I also said that there is no relationship between you. I saw it just now! If the believers in the inner ring knew that their Saintess was so close to a Fourth Ring man, they would probably go crazy.”

< p> “Is there a relationship with him? It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you, right? What are you worrying about here?

And you didn’t get there, right? I even hooked up with him before. Back up.”

I don’t know what happened. When Qi Xinzhu was in front of Bai Yuetong, his speech speed and tone were not good.

Bai Yuetong glared, she wouldn’t be persuaded by this topic.

“What does it have to do with him? I am not Saintess. If I can’t even control my own marriage, then what is the point of being alive.”

Qi Xinzhu twitched his lips.

“I hope Mr. Luo will be as easy to talk as you said, and let his daughter stay with the orphans of Fourth Ring.”

Speaking of Mr. Luo, Bai Yuetong obviously A little guilty.

“hmph, I sleep at night but I get kicked. You’d better not sleep with me, lest I get kicked to the ground.”

In the face of such a threat, Qi Xinzhu didn’t care at all, she was a Tier 2 Light Admirer, and she was so powerful that Bai Yuetong could not shake it.

“I advise you not to be kicked at night, otherwise, I will kick under the bed.”

“You!” Bai Yuetong took Qi Xinzhu really. There is no way, the status and status can’t overwhelm Qi Xinzhu.

I can’t beat her, do you want summon mobile armor? That would not be a simple quarrel event.

“hmph, Qi Xinzhu, you are less proud. Seriously, have you ever thought about the consequences of walking so close to Lu Luo?”

Bai Yuetong’s warning made Qi Xinzhu stunned After a while, I got closer to Lu Luo because Han Shiyu wanted her to track the dawn from Lu Luo.

As for the consequences? Of course she thought about it, and Han Shiyu also told her.

“In order to pursue the dawn, I am willing to dedicate everything I have, even my life.”

Bai Yuetong looked at Qi Xinzhu with a holy face, and felt a little dazed for a while Living.

Because of the holy splendor that Qi Xinzhu naturally exudes, Bai Yuetong also feels very comfortable. She doesn’t seem to hate Qi Xinzhu that much anymore.

“Forget it, sleep.”

Qi Xinzhu looked at Bai Yuetong’s back, and the question in his heart lingered.

Why did this woman look for Lu Luo? Do you want to ask?


“Why don’t you sleep at night, what are you doing?”


Late at night, Lu Luo Following Qiao Xing and walking in the parish, Qiao Xing did not take the initiative to speak, nor did Lu Luo take the initiative to ask questions. Looking at the direction of travel, Lu Luo vaguely guessed where Qiao Xing was going to take him.

Qiao Xing’s pace is very fast. If it weren’t for Lu Luo’s 20 agility and a 22% increase in dexterity, he really couldn’t keep up with Qiao Xing.

The two of them walked for about 5 minutes one after the other, and they had already completed the previous half an hour and returned to the sword technique training ground.

“Have you never studied the sword technique with the system before?”

“Uh, no, Master Qiao Xing.”

The first sentence of Qiao Xing, It is not to let Lu Luo go, nor to warn Lu Luo, but to ask Lu Luo if he has learned the sword technique. This can already explain a lot of problems.

It is good to leave the results, which makes Lu Luo a little excited.

“Do you know why I left you?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know.”


Lu Luo is a little puzzled, a good Archbishop, why is the speech always so eccentric? Would eccentric make people more comfortable?

When Lu Luo thinks about his eccentric, it seems to be quite comfortable.

“Let’s get started!”

Qiao Xing picked up a cross sword for the church from the cross sword stand next to it.

Such a two-handed sword Lu Luo didn’t use it much before. He usually uses a knife, but at this time, in order to learn the holy splendor cross sword technique, he can only follow it.


“Do you know why the church uses swords?”

Lu Luo was taken aback.

“Master Qiao Xing said during the day, the sword is more suitable for dealing with huge alien species…”

“No, those are deceptive.”


“Eh…” Lu Luo shut up and chose to listen to Qiao Xing to continue.

“The church used swords and abandoned the swords, lance, and Warhammer. The reason is very simple.

It is because the church found that when the strength reaches a certain realm, the sword is the strongest, killing people The fastest, the destructive power is the largest.”

Lu Luo really wants to refute Qiao Xing here. He thinks the knife should also be strong. At least for now, he is comfortable to use.

However, he still resisted the desire to speak. After all, standing in front of him was Fourth Ring’s strongest Sword Master. Let’s listen to Qiao Xing’s explanation first.

Qiao Xing glanced at the Wraith Blade on Lu Luo’s waist, laughing.

“You use a knife. For this statement of mine, I must doubt it in my heart.

But I can tell you responsibly that as your strength improves, You don’t even need to be reminded, you will find that these weapons are not as good as swords.

This is not what I said, but a default thing for all wasteland transcenders.”

Lu Luo took a look at the Wraith Blade in his hand. He still didn’t understand why the knife would not work after it became stronger.

“Why? What is the reason?”

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