Doomsday Ring

Chapter 114

The latest chapter of Doomsday Ring, Chapter 114 Steam, second gear (please ask for a monthly pass),<br /> Piaotian Literature
Qiao Xing’s second floor room, Bai Yuetong and Qi Xinzhu sleeps together back to back.

The bed is very small. Bai Yuetong’s small body can’t squeeze Qi Xinzhu’s. In such a small environment, her situation is more passive.

Since there is no strong body, you can only use vicious language.

“Why is your ass so big? Can you not squeeze me? You look big, don’t you?”

Qi Xinzhu took a closer look at the bed, there was no line. !

“Obviously each person gets half, okay? It’s because your own actions are too big.”

Qi Xinzhu turned around again and went to sleep again, but Bai Yuetong did not Planning to let Qi Xinzhu go now, she poked Qi Xinzhu’s underwear.

“Hey, Qi Xinzhu, how did you meet your friend? You guys seem to be very close. Where did you go?”

“He and I passed Master Light Admirer Han Shiyu knows him. I’m just a companion, not a friend. Don’t talk nonsense, can’t you?” Bai Yuetong turned around and started to draw circles on Qi Xinzhu’s back with his green fingers. Circle, the tone gradually became ambiguous.

“I didn’t talk nonsense. When he was in the rain in the afternoon, your worried little eyes, tsk tsk tsk, are the same as Li Lan Aunt watching Master Qiao Xing.”

< p> “You think too much. I worry about my companion. Even if Lu Luo is a woman, I will worry about him.”

“che, it’s boring, it’s all like this, duplicity, and sleep.”

Bai Yuetong pulled the quilt and squeezed Qi Xinzhu a few times, saying that she was going to sleep, but she still couldn’t sleep.

Qi Xinzhu’s situation is similar. She also wanted to ask how Bai Yuetong met Lu Luo, and the two of them could actually make a hook and shoulder gesture.

But her reservedness prevents her from asking such things, so she can only think about it by herself.

In this way, the two women chatted for a while from time to time. The topics were mostly related to Lu Luo, which lasted until late at night.


Compared with the people in the wasteland lying on warm beds, Lu Luo’s situation at this time is much more miserable.

He far underestimated the amount of qi fuse needed to release a steam qi fuse sword.

Qiao Xing’s requirement is to be able to swing a sword normally. The two words normal are normal at first, but once they add 60,000 times, it becomes abnormal.

In his current situation, even if the qi fuse is full.

With the minimum consumption of 3 layers of steam pressure, to release the steam sword qi once, it takes about 5 units of qi fuse.

Lu Luo has a Qi He Qi pocket with 100 units of Qi. Although the quality of the Qi pocket is very strong, the Qi fuse recovers quickly.

No matter how fast it can be recovered, it can’t match the consumption. At most, you can swing your sword 22-23 times, and you must rest and regain your breath.

In this case, how long does the sword pose take 10,000 times? Not to mention the next 100,000 swordsmanship.

At this time, the sky is already bright.

Lu Luo, who hasn’t cut his hair for 2 months, has already grown a lot.

At this time, these hairs were mixed with mist, sweat, and steam, and they stuck to his face together, making him look very embarrassed.

The surrounding grass has been a little muddy by him. One can imagine how long he practiced.

In one night, Lu Luo was able to swing a sword 1600 times during the whole night for more than 10 hours.

The whole process is steam, with energy flatting, and after repeated 20 times, rest.

He has recovered his qi fuse to the extreme, and his body is exhausted.

But even so, one hour of attached energy swings about 150 times.

It’s very boring, and there is no shortcut.

Qiao Xing means death practice, making sword-swinging into instinct, allowing the attached energy to arrive in an instant, and practicing to swinging the sword. The feeling is completely proficient.

According to this calculation, it takes 60-70 hours to complete one item, and the 6-type sword technique takes about 400 hours.

“Even if you don’t eat, drink, or sleep, it will take more than 10 days. It’s not a way to practice like this!”

Lu Luo originally thought that cultivation is a matter of his own. Will and hard work can be done, and now he found that he was wrong.

Cultivation requires not only will and hard work, but also resources. Now the resource he needs most is money!

As long as he has money, he can quickly open the second qi pocket, breakthrough Rank 2, and even directly open the third qi pocket with krypton gold.

If you want enough money, the key point is whether Qi Xinzhu is willing to help him make a small red bottle!


“Hey, someone is practicing sword?”

“He should also be our Fourth Ring person, right?”

“Well, the one who has been in the rain yesterday and didn’t fall down? This guy is a fierce person.”

At this point in time, someone has already arrived at the Sword Technique Practice Field in the parish. Several people, although they are also members of the church, are members of the Fourth Ring church.

Their innate talents are average, unlike Lu Yang who have extremely high talents to be selected into the inner ring, but their abilities are pretty good, and there is no problem joining the church.

“Good morning!” These people said hello to Lu Luo.

“Good morning.”

If it is the usual Lu Luo, this time he will definitely walk up to the front while getting acquainted with these people, and then chat and joke.

But now he is really tired. He feels that his eyelids are heavy, he has no energy and no interest in doing other things, so he just simply nodded to respond.

When the other party saw Lu Luo and didn’t want to continue the conversation, these people didn’t find it interesting for themselves, and each started to review the sword technique taught by Qiao Xing yesterday.

The Diocese of Fourth Ring lacks resources, so in terms of basic knowledge, they are also lacking.

Now there is an opportunity to learn from Sword Master. They must be very hardworking. This is the same as Lu Luo.

A few more minutes later, the second wave person arrived, a reserve of the Knights of Justice.

For Lu Luo, this wave of people is basically equivalent to uninvited guests. The picture of Lu Luo beating them in the face yesterday is still vivid.

They saw Lu Luo as soon as they entered the door, and after an exchange of glances, they moved towards Lu Luo and walked.

It’s still early at this time. According to Qiao Xing’s behavior, it is impossible for him to arrive so early.

So, they have some time to play with Lu Luo.

The guy whose hand bone was broken by Lu Luo yesterday is now healed.

As the people of the Knights of Courage said, these people should know a lot of pastors. For them, such injuries can be healed easily. It is not a problem at all.

“Hey, Fourth Ring people, our battle yesterday is not over. I was careless yesterday, continue today!”

If it is normal, Lu Luo will never look at himself He’s defeated, but now it’s different, his current state is already in the extreme.

At this time, Lu Luo’s vision is a little blurry, too tired, the first-order qi fuse and physical fitness, there is no way for him to withstand such a long time of practice.

If it is a dignified challenge, if you lose or lose, Lu Luo can accept it.

But in the face of such a disgusting person, Lu Luo will not give in. Let’s not say whether it’s useful to lower your head and admit something wrong at this time, and will it affect the temperament.

Even if he lowers his head, can the other party let him go?

Lu Luo wouldn’t be so naive, even more how, promised Han Shiyu to beat the fourth Knight in the inner ring, it was not nothing serious.

Lu Luo glanced at the opponent. The reserve of the 2nd-tier Justice Knight regiment was definitely not a weak one. The seal of this person yesterday also impressed Lu Luo very deeply.

Since he decides to play, Lu Luo naturally doesn’t have any psychological baggage.

He is ready for the injury, but the result of the injury is nothing more than to ask Qi Xinzhu to help him treat him.

“I probably owe Qi Xinzhu a favor.”

As for these people doing murder here, Lu Luo pondered, as long as Qiao Xing is not a foodie, These people have not had cerebral congestion for ten years, so they should not be able to do it.

“It seems that you want to break your hand again.”

Lu Luo stood up and looked down at the opponent slightly by his height.

“It was my carelessness yesterday. I don’t know if your strength is so great. Today, I won’t make you so comfortable.”

In this Knights Regiment Reserve, I took a stand. At that time, another Knight stopped him.

“Lu Feng, I lost yesterday. Don’t be ashamed today. If you lose again, you will lose the face of the Justice Knight regiment. I will come.”

A man who was nearly 2 meters tall and half his head taller than Lu Luo walked up to the two of them.

With bulging muscles, dark skin, and strong breath, this person can be said to be the most powerhouse that Lu Luo has ever seen among peers.

Lu Feng glanced at the person behind him, his expression was a little frightened, he took a step back naturally, and he had already made the choice to retreat in his heart.

However, there is also competition between the Reserves of the Knights of Justice, and he will certainly not be so easy to admit.

“Siegfried, this was originally my business. Since you want to do it, let it be for you. Anyway, depending on his appearance, he doesn’t have much strength. If you win, you won’t be able to win.”

They are not weak, nor are they the kind of fools without innate talent. Everyone can see Lu Luo’s exhausted state.

However, they still chose to challenge this time. Obviously, they wanted to scare and disable Lu Luo at one time.

For the Fourth Ring people like Lu Luo who provoke them, they will not have any hands or pity.

They are the inner ring people, and the class is placed here. In the eyes of the inner ring people, the Fourth Ring people are the malignant tumor attached to the alliance, slave.

The only role of the Fourth Ring people is to rush to the front line after the Dark Tide erupts and become the cannon fodder of the Wasteland Alliance.

Do you need to talk about Knight spirit to a Fourth Ring person? Most people in the inner ring would think it is unnecessary.

For example, Siegfried at this time, he did not intend to make Lu Luo stand up again.

“My name is Siegfried, a member of the 400th Justice Knight Regiment Reserve, but they prefer to call me the Chief Reserve Knight.”

Lu Luo squinted and ignored him. The villain died of talking too much. He likes to fart and waste time when others want to fight him.

In this way, he can recover his strength as much as possible, and he can also use the observer to perform some short-term analysis of the place.

[The Holy Light Power of the opponent within the body is extremely thick, and the strength has exceeded Qi Xinzhu, and it should be in the second-order Peak state. ]


[The host status is extremely poor, the overclocking status will cause additional burden on the host’s body, whether to continue overclocking. ]


[Overclocking status has been activated. 】

“It’s meaningless to abuse a dumb man.”

Seeing that Lu Luo hadn’t spoken, Siegfried reduced his smile, suddenly clenched his fists, and made a sudden shock.

A strong holy splendor radiates from his body. This intensity is at least 2 times stronger than yesterday’s Lu Feng.


The red blood imprint spread on Siegfried’s chest, a strong sense of crisis appeared in Lu Luo’s mind, and the observer immediately gave a prompt.

【Seal of Vengeance, one of the twelve seals, the trigger effect is unknown. Normally, the Seal of Vengeance is a move of the Knights of Life. 】

Sure enough, when Siegfried released the Seal of Vengeance, other church members exclaimed.

“He will have the Seal of Vengeance.”

They could see that they were also very surprised that Siegfried was able to release the Seal of Vengeance from the Knights of Life.

And Lu Luo has no time to think, because Siegfried’s fist has arrived.


[The power of revenge has struck you several times, envy, insult, and resentment have all caused you some harm. ]

[Your tenacious effect reduces the damage of envy. ]

[Your tenacious effect reduces the damage of insulting vengeance for you. ]

[Your tenacious effect reduces the damage of the resentment. 】

Still fist-to-fist, in poor condition, Lu Luo, who only uses ordinary qi fuse, was blasted out by Siegfried and fell heavily to the ground.

This is the first time he has lost to peers in terms of power bursts since his success, and he lost thoroughly.

Although there are also reasons for poor state, Lu Luo knows very well that even if he is in good condition, he cannot stop this move under normal circumstances.


spits out mouthful of blood, Lu Luo stood up straight again. Although he was a little embarrassed, his expression was still calm. This look is really handsome.

“Go on.”

The only good news is that the damage to blood bulls like Lu Luo is not as great as it seems.

With 20 physique, qi fuse defense, tenacious percentage and final damage reduction, the damage Lu Luo received is completely acceptable.

Lu Luo is so empty, mainly because he was tired last night. Now he is like a dry battery and needs to be recharged urgently.

“You can actually stand up, this guy’s physique, there is a problem?”

The one strike certain kill that Siegfried had originally expected, shattered Lu Luo’s arm, completely useless His condition did not appear, which made him very dissatisfied.

Because with the passage of time, there are more and more people.

He is the chief of the reserve of the Knights of Justice. It took that much time to deal with a Fourth Ring man in this way and he would be laughed at.

“It seems that my mastery of the seal of vengeance is still not good! In this case, it is better for me to use the seal of justice!”

The holy splendor gathered again, with yesterday Based on his combat experience, Lu Luo knows that the effect of the Seal of Justice can greatly increase the opponent’s strength.

Unlike the multi-stage attack of revenge just now, the effect of justice is a one-time shock, which is undoubtedly very difficult to resist for Lu Luo now.

Puff! Puff!

A violent heartbeat appeared on Lu Luo’s body. Taking the close distance between Siegfried and Lu Luo, he could even hear such a violent heartbeat.

He was a little horrified, how could the human heartbeat sound be so loud? What did he do?

The roaring heartbeat lasted 6 times in total. Each time the steam pressure increased Lu Luo’s power and speed by 30%, and 6 times, it increased the power and speed by 1.8 times.

“Steam, second gear!”

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