Doomsday Ring

Chapter 143

The latest chapter of Doomsday Ring, Chapter 143 Eastern Ring of danger lurks on every side (I am angry and add more updates for the Alliance Leader), Piaotian Literature

Lu Luo and After Lu Shan’s discussion was over, Qiao Xing came to the podium.

After all, it is the teacher of the sword technique course, and it is the Archbishop of Eastern Ring. I have to say a few words, which is a summary of this year’s sword technique course.

“Well, your one-month Eastern Ring sword technique teaching has ended. You should have learned a lot in the past month.

These things probably belong to the church. In the advanced part of the holy splendor cross sword technique, each one has their own experience, right?”

The students in the audience are nodded, and the level of Qiao Xing is beyond doubt.

“Don’t thank me too much, there will be a group of people like you here every year. This is just my job that’s all.

And you don’t have to take these things seriously, I The requirements for you have always been to understand, not to imitate.

Learning knowledge is just to let you avoid detours, not to stipulate your future path. Your future path may not necessarily be what I have walked.的路。

Sword technique this thing, everyone’s feelings are different, so please pack your hands and go.”

“Yes, teacher!” Everyone in unison.

The sword technique course is over. Looking at the old sword technique Practice Field in Fourth Ring parish, many people are a little bit emotional.

Among the people who are emotional also include Lu Luo, he wants to go to Qiao Xing to report.

After all, Qiao Xing has been a real Master every night to open a small stove for him every night.

But before Lu Luo left, Lu Yang specifically found Lu Luo, as if he had something to say to Lu Luo, he patted Lu Luo’s shoulder and praised him.

“Xiao Luo, you are now very difficult to deal with, even I am not your opponent.”

“Big brother, don’t praise me like that, I will be proud.”

“Hehe, you brat, do you have any ideas next? Well, about the future development.”

“The future development or something is too far for me , But recently, I want to go outside the outer wall for cultivation for a while.”

Lu Yang is a little bit hesitant, Lu Luo is two years younger than him, this kind of talent is already worthy of the top powers. Solicited.

I am Lu Luo’s big brother, and the future of the younger brother, shouldn’t I take it seriously?

“Xiaoluo, outside the wall is a very dangerous place. In fact, the alliance has many good development directions. Outside the wall may not be the best choice.”

“big brother, I know it’s dangerous outside the wall, but I still have to go.”

Hearing that Lu Luo still insisted on going outside the wall, Lu Yang didn’t understand it. He felt that Lu Luo hadn’t realized what it meant outside the wall. .

“No, you still don’t understand. Even high-level transcenders outside the wall may fall.

Although many areas have marked danger levels, just in case There is a super-level alien, and the limited strength is simply unable to respond.

Just like the dark horse named Nightmare that appeared in the C13 area last time, if you encounter it, even Master Qiao Xing is in danger. .

Xiaoluo, you are only 20 years old. With your current innate talent and ability, even if you go to the inner ring, you are the highest genius.

There will be a large number of organizations for you Throw an olive branch, you can join these groups at will.

And the dark energy multiple of the inner ring is the same as the outer wall, and it is safer and more stable.

Resources, wealth, status , Woman, what you want can be obtained with no difficulty in the inner ring.

I am your big brother, I will not harm you, you believe I am absolutely right, for the transcender , The inside of the wall is really much better than the outside.”

Lu Yang was kind, but he didn’t understand the meaning of the outside of the wall to Lu Luo.

Don’t talk about anything else, just one point, he’s impossible to develop in the inner ring. There is no alien species in the inner ring.

He needs to swallow alien species, many alien species, and more alien species. He needs alien species to strengthen his attributes and sequence value to strengthen his sequence.

So he must often hang out outside the wall, and before he is strong enough, Fourth Ring is his best hiding place.

“Big brother, I know what you mean, but I still decided to stay in Fourth Ring.

I am a person, I have a natural yearning for outside the wall, I still remember that I was there Are those words that I said in the speech?

I want to broaden my boundaries. I don’t want to be controlled by others, so I long for outside the wall.”

Lu Yang was silent. After a while, going to the inner ring is a way for countless transcender yearn for something even in dreams, because the inner ring means stability and safety.

No one wants to live such a stable life. Even if it is a cultivation, isn’t it better to be stable and stronger than to be fearful outside the wall?

“Is there any other reason? This reason is difficult to convince me!”

“It is my duty to revive the glory of the Fourth Ring.”

【You The big brother is obviously overwhelmed by your acting skills. 】

Looking at Lu Luo with a firm face, Lu Yang was both surprised and unexpected.

Of course, he was also a little shocked, maybe Lu Luo is the real courageous person.

“Uh! Well, you are not a little child anymore. Many things can be decided by yourself.

If you are in Fourth Ring, you can take time to take care of Lu Yu.


Although we are not pro-siblings, the relationship between us will never change.”

“Don’t worry, big brother, I will take care of my little sister.”

Lu Luo thought about it, and he could be regarded as the boss of the company by any means, and turned around to find a fat man for his younger sister to work.

Isn’t it all feasible to directly assign her to the Wasteland Security Bureau as a civil servant? Little things little things.

Lu Yang glanced at Qi Xinzhu behind Lu Luo. Qi Xinzhu kept a distance from them, but she still could see that she was waiting for Lu Luo.

He always feels that since Lu Luo brought his girlfriend home that night, the relationship between the two has become a little strange.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang looked a little dissatisfied with Lu Luo’s eyes. Isn’t this guy being strong on other girls? This is too much.

As a big brother, I still have to say a few words.

Lu Yang hugged Lu Luo and lowered his voice.

“Lu Luo, it’s not the big brother who said you, the big brother is also the one who came here. After walking in the inner ring, there have been a few women.

Between these boy and girl friends, You still have to go step by step, use strong things, don’t do it again in the future, write down, really.

Look at your little girlfriend, it seems that she likes you very much, so don’t hurt others.

Okay, big brother is not talking nonsense with you anymore, life has dreams, each is wonderful, big brother is gone, you and her are fine, ah!”

Lu Luo: “???”

What’s the matter? What strong do I use?


After the two brothers bid farewell, Lu Luo went to Qiao Xing’s house.

Qi Xinzhu has been following behind him without talking, and such a silent attitude has been maintained for more than 20 days.

Lu Luo felt that it was necessary for him to talk to Qi Xinzhu about the next thing. As he walked, he said:

“I am going to go outside the wall.”

“Huh? Huh.”

Qi Xinzhu was surprised, but quickly nodded, it was obvious that she was distracted just now.

“If you have concerns, you can stay in the wall to rest for a while, settle yourself, and adjust your mentality by the way.

This time, don’t follow.”< /p>

Lu Luo This is true. He feels that Qi Xinzhu’s daily trance like this is not suitable for going outside the wall with himself.

Going outside the wall this time, he may even go to the high-risk area of ​​Tier 3. Without sufficient concentration and vigilance, he can only go to death.

“No, I’m going, I have to follow you.”

Qi Xinzhu’s voice suddenly became a bit louder, and the reaction was a bit fierce. Other people in the parish watched. Holding two people.

Is it the beginning of chaos and the end of abandonment? There have been a lot of such things recently, hey, are they Light Admirer Qi Xinzhu and Lu Luo? Eat melon, eat melon!

Qi Xinzhu also realized that her reaction was a bit overwhelming. She lowered her head and said quietly:

“I will keep myself in good shape. My combat capability is very good. Strong, whether it is a healer or an illusion, can provide you with great help.

So, if you need to go outside the wall, I will be your indispensable helper.”

Qi Xinzhu’s voice became more calm, so Lu Luo was a little surprised, but she was able to regain her sanity, which is still something to be happy about.

A normal Qi Xinzhu is indeed needed by him.

“Okay, let’s be together.”

“Yeah, okay.” Qi Xinzhu seemed a little happy, but she seemed to feel that she shouldn’t be so happy again, so she bowed her head again .

The two came to Qiao Xing’s home. Li Lan had prepared dinner for the two. Bai Yuetong did not come back, so only four adults and one child ate.

Sitting at the dinner table, Lu Luo, who had been brewing for a long time, finally spoke.

“Master Qiao Xing, we are here to say goodbye.”

“You have a terminal illness?”

Can you say something about Yang Sector? Well, Qiao Xing still has that taste.


“Since you are not terminally ill, and everyone is in the Fourth Ring Eastern Ring, why do you say goodbye?”

Lu Luo was speechless. He felt that Qiao Xing seemed to have nothing wrong with what he said, but he was still very angry. Why is this person so annoying?

“I wanted to go outside the wall for a while, so I came to say goodbye.”

“Outside the wall?” Before Qiao Xing spoke, Li Lan was surprised.

“Xiao Lu, outside the wall is a very dangerous place, you are young, where is it not good to go, you have to go to the place outside the wall?”

Listen to Li Lan In his tone, Lu Luo’s behavior outside the wall is like running out to eat seafood in front of his wife, which is excessive.

Not only Li Lan, Qiao Xiaomi also looked at Lu Luo eagerly.

“Lu Luo big brother, if you die outside the wall, no one will tell me the story of Journey to the West.”

Lying, why did Qiao Xiaomi speak Shut up because he died outside. Is this family so excessive?

Compared with their mother and daughter, Qiao Xing’s reaction is the most normal one.

He picked up his new glass, slowly nodded, as if thinking about the feasibility of Lu Luo going outside the wall.

As for why it is new, because the old one was dropped by Qiao Xiaomi.

“If you come up with a wall, you can go to the Northern Ring of Southern Ring, or even the Western Ring. Don’t go out of Eastern Ring recently.”

Lu Luo’s expression is slightly stunned, Qiao Xing As Eastern Ring Archbishop, there must be an exclusive channel for information and intelligence that belongs to the church.

Since he said that, it must be that the danger outside the Eastern Ring wall is too high.

“It’s because of that animal species of Tier 8, Nightmare?”

Qiao Xing took another sip of tea, slowly nodded.

“Well, the appearance of the nightmare has brought great changes and activity to the original C13 area.

Many alien species have undergone new distortions, and the inner ring has been Re-evaluate the risk of the C13 area.

The S-Rank is affirmative, and it depends on whether the investigation team will be sent to the C13 area to investigate.

However, there are Tier 8 alien species. The existence of this kind of investigation is almost meaningless. It is completely dead. The disaster is the disaster. It is not something that a few people or teams can handle.”

This information allows Lu Luo to evade Eastern in advance. Ring outside the wall is at risk, but it is also confirmed, he is impossible to go to the Swamp of C13 area again.

“Master Qiao Xing, since the current C13 area is so dangerous, why didn’t the church give a warning?”

“Why a warning?”

” Without warning, those scavengers, mercenaries, and even hunters will still go out? Will they die?”

Qiao Xing as it should be by rights nodded.

“Yes, scavengers have to survive, mercenaries have tasks to make money, hunters have to go to cultivation outside the wall, do you think they will not go out under martial law?

Their eat , drink, shit and piss, energy consumption, are you responsible for them?

And as long as someone goes outside the wall, there will naturally be people who come back alive, impossible to die.

If there are living people, they will bring back the latest information that belongs to the wall. This information is also what the church and Parliament need.

So, since they can continuously bring new information, why do you need to report to Eastern Ring is going under martial law?”

You are so reasonable, I was speechless.

The fact that the inner ring doesn’t take the life of Fourth Ring seriously is not the only one, and Lu Luo is not surprised.

“Well, Master Qiao Xing reminded me that I will remember, when the time comes, I will choose another region.

The region where the nightmare appears is C13Central Region, then Eastern Ring Are the other two areas in the north-south direction also in danger?”

“The division of the area outside the wall is determined by the circular energy barrier and the territory of the lord-level alien species.

< p> When the alien species really reach the lord level, the ring energy barrier can no longer limit them. What really allows lord level aliens to restrict each other is the territory between them.

But the alien species of rank 8 It’s not the same. Tier 8 means that there is a different kind of Peak. Under normal circumstances, nothing can block their actions.

Although the nightmare appears in the C13 area, it can step into it as long as it wants. Other areas.

So for the sake of safety, the other two adjacent areas of Eastern Ring will also be included in the danger zone.”

Qiao Xing’s explanation has undoubtedly greatly expanded Lu Luo’s understanding of high-level alien species, he was nodded while eating.

“Okay! I understand.”

“When are you going to leave?”

“It should be very soon, I need to organize these two days Look at my own equipment. I don’t have any weapons. I need a new weapon.”

When Lu Luo said this, he stared directly at Qiao Xing, and the meaning was obvious. .

Your excellent dísciple doesn’t even have a sword. As a teacher, shouldn’t you give a sword to the hero or something?

But until the meal was over, Qiao Xing drove Lu Luo away, and he did not wait until Qiao Xing gave him a sword.

At night, Qiao Xing stood at the window watching Lu Luo leave, curl one’s lip.

“That’s it? No actual action at all, do you want my sword?”

Li Lan, who was packing her clothes, looked contemptuous.

“The swords in the storeroom are moldy, what if you give him one?”

“Women’s opinion, those are my spoils of war, yes A symbol of my personal honor, how can I give it to someone casually.

If he wants, grab it by himself!”

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