Doomsday Ring

Chapter 160

  ”Captain! The man came back before, and he is a bit weird.”

Female investigator Liu Yu was naturally the first to spot Lu Luo, and she immediately responded Zuo Mingliang next to him was on guard.

Although there is only one person on the other side, this place is outside the wall after all, and Qianhu District is already the Second Area, so vigilance is a must.

Zuo Mingliang looked at Lu Luo in a wet suit, as if thinking of something, he felt a little bitter in his heart.

“This guy fell into the water? Why did he come?”

“Be careful, maybe it’s distorted? Now the probability of distortion is so high!”

< p> Some team members have raised guns to Lu Luo. This is the most basic quality of mercenaries.

In the middle of the night, anyone can be an enemy, and Lu Luo is no exception.

Lu Luo did not feel angry because the other party raised a gun at him, he was here to negotiate, not to cause trouble.

“Sorry to bother you again, I want to use these second-order heterogeneous brain oils and brains to exchange food and water with you.”

Lu Luo’s attitude is very humble, But his wet body, coupled with that funny costume, still made some night soldiers laughed heartily.

“Haha, I came here in the middle of the night to find food, the three of you got mixed up too badly.”

“Go back, it’s too dangerous outside the wall, it’s not suitable for you.”

Scavengers like you.”

“Don’t you have a woman? Can you just replace it with a woman?”

The original mockery is fundamental to Lu Luo It didn’t hurt or itchy, until one of the team members mentioned the woman.

Lu Luo’s eyes and imposing manner changed in an instant, his body temperature rose rapidly, and the water vapor on his body began to evaporate.

The cold killing intent began to spread, and these players felt that what they were looking at was no longer a desolate scavenger.

It is a real high-level alien, a monster.

Cracking a joke, belittle, joke, etc. Lu Luo can bear it, because he is talking about himself, but Qi Xinzhu can’t, she is an exception!

At a glance, Zuo Mingliang saw that Lu Luo’s body was slightly lower than just now. His first reaction was that he couldn’t believe it.

Does Lu Luo want to do it at this time? There are so many of them, how is it possible?

But Lu Luo suddenly took a step forward, a puff of steam burst out, Zuo Mingliang quickly got up and blocked the players behind him.

zi zi!

Zuo Mingliang tightened his palms, nodded to Lu Luo proactively, and said apologetically:

“Sorry, the team members are not properly managed and they are silent, yes My negligence.

You guys, shut up and apologize to others.”

The team members looked at each other. Lu Luo’s sudden move just now is really true. They startled them.

Although there is a lot of unwillingness on their faces, they still dare not refuse Captain’s request.

They apologized to Lu Luo one after another. These apologies were not sincere, but they were always an apology.

“I’m sorry, but we were silent just now.”

What is more surprising is that Lu Luo also lowered his head at this time.


I was impulsive just now, I’m sorry.”

[Little Lu, who has become a pleasing goat in three years and has been undercover for many years, is still got it. 】

Lu Luo is a person who achieves goals by fair means or foul.

The purpose of his coming here is food and water, which are what Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi need.

Compared with your companions, your own face is a fart!

And the Grand Prospects Armed Forces Captain Zuo Mingliang in front of me is something.

Zuo Mingliang looked at Lu Luo with an apologetic face. He became more curious about this person and even had a little affection.

Such scavengers are really rare.

“It’s okay. It was just a misunderstanding. Did you just want food and water?”

“Yes, there was an accident with my team and the supplies were lost.”

“Okay, I’ll let you get some.”

Zuo Mingliang and Lu Luo didn’t negotiate in depth, but he was very disciplined, his hands were not dirty, his mouth was not dirty .

Lu Luo got his wish in exchange for food, but the amount is not too much, because foreign materials are traded outside the wall, and the discount is generally more than 80%.

That is, something that is worth 100 yuan in the wall can only be exchanged for 20 yuan in materials.

No way, the capacity is limited, and the various special terrains outside the walls also lead to no suitable vehicles for transportation.

In addition to the energy mobile armor deadlift, the commonly used vehicles are ordinary material transport vehicles.

Being able to come outside the wall, even picking up trash can make money, this is the truth that everyone knows.

So outside the wall, there is no shortage of valuable things at all. What is missing is always a means of transporting materials.

Because of the need for ammunition, food, and water, people who stray outside the wall will always be impossible to complete the four words, and capacity becomes very important.

“Many thanks.”

Lu Luo left, but his arrival this time still impressed these players very much.

“Captain, why are you so polite to him?”

After Lu Luo, an unconvinced player asked, he didn’t quite understand Zuo Mingliang’s ideas.

There are so many of them, there is no need to be afraid of a few scavengers. Even if this person is a bit strong, what is their team configuration?

“You are really naive. If you don’t say anything else, I will ask you, in the evening, does anyone dare to jump into the water of Qianhu District?”

“Going into the water” Isn’t the water in the big night mental illness?”

“Then where do you think the alien brain and brain oil he brought came from? It fell from the sky?”


These team members only remembered Lu Luo’s wet appearance just now. Before, they only looked down upon and laughed at them. Now they want to come.

This guy, really fell asleep at night? Is this braindead or courage?

“Okay, don’t think about that many, it’s just a few passersby second.

Let’s rest, we will be in the C04 swamp tomorrow, which is considered a dangerous area.

These three people have no food and water. In this place, there is no food and water. It is basically impossible to move a single step.

I think we and them It shouldn’ t be meet again.”

When Zuo Mingliang was talking with the team members, Lu Luo also eagerly returned to his camp, which is not a camp.

Lu Luo’s lighting technique is about to go out, but Qi Xinzhu sensibly refilled it with a wave of holy splendor to make it light up again.

The three of them gathered around a small ball of light, and they felt pretty good.

“I brought you compressed biscuits, which are convenient, as well as synthetic meat, water, enough for two meals.”

“Luo brother is awesome!” This is Gu Fangyi sincere flattery.

They are all people who are doing rice, so naturally there is no ambiguity at this time. After Qi Xinzhu simply heated the water and boiled it, he and Gu Fangyi ate each other.

“Lu Luo, don’t you want to eat?”

Qi Xinzhu looked at Lu Luo without moving his mouth, a little curious.

Lu Luo is a person who pays special attention to his own diet. Under normal circumstances, he will eat more or less.

Lu Luo raised his eyebrows, and said deeply:

“If there are alien species, in fact, I am not very hungry.”

Listen At Lu Luo’s answer, Gu Fangyi and Qi Xinzhu were silent for a while, stopped asking more, and started eating again.

Lu Luo’s words, they all did not hear.

Anyway, Lu Luo’s sequence is a B-level cannibal, yes, it is a cannibal, they just need to remember this.

“Hurry up and rest after eating. Tomorrow we will go to C04 Swamp. We will get him 500 blood sacs this time.

You can make more than 1 million even if you count the premium. Remove the 50,000 returned to the account, and then inject 200,000 into the company. The remaining 750,000 will be reserved for the three of us to solve the contract problem.”

“500, you dare to think too!”


“Guo go to sleep, good dreams, dreams have everything.”

Since Lu Luo has decided that this action will be used to deal with the contract, then Gu Fangyi and Qi Xinzhu would not have other opinions.

After eating, Gu Fangyi quickly fell asleep and recovered his strength.

On Qi Xinzhu’s side, after eating and drinking, he recovered a lot of physical strength, and his dark energy level also recovered, and he began to treat Lu Luo’s wounds.

Qi Xinzhu stroked Lu Luo’s calf with a sad expression on his face.

“Lu Luo, your leg bones are broken, and your healing speed is too fast, causing your leg bones to grow crooked now.”

“I know.”

Qi Xinzhu felt even more sad when Lu Luo looked indifferent.

“Then what are you going to do now?”

“Re-break it.”


ka-cha !

Lu Luo’s hand to himself was faster than Qi Xinzhu’s speech, and he directly used qi fuse to break his leg bones.

“Okay, take it!”

Qi Xinzhu looked at Lu Luo with complicated eyes, cautiously placed his palm on Lu Luo’s leg bone.

“It must be painful.”

Qi Xinzhu lowered his head in front of Lu Luo, because the clothes are more damaged, spring is coming.

“Actually it’s okay.” Lu Luo tilted his head, not looking.

The pale white healer rays of light gradually enveloped Lu Luo’s calf. With the double repair of the holy splendor and the healer, Lu Luo’s leg soon began to heal.

After the bones were grown, Lu Luo still used a wooden board to fix his legs.

Let Physique recover the rest of the injuries. He wants to save Qi Xinzhu as much as possible to save holy splendor.

After treating the leg, Qi Xinzhu began to treat Lu Luo’s left chest wound.

50physique’s Lu Luo’s recovery ability is too strong, this huge wound has actually stopped bleeding automatically.

There are still a lot of impurities and dust mixed in the wound, Qi Xinzhu still cautiously cleaned up for Lu Luo.

Feeling the tenderness close at hand, Lu Luo couldn’t help but rein in the cliff for a while and bowed slightly, lest he expose his unsheathed sword.

“Is the waist uncomfortable?”

Qi Xinzhu looked at Lu Luo arched, and began to touch Lu Luo’s back.

“Uh, there are many bone fractures on the body.”

“Okay, wait a minute.”

Qi Xinzhu’s gentleness was given to Lu Luo Very different feelings, he suddenly felt that if there was a woman like this by his side, it seemed good.

[Luo’er, you have fallen! 】

I fell into a fart.

Qi Xinzhu carefully cleaned up Lu Luo’s wounds and carefully smoothed out the scars on Lu Luo’s body with holy splendor.

Although many people say that scars are men’s medals, Qi Xinzhu doesn’t like the so-called medals on Lu Luo’s body, so they have to be erased.

“Lu Luo, what do you think will happen to us in the future?”

Faced with this problem, Lu Luo dare not even think deeply about where we are as Qi Xinzhu said. What’s next.

“Who knows about this kind of thing in the future! I haven’t thought about it in the future, I only know that one step counts as one step.

A person who thinks too much will do too little “

Qi Xinzhu has become accustomed to Lu Luo’s plausible fallacies, she is nodded.

“If I think too much, I will do too little. Then I don’t think about anything. Can I do one thing well?”

“Probably so. “

“I have repaired all your bones. It seems that I can do one thing well when I don’t want anything.”

“Um, probably. .”

“Then, I go to bed? (^_-)”

“Yes, go.”

Qi Xinzhu did not leave, she In Lu Luo’s surprised gaze, he narrowed his eyes, bent like willow leaves, and then put his head on Lu Luo’s thigh.

“Your leg bones need to be fixed, so tonight, I will reluctantly help you fix it.”

Ah, this!

Lu Luo was a little embarrassed, but he did not refuse Qi Xinzhu in the end.

[It feels like the host is about to fall, what about the man’s will? Has the color batch shield failed? 】

The reminder of the observer is exactly what Lu Luo thought in his heart.

Sex, taking advantage, and openly accepting a woman are completely different things.

Lu Luo feels that he is not ready now, so he keeps a distance from Qi Xinzhu’s approach.

The problem now is that Qi Xinzhu has learned to be smart recently, and she has stopped engaging in holy light.

What was Qi Xinzhu before? opened mouth, closed mouth Follow the dawn, and then say holy light is with me in the morning, noon and night.

Such Qi Xinzhu Lu Luo has sufficient reasons to refuse. He does not like the church and is not good for Qi Xinzhu’s senses.

But now Qi Xinzhu, how can I say it!

I look like a woman, and she is a very gentle and considerate woman who will be considerate of you. Who can stand it?

Lu Luo feels that he is about to die, but now it is impossible for him to reject Qi Xinzhu and drive her away.

Not to mention Qi Xinzhu’s own ability and value, even his own heart can’t bear it anymore.

Lu Luo fiddled with Qi Xinzhu’s hair, trying to make her sleep more comfortable.

“Go to sleep!”

I don’t want to sort out the ambiguous relationship between the two.


At night, because Lu Luo could not move, he simply sat in place and studied the nether flame.

His Nether Seed is very small, and there is no comparability with the poisonous seed anyway.

Now if he releases the poison with all his strength, it is estimated that he can kill a village and town with poison mist.

But the nether flame released by the Nether Seed is probably about the same size as a lighter.

Lu Luo did some simple tests of this power.

Judging from the results of previous battles, Lu Luo drew some simple inferences. The strongest effect of nether flame is to strip life.

As long as it is a life form, whether it is a ghost or hiding in the shadows, this energy can lock and strip life, and it is very powerful.

When the nether flame is released, life energy needs to be consumed. This may be the price of using the nether flame.

In short, this should be a very advanced energy, at least above the shadows.

But its specific effects and functions still need to be developed.

One night, in addition to studying nether flame, Lu Luo also practiced the use of highly toxic seeds.

As for the third gear of the steam form, Lu Luo didn’t want to disturb him because Qi Xinzhu was still sleeping, so he didn’t practice.

This evening, he can say that he has gained a lot.

The battle with Li Qingshu was analyzed by him one after another, and then reproduced in his own world of consciousness using overclocking mode.

This was originally a battle of great disparity in strength, but because of the environment, mentality, and sufficient preparation, it caused a different result.

“My current strength, and the real Tier 4 expert, there is still a certain gap, this battle has given enough positioning.”

In the course of the battle, There was also an accident.

That is the shattering of the corridor room.

Lu Luo didn’t think about it before. It was because there was no time to think about it, and no chance to think about the problems.

But now that I think about it, the broken room itself has a big problem.

Because the world of the red carpet room was created by a nightmare, Lu Luo determined that if there is no permission from the nightmare, it is impossible for anyone to break the red carpet room.

Even if the wall can be broken, the power of the nightmare will repair the entire room in an instant, just like that pair of armor.

In my fight with Li Qingshu at that time, if it weren’t for the broken red carpet room, I wouldn’t use the third steam gear at all, nor would I use the power of nether flame.

Thinking about it now, the situation at that time was more like an arrangement!

“The arrangement of the nightmare?”

Lu Luo did not continue to think deeply about this matter. He still has to go back to the wall and discuss it carefully with Lu Di.


2nd day before dawn, Gu Fangyi and Qi Xinzhu got up early.

After making some simple breakfasts, the three of Lu Luo took a step next to the team and moved towards C04 Swamp, which is the Silent Swamp.

The range of this swamp is also very large, similar to that of the C13 Swamp.

And here is also a lord, it is the lord-level alien that the Grand Prospects Armed Forces team is looking for, Gaum.

However, there is a big difference between Gaum and C13’s Mother-Child Aquatic Lemon. Gaum’s range of action is very special.

It is not fixed in an area, but wandering back and forth in the silent swamp and the deeper Rotten Valley.

Apart from personal equipment, the three of them do not have any luggage, so they move quickly.

About 11 o’clock in the morning on the 3rd day, even though I completely passed through the Qianhu District, I came to the silent swamp.

“This is probably our destination, let’s get ready!”

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