Doomsday Ring

Chapter 164

The total energy is enough to strengthen the second 50. The energy harvest outside the wall this time is not unabundant.

But before strengthening the attribute, he still has to deal with the jet-type three-dimensional maneuver.

Continuous use has made this belt, which was originally used for only 10 minutes, become dilapidated.

But fortunately, just like the lifespan of a barrel is only 8 seconds, the use time of the belt is about 2 minutes.

I now have Tier 3 alien eyeballs, and there are many more. What I need to do now is the optimization of the jet belt.

[Fusioner formula: little white flower energy 250 points Tier 3 alien crystal or star dust = increase the use time of this equipment by 1 hour.

[The Fusion is optimizing your equipment, please wait. 】

【little white flower-Jet type three-dimensional maneuvering device I, the use time is increased to: 62 minutes. 】

“More than an hour of use time is enough for me to spend a long time! Perfect.”

In addition to optimizing the little white flower jet belt, Lu Luo also used crab legs to make it for himself Two swords that are not considered swords.

The carapace of the Tier 3 alien species is still very hard. The Fusion can optimize it and it can barely be used as a sword.

Apart from this, Lu Luo also used the Fusion to get a set of crabbone breastplates for Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi.

Gu Fangyi’s set is just ordinary, without any special features.

But Qi Xinzhu’s set is more particular. First of all, we must highlight a curvaceous, highlight the figure, and then maintain sufficient defensive power.

Although Lu Luo is very curious about how Qi Xinzhu wears it, it does not fit well, and is uncomfortable.

If you feel uncomfortable, he can take it over and change it. You can tell me carefully what doesn’t fit.

But at this time, it was obviously not the time to think about this question, and Qi Xinzhu’s weird eyes also indirectly rejected him.

Prepare the equipment for the brothers, Lu Luo has left and right energy left, and he starts to add some for himself.

“Strengthen the agility to 50.”

【Consume 8150 energy to strengthen the host’s agility to 50. ]

[The enhancement is complete, and your sequence chain B-00- is extremely enhanced. ]

[Effect-dexterity removed, new effect-swift]

Effect-swift: your full speed is increased by 29%, including thinking speed, reaction speed, attack speed, and reduction High-altitude jump damage, improve jumping power.


The improvement of Agility 50 is much more significant than the previous effect. The thinking speed and reaction speed are improved, which is almost equivalent to a small overclocking. status.

It looks like agile special effects, but also has the ability to qualitatively change.

“Continue, strengthen strength.”

【Consume 3800 energy value, strengthen strength to 33. 】

After the strengthening is completed, Lu Luo moved his body a little, and after familiarizing himself with the new strength of the body, he said to the two people beside him:

“Let’s go! Let’s go too Try this high-risk area, Rotten Valley.”


In the Grand Prospects Armed Forces team, Lin Zhiming was retching with his nose.

After walking for less than 3 hours, he could not help but vomit 4 times, not to mention rice, but the acid water was vomited up.

No way, Rotten Valley is the absolute valley on the high cliff of C13. It is the Burial Ground of countless different species.

There is a strong dark energy here, which breeds a large number of alien species, and because the air cannot circulate normally, it becomes unbearable.

“Why are there such inhumans, why do we come to this inhuman place?”

The two women brought by Lin Zhiming have been fainted.

The price of passing out is cruel, that is, being directly discarded by Lin Zhiming and becoming a different kind of food within the valley.

Here, everyone is uncomfortable, and transcender is no exception. No one cares about the lives of two ordinary person classes.

Moreover, even Lin Zhiming himself knows the degree of danger of Rotten Valley itself.

So these two women are lost if they are lost. After returning, there are still women,

he doesn’t care.

In fact, not only Lin Zhiming is sick, but Li Tanya is also very sad.

These ordinary persons have already put on gas masks. Gas masks can only filter out toxins in the air, but cannot completely isolate the stench.

“Be patient, you are not alone.”

Li Tanya rarely scolded Lin Zhiming. The stench made her dizzy and she really didn’t have that energy.

But even if the task is difficult, she has reasons to complete it.

Led by Zuo Mingliang and Liu Yu, the team marched in silence.

Liu Yu has been paying close attention to the front, but what she didn’t notice was that several huge human faces gradually appeared on the wall after the team walked past.

The faces of these people are 2-3 meters high. Their expressions are either ugly or beautiful. They make a sound of “tsk tsk tsk”, as if they are talking in a certain language.

After confirming that the Grand Prospects Armed Forces team had gone away, a face suddenly broke through the wall and stood up with eight long legs like spiders.

With the first face, there will be a second and a third face.

After all these faces were separated from the wall, they did not go directly to the bottom of the valley.

Instead, they used long legs to nail to the valley wall and climbed from the wall in the direction moved towards Grand Prospects Armed Forces.

Ahead, the marching team saw Captain Zuo Mingliang suddenly raised his right hand and immediately stopped guarding.

“Boss, what did you find?”

Liu Yu didn’t notice the danger, so not quite clear Zuo Mingliang why did Zuo Mingliang stop the team.

“Something’s wrong, prepare to fight.”

Zuo Mingliang is not like Liu Yu, he is a genius who has a detection sequence and reached Tier 3 at a young age.

His innate talent is far inferior to Liu Yu, but he has one thing that Liu Yu cannot compare, and that is his experience outside the battle wall as a Captain.

“This section of the road is too quiet.”

“What do you mean?”

“According to normal circumstances, Rotten Valley’s There should be a lot of alien species. Even if there are no large alien species, there should be some small alien species in this section.

But there is no alien species at all in this distance, even the one that often appears in Taniguchi. Species of rodents are gone.

This is obviously abnormal. There is only one reason for this situation.

That is the alien species in this area, Some guys who can hide are dispelled, killed, or eaten.”

When Zuo Mingliang said this, the team members who were familiar with him became a little nervous. They each squeezed their guns, ready to have them at any time. A battle that may break out.

Zuo Mingliang’s strength in Grand Prospects Armed Forces may not be the strongest, but he hasn’t had an accident for so many years.

It is enough to show his ability to lead the team, and his experience has always been trustworthy.

Liu Yu tied up his hair, trying not to let his hair affect his vision.

Although Zuo Mingliang made a warning, Liu Yu still didn’t notice anything, which made her a little confused.

Out of trust in Zuo Mingliang, she even suspected that her sequence was a problem.

“Hidden guy? Boss, what should I do now? I can’t find the enemy.”

“Don’t panic, the more you are at this time, the more you can’t panic.

The chassis of a Tier 5 lord will not allow the existence of other Tier 4 aliens, so in Rotten Valley, as long as it is not Gaum.

The highest Rank of other aliens is only 3. Tier, with our strength, even if it’s a Tier 3 cluster, we don’t need to be too scared.”

“Yes, I know.”

Although this is the case, Zuo Mingliang’s sense of crisis has become stronger.

Because there were some noises within the valley just now, such as alien species of birds, or alien species hiding in the wall.

But at this time, the entire valley keep quiet out of fear, even the heavy breathing of the players can be heard clearly.

Li Tanya’s face is a bit ugly. Although she is very strong, she is still very uncomfortable with this dangerous atmosphere.

Fortunately, the woman in the hood held Li Tanya with her hand, which made Li Tanya feel a little better.

Lin Zhiming is even more embarrassed, his calves are shaking.

Moreover, he also felt something wrong with the team atmosphere. He was just dull, domineering, not brain-dead. At this time, he didn’t even dare to play with Young Master’s temper.

“Li Tanya, are you waiting here now?”

“Stop talking, Zuo Mingliang, they can handle it.”

“Oh! “

The silence lasted for a while. Nothing happened for a long time, and the stiffness of the limbs caused by excessive tension made some players relax a little.

“Is there on it?”


Above, there are cliffs in the valley, and there are a lot of vines. There are light in some places, but big Part of the area is very dark.

Just as the team members relaxed a little, Liu Yu also checked the top of the valley.

Liu Yu did not detect a higher place, a bunch of green mucus dropping from the sky.

“Be careful! Above.”


Green’s slime is like strong acid, instantly corroding a person’s weapon and half of his body.

His open mouth and horrified face were fixed at the same time.

After the green’s slime fell on the ground, it began to bubble and float, and the gas emitted was known to be toxic at first glance.

This dropping from the sky attack made everyone look up towards the top, but at the same moment, two giant human face spiders appeared at the forefront of the canyon.

pu! pu!

The glutton opened his mouth and spit out two groups of acid again.

The two groups of acid flew toward the crowd like a poisonous stream, and the target was the center of the team, where Li Tanya was.

“It is a Tier 3 human-faced spider-glutton, protecting Academician Li.”


At the time of Li Tanya’s crisis , Zhou Qingyu, the hooded lady who has been hidden in the team, shot.

As soon as she raised her hand, a huge ice wall appeared in the center of the team.

bang! bang!

Two groups of acid strikes on the ice wall, and the ice blessed by dark energy freezes instantly.

The acid in this form no longer has the strong corrosiveness it used to be, and it no longer emits poison qi around it.

“really strong!”

The strength of the 4th-level expert surpasses everyone’s imagination, and a single encounter stabilizes the military’s mind.

“Go ahead, don’t waste time here, just a few human face spiders.”


Zuo Mingliang has picked up As a member of Grand Prospects Armed Forces, his own big-breathing rifle can secretly attach bullets. He naturally knows very well.

da da da!

A bullet hit the face of the face spider continuously, and a large amount of green slurry splashed.

The effect of the dark energy bullet is too obvious. The firepower of Zuo Mingliang and another Tier 3 expert instantly suppressed the two face spiders in the front.

Liu Yu picked up his sniper rifle and raised his head to aim at the top of the cliff.


Special energy bullets pass through a pile of acid and explode on the face of the face spider!

After the battle rhythm, the quality of the Grand Prospects Armed Forces was immediately reflected.

11 face spiders, they only paid the price of 4 deaths and 1 injury. , It will all be resolved.

The body of the face spider was scattered all over the place, and the team of Grand Prospects Armed Forces restarted moving towards within the valley and marching deeper.

After a long time, the three of Lu Luo, who had been following the Grand Prospects Armed Forces team, came to the vicinity of the human face spider’s body.

“The fangs and venom sacs of these human face spiders were taken away. They should have been made by people from Grand Prospects Armed Forces.”

Look at these fairly fresh corpses. , Qi Xinzhu pointed.

“Or, let’s take a break?”

“Okay.” Gu Fangyi agreed.

And Lu Luo, has already begun to drag the corpse.

Because the body is not complete, 11 human face spider corpses provide Lu Luo with about 4000 energy.

In this way, you don’t need to hunt yourself, pure white prostitution is really cool, a strong team is good for this, and this is why Lu Luo has always wanted to mix with the strong team.

It is always cautiously to hunt and kill alien species by yourself, which causes too much danger, too little is inefficient.

Grand Prospects Armed Forces pulls the monsters together to kill Lu Luo temporarily cannot do it.

“Strengthen the power.”

Lu Luo once again used a part of the energy to increase the power to 40, which is not far from the limit of 50 for the three attributes.

This way of action following Grand Prospects Armed Forces, although there are certain risks.

But the speed of energy collection is indeed much faster than your own actions.

Lu Luo picked up the damaged gas mask on the ground.

“Can it be repaired?”

[To repair the Hongyuan A3 gas mask, it requires 158 points of energy, 61 points, and a few fiber leaves. 】

The damage of the two gas masks is different, so the energy consumed is also different.

Lu Luo tore some leaves from the wall, repaired the two gas masks with the Fusion, and handed them to Qi Xinzhu.

“Come on, the level of toxins here is rising rapidly.”

“What do you mean?”

“Gaum is known as the Lord of Decay. The poison is just One of its abilities, I think, the team in front should not be far away from Gaum. UU reading”

Lu Luo looked at the quiet valley and said with certainty.


“Quickly rewind!”


One is far more sprayed than the previous face spider The acid, the blue green poisonous ball that was several times huge, moved towards the team and flew over.


Zhou Qingyu immediately raised the barrier, but this attack was obviously different from the previous human face spider.

The poison ball exploded instantly, and the impact smashed the barrier directly.

The unspeakable stench and poisonous eruption caused the team to suffer heavy casualties in an instant.

Looking at this somewhat desperate scene, Li Tanya looked at the monster in front of him in horror…

10 minutes before this tragic explosion.

In the depths of Rotten Valley, the expressions of Zuo Mingliang and the others gradually became strange.

Different from the Rotten Valley area just now, there was some light falling above the Rotten Valley at this time.

Although there is no sun, the sunlight passing through the dark clouds can still illuminate this area.

And the environment of this place is very different from other areas in Rotten Valley.

The valley of flowers is full of decorations, as if they have been specially trimmed. Not only the flowers and grass, but also some stone tables and chairs on the valley wall, it feels like it was built by humans.

Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the Peach Garden in Rotten Valley.

Looking at such an environment, people always relax their minds inadvertently.

The fragrance of flowers is fascinating, and the gorgeous meditation, only Zuo Mingliang and a few experts are wary.

The environment here is indeed too human, which is obviously abnormal!

Not to mention the abnormal performance of the alien species, even if it is a level 5 expert, there is no way to live in such a place for a long time.

“Boss, there is a man ahead! A woman.”

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