Doomsday Ring

Chapter 166

Lu Luo’s figure keeps getting closer, and as he gets closer, it also puts a lot of pressure on Zhou Qingyu.

If it’s normal, Zhou Qingyu certainly wouldn’t be afraid of a transcender that is only a second-order transcender, even if the second-order is special, it is still second-order after all.

But Zhou Qingyu is too weak today, Gaum has caused enough damage to her.

A lot of blood loss, multiple skeleton breaks, and dark energy almost exhausted. She can now run out with Lin Zhiming, which is already very reluctant.

Now let her face a somewhat weird transcender like Lu Luo, she really can’t hold it anymore.

Zhou Qingyu’s silence made Lin Zhiming nervous. He grabbed Zhou Qingyu’s arm and kept shaking.

“Zhou Qingyu, why are you hesitating, can’t you solve this kind of guy?

He is just a scavenger, my big brother spends that many money to support you every year, you Now, do you want to tell me that you can’t deal with a scavenger?

Talk to Zhou Qingyu!”

Zhou Qingyu is not as strong as Li Tanya, she is more silent, Also more restrained.

In fact, she did not give up Lin Zhiming’s idea, but she was waiting, waiting for Lu Luo to get closer, and then she could seize the opportunity to strike a certain kill.

Such a Fourth Ring person lacks combat experience with high-level transcenders, and is close combat, so he will definitely get close to himself.

Zhou Qingyu’s judgment is correct.

Lu Luo is still continuously approaching himself, getting closer and closer, and the opportunity is here.

“Very good, as long as I am within Flame Blade’s attack range, I will be sure to kill him with one blow.”

Zhou Qingyu thought about this, and suddenly found that Lu Luo was in She stopped at the edge of her ideal range.

[The opponent has produced high-intensity dark energy fluctuations and is already transforming to heat energy. Please keep a safe distance from the host. ]

[Steam pressure is accumulating…]

[Steam pressure is accumulating…]

[Steam pressure is accumulating…]< /p>

Lu Luo’s skin gradually became red, and wisps of steam came out of his body, which looked a little strange, and Zhou Qingyu couldn’t help but start to get nervous.

“This guy, why stopped, what is he waiting for?”

Lu Luo is also surprised, why the Zhou Qingyu in front of him doesn’t make a move, is the expert in the inner ring so useless? Is it?

It’s not right. The previous Li Qingshu was also Tier 4, but Li Qingshu was very difficult to deal with. Although it was a bit bloated, the battle method and ideas were correct.

But what happened to Zhou Qingyu in front of you? He has obviously been accumulating energy for so long, is this person really pretending to be invisible?

Although you are a Tier 4, you are too arrogant to despise me like this?

The more Lu Luo thought about it, the more unconvinced, he finally spoke.

“I’m waiting for the CD, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for death?”


Zhou Qingyu For a moment of stunned, Lu Luo The posture has changed.

Malicious Explosive Punch-through.

The hot and pressure-filled shock wave penetrated, and the attack range of this move was even higher than Zhou Qingyu’s Flame Blade.

Zhou Qingyu did not expect that a melee professional like Lu Luo could also issue such a long-range attack.

In the astonishment, he can only dissipate his own hot dark energy, re-solidify the ice barrier, and defend the two.


The center of the ice wall was shattered by the shock wave, a large number of cracks appeared around the ice, Zhou Qingyu’s fingers were shaking.

She was too weak, and Lu Luo’s attack was so bursting that she almost failed to block it.

The power of this man! Are they really human? A Rank 2 human?

If it is normal, she is still sure to take over Lu Luo’s Malicious Explosive Punch, but now,

she is seriously injured under too much pressure.

Zhou Qingyu has just dispersed the ice wall, Lu Luo’s figure has actually appeared in front of her, the speed is fast, unimaginable, and Zhou Qingyu’s horror is more powerful.

“Why are you so fast?”

“Fart, I am the longest lasting!”

[He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry, Little Lu Anxious! 】


Lu Luo punched Zhou Qingyu’s arm, and the ice defense that had just been condensed shattered again, and the huge power made Zhou Qingyu’s hand bones. bending.

She originally walked on the energy system road, which is the flow of the wasteland mage in the general sense.

The original idea when I came to kill Gaum was that Mecha and the team trap Gaum, and she will bombard with energy.

There is no problem at all, it is a very reasonable tactic.

But what didn’t expect is that Gaum has become more flexible, and her combat advantages have disappeared.

And Lu Luo in front of him is also amazingly fast! Not giving her a chance to cast spells at all.

This kind of close combat with fists to the flesh is not what she is good at. Just after a little distance from Lu Luo, the crab sword took the qi fuse and pierced her chest through the ice wall.

Pu chi!


Seeing Zhou Qingyu’s blood spilling on the spot, Lin Zhiming on the side was already shocked.

He knew that if Zhou Qingyu was not Lu Luo’s opponent, he would definitely die.

So, he has to run!

Lin Zhiming ran directly towards Taniguchi. Lu Luo who was fighting Zhou Qingyu didn’t even look at him.

Because he did not come alone.

Gu Fangyi pushed the gas mask on his mouth and said to Qi Xinzhu on the side:

“People are coming, do you need me to do it?”

The gas mask covered most of Qi Xinzhu’s expression, but her eyes still showed unprecedented firmness.

“No, it’s because of me every time, this time, I should have grown a little bit.”

Gu Fangyi approvingly nodded, holding his gun back to the side .

Qi Xinzhu took out his pistol and moved towards within the valley.

She rarely uses firearms, but that doesn’t mean she can’t use firearms.

As an excellent Light Admirer, any tactical equipment needs to be used skillfully.

Because of the superior conditions, Qi Xinzhu even manipulates the energy mobile armor to hide his abilities and not, which are two different things.

Lin Zhiming’s footsteps gradually became clear, and he also saw Qi Xinzhu’s figure.

Seeing Qi Xinzhu’s gun in his hand, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was terrified. He stopped and said in a pleasing tone:

“Hey, don’t be like this, don’t In this way, I just made a few jokes that night, we everyone minds their own business, there is no need to go to this step!

Your man has already given me enough punishment, and how can I say it is useless? Principal citizens of the country, can you put me a size? May I beg you?”

My man? Not for now! Qi Xinzhu thought for a while.

She looked at Lin Zhiming who was begging for mercy, and she felt a little ridiculous.

Taking off his gas mask, Qi Xinzhu revealed his true face, and said in a tranquil voice:

“You wanted to see my face at that time? Now you have seen it. I’m here, so I’m sorry, I can’t let you go.”

When Lin Zhiming saw Qi Xinzhu’s face, his first reaction was that this woman is so beautiful.

But his second reaction was, isn’t this woman the Light Admirer of the church?

You said that you are a member of the church, and I am not that impudent anymore.

“Wait, wait…”

Lin Zhiming still wanted to explain, but Qi Xinzhu did not give him a chance to explain.

After all, Qi Xinzhu is a softhearted person after all. If she gives Lin Zhiming too many opportunities to explain, then she will probably let him go under Lin Zhiming’s rhetoric.

If you let him go, Lu Luo will be angry, and the entire Ring Studio will be dangerous. Qi Xinzhu can’t let him go.

So, let’s just shoot!



An energy barrier actually appeared out of thin air in front of Lin Zhiming, blocking Qi Xinzhu’s bullet for him.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Zhiming spoke quickly.

“I really don’t know that you are a member of the church. If I knew that you were the Light Admirer of the church, I would not provoke you.

I’m here to tell you something Sorry, can’t it work? Please, I just want to live.

I swear that I will never retaliate against you when I go back.

Oh, and I will not retaliate either. That Ring Studio, please, Lord Light Admirer…”

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ Bang!

Qi Xinzhu shot while walking. She put on the gas mask again and her expression became stern.

She wants to kill Lin Zhiming, never for herself, but to remove obstacles and dangers for Lu Luo. This is what a Light Admirer should do.

ka ka ka!

The pistol has no bullets, but Lin Zhiming’s shield has not been broken. The formidable power of his defensive item is really extraordinary.

Such a defensive ability, even a sniper rifle sneak attack, I am afraid it can be prevented.

“Forget it!”

Qi Xinzhu drew his sword directly and turned his right hand slightly.

One type of sword heart, spiral sword-Holy Radiance.

Pu chi!

The energy shield has not disappeared, but its energy defense structure cannot handle attacks like spiral sword qi at all.

Lin Zhiming wears a man with a shield and is worn by Qi Xinzhu.

The defensive effect of the spiral sword is still amazing. The opponent can continuously block the bullet’s energy shield and is penetrated by the spiral sword qi.

Gu Fangyi had already walked up at this time. He glanced at Lin Zhiming’s body and confirmed that the opponent was dead.

Then he quickly stripped the items, equipment, and clothes from him.

Gu Fangyi tossed all his clothes, phone, and status token aside, and burned them on fire.

Then put Lin Zhiming’s corpse directly into the small alien cave on the wall of the knife valley, allowing the Insect and rodent alien species in the cave to further decompose the corpse.

The rodents will eat the meat on the corpse cleanly, and the Insect will also crush the remaining bones.

So handling the corpse in this way is a perfect return to nature without any pollution.

After burning the things, Gu Fangyi confirmed that there was nothing left to his identity.

Then take Lin Zhiming’s few unknown items and walk towards Lu Luo.

At this time, the battle between Lu Luo and Zhou Qingyu has come to an end. Zhou Qingyu retreats steadily, and is finally kicked by Lu Luo and fell to the corner.

Looking at Lu Luo close at hand, Zhou Qingyu finally accepted her fate, but she will not die here easily!

A flash of determination flashed in her eyes, and suddenly she tore her chest open in front of Lu Luo.

“Let me go, I am yours!”

Although Zhou Qingyu is almost 30 on 29, it is undeniable that she is very beautiful, like a familiar Transparent peach.

The usual silent character and high strength gave her a special veil, high cold and strong.

And Zhou Qingyu himself knows that many men like to conquer, especially to conquer a strong, indifferent and arrogant woman.

This will bring extraordinary psychological pleasure to men.

Lu Luo is just a second-order Fourth Ring person. Such an opportunity to conquer the flesh of a high-level female expert, Zhou Qingyu feels that he will not refuse.

As for shame or something, hehe, this is outside the wall, a land of no owner, a paradise for lawbreakers.

But as long as the female transcender who has traveled outside the wall and survived, who has no unbearable past?

Survival is the truth. As for shame, humiliation, etc., that is something that stupid people will consider.

Zhou Qingyu looked at the young and handsome Lu Luo, and there were some thoughts in his heart that he wanted Lu Luo to rush forward.

However, she didn’t like Lu Luo’s expression of raising her eyebrows and scanning her body.

Zhou Qingyu saw Lu Luo stop in front of him, thinking he was fascinated by his body.

So she rubbed her legs, moved towards Lu Luo and hooked her fingers.

“Hurry up, what are you waiting for?”

[Seduce like this? To be honest, it feels so-so. 】

Lu Luo nodded, it can be regarded as an endorsement of the observer’s statement.

“Oh, then I am coming!”

Pu chi!


Long polished crab legs sword pierced Zhou Qingyu’s chest instantly.

Zhou Qingyu’s first reaction was to be unbelievable, and his second reaction was to make a final counterattack.

She just wanted to raise her hand, and Lu Luo’s crab leg long sword fell again.


The palm of her hand flew into the air, and Zhou Qingyu’s own blood was spilled on her own face.

She wanted to beg for mercy, but Lu Luo stopped talking nonsense, and cut off Zhou Qingyu’s head with a single sword, completely ending the life of this Tier 4 transcender.

“The villain died of talking too much, so I didn’t talk a lot when I was fighting in order not to die.”

Then he did the same thing as Gu Fangyi, searching for the body of Zhou Qingyu .

But when he was about to throw the corpse, the cry made him stop.

“Lu Luo.”

At this time, Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi also arrived. She looked at Zhou Qingyu’s disheveled corpse and looked at Lu Luo with surprise.

“Lu Luo, what are you doing?”

“Moving the corpse?”

“She is a woman!”

“She is a corpse!”

“Should I not do this kind of thing? Did you hold back for too long to do this to a corpse?”

“What’s wrong with me!”

Lu Luo’s expression is a little broken, Qi Xinzhu, what is this woman thinking?

When Lu Luo looked strange, Qi Xinzhu suddenly hugged Lu Luo.

“Don’t do this in the future.”

Lu Luo is numb, he doesn’t want to explain anymore.

“Dispose of the corpse, we are going to go.”


At this moment, 5-6 human face spiders suddenly came from Taniguchi They flew in the direction, they ignored Lu Luo, but ran towards the depths of the valley.

Looking at these human face spiders, Lu Luo suddenly had a new idea.

“I think we have some better choices.”

He directly threw Zhou Qingyu’s body at the face spider, and one of the face spider directly bit the corpse , Glanced at Lu Luo with a strange expression, and then stalked the corpse before moving towards the place where Gaum was.

“Brother Luo, why did you throw the corpse over?”

“It was an accident to sit down, these two people have been driven by the human face spider Killing has nothing to do with us.”

Behind the rocks deep in the valley is Gaum’s garden. At this time, Gaum’s battle continues.

Standing in this position, Lu Luo can even hear some giant beasts’ roars and human screams.

Lu Luo does not want to share a piece of the pie, UU reading www.uukanshu. Although the energy and sequence of the lord-level alien species is very fragrant, the danger is equally huge.

Rather than venture into the battle within the valley and fight Gaum, he might as well stay outside in the swamp and continue wandering. Maybe he can find 2 more ghost crabs and mix some blood sacs, although the probability is small.

Since he does not plan to enter within the valley to participate in the battle, Lu Luo has to consider the exposure of this operation.

Zhou Qingyu has escaped with Lin Zhiming. This is something everyone inside should know.

Lu Luo knows very well that if these people can’t survive, it’s okay, but if they really kill Gaum, or escape from Gaum’s hands.

Then after they return to the wall, they will have doubts about Zhou Qingyu and Lin Zhiming’s failure to return.

Once this happens, the three Lu Luo who had conflicts with Grand Prospects Armed Forces will be strongly suspected.

Although they do not have any evidence to prove that these two people were killed by the three of them, sometimes the superiors judge a matter without evidence.

Therefore, Lu Luo feels that it is still necessary to complete the next thing, whether it is the other party or himself, to feel complete.

Zhou Qingyu’s corpse can make the whole thing seem very complete.

Next, he will not go into the deep valley anymore, he will choose to wait with Gu Fangyi in the valley.

Normally, if the Grand Prospects Armed Forces person does not come out within 3 days, it is basically dead.

Lu Luo is going to wait 5 days to make this matter completely foolproof.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the door and wait to see if they can come out.”


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