Doomsday Ring

Chapter 169

Chapter 171 Unprecedented Harvest (please complete the order)
[You killed the Tier 5 Lord-level Alien Species, the King of Decay-Gaum. ]

It was confirmed that Gaum was dead, Lu Luo was finally relaxed, because he had already made a plan in his heart, and the whole battle process was relatively stable.

This battle is even easier than the battle with Li Qingshu in Nightmare, and it is much easier.

Just like what the observer said, all Gaum’s conditions and abilities are restrained by himself.

She was seriously injured again. If she still failed to kill Gaum in this state, it was her own problem.

“Lu Luo!”

Qi Xinzhu ran over and started to treat Lu Luo’s injuries.

Although Gaum is very weak, but after this battle, Lu Luo is still bruised all over again.

But their harvest is also very impressive, weapons, equipment, and a lord-level alien corpse.

“Ah plentiful harvest!”

“This time is considered a profit, and the profit is reasonable.”

Lu Luo asked Qi Xinzhu to stop the treatment, The most urgent thing is to devour Gaum’s body first.

Because the dead alien species is losing life energy at all times.

[You are devouring the 5th lord-level alien species, the King of Decay-Gaum. ]

[You have 5535 points of energy.

[You have obtained the sequence C-189-seed. ]

[You have obtained Level 1 Doom Factor-King of Decay. 】


“What’s wrong, Brother Luo?”

“It’s okay.”

Lu Luo looked at I don’t know if I should be happy or sad when I get a new sequence.

He did not get the sequence value,

in exchange for the C-189-seed sequence.

Under normal circumstances, Lord-level alien species have a sequence value of more than 40, but now they don’t have a C-Rank sequence at all. Is it a loss or a profit?

Sequence C-189-Seed
Effect: Create a seed that belongs to you with a cooling time of 1 month.

Introduction: It looks like the ability of a plant system, but it is actually the ability of a biology system.

“Biological system ability? Can only be used once a month?”

Lu Luo felt the seed sequence, and finally gave up the idea of ​​trying the ability now.

After all, the once-a-month CD is still a bit fucking.

“A bit detailed explanation?”

[According to your infusion of dark energy and life energy, different seeds will be created.

Seeds can grow, but they also need time to develop. 】

Lu Luo looking thoughtful and nodded, he has probably understood the meaning of this stuff.

But for the specific effect, we still have to create a complete seed.

“Lu Luo, what do we say now?”

“It’s still early, first arrange the equipment, and rest on the spot today, and follow me to Rotten Valley tomorrow morning.”


“Go to Rotten Valley? Gaum is dead.”

Qi Xinzhu doesn’t like the smelly place very much.

“It is because Gaum is dead that we are going to go!”


At night, maybe Lu Luo these days Too many alien species were killed in Silent Swamp, or because of the aftermath of Gaum’s death.

The whole night was flat and there were no attacks.

Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi are both cultivating by Lu Luo’s side, while Lu Luo chooses to add points in place to fill his last short board that is not a short board.

“Strengthen the strength.”

【Strengthening strength, consume 4550 energy, strengthen strength to 50.

[Your sequence chain B-00-pole has some new changes. 】

Sequence chain B-00- very

Effect-tenacious: Reduce the damage by 27%, stack with any other damage reduction, and all damage will eventually be -9.

Effect-Swiftness: Increases full speed by 29%, reduces damage from high-altitude drops, and improves jumping power.

Effect-military force: Increase physical damage by 29%, and physical damage penetration by 9%.

Effect-Strength: Increase life force by 50%, increase physical damage by 16%.

Introduction: The extreme is the extreme, and Peak can make Ji Realm.

After the enhancement is completed, all the attributes of Lu Luo have reached the extreme that can be achieved by level 2.

His attributes have completely surpassed the extremes of Tier 2 alien species, let alone humans.

He doesn’t know what will happen if he grows like this, but he has a feeling.

With the growth of his own attributes, his body has begun to naturally absorb free dark energy.

This absorption is not Devourer’s active absorption, but it is similar to Devourer’s absorption.

He will absorb dark energy particles around a large area, and will release another kind of particles from the body.

Lu Luo doesn’t know what the situation is, but when he asks the observer, he is above the sequence and cannot evaluate the result.

Although the observer did not prompt, but soon, Doomsday Disc gave new results.

[Your body attribute has been fully upgraded to 50, and Doomsday Disc is casting a perfect body for you. 】

[We are casting a perfect body, please wait 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

The work efficiency of the disc is still so high, it can be said that it is not the fusion. Know how many times.

[Your body has become perfect, use the disc world at most once every 30 days, and rotate the disc once. ]

[The disc world uses a 30-point sequence value that consumes 10,000 energy points, and a rotating disk consumes 10,000 energy 30-point sequence values. ]

Huh? This…

Not to mention the CD once a month, and it needs to consume 10,000 energy 30 sequence value. Now he has no 2,000 energy in total on the shelves. What a good ability!
And as soon as this consumption was released, Lu Luo felt stupid.

In order to kill Wu En, he activated the disc world and turned the disc to use the core of devouring the world.

Means, he spent 20,000, 60 serial value points, to earn about 6000, 40 serial value?
Capitalists everywhere Ah, observers, can you give me a comment?
[Above the sequence, it cannot be evaluated. 】

Look, this is what the capitalist lackeys look like, but also an observer, I yuck!

Lu Luo turned his attention to the advanced needs of the sequence chain.

[Sequence B-00-Extremely advanced: Material 1+Material 2+Physical fitness is fully enhanced to 20+life essence 2]

[Material 1: Titan’s Blood + Dark Spirit Stone 30 grams + energy value 1000]

[Material 2: Muscle of order 3 deformity 60kg + Dark Spirit Stone 30 grams + energy value 1000]

In fact, these materials, Today, most of Lu Luo can be obtained, except for Titan’s Blood.

The Titans are huge subjects of the human race, and the prices are extremely high.

The last time Tier 5 Titan’s Blood appeared, it was just a small bottle of purification, and it was bought for 290,000 yuan.

Titan’s Blood itself is the most cutting-edge alchemy material, and it even has the effect of enhancing the ordinary person physique.

So there are a lot of people in need, and the price can’t come down. Lu Luo has always been a headache.

With Ring Studio now, and his personal financial situation, I really can’t afford it.

Even if he can afford it, he won’t buy it, because if he has the money, the breakthrough level 3 is definitely higher than the enhancement.

Now he can prepare advanced materials, but only Titan’s Blood.

“Forget it, let’s slow down for the time being, it’s not that rich yet.”

One night passed lightly, 2nd day early in the morning, Lu Luo and three people Back to Rotten Valley.

After all, this is the site of Gaum Zengjin. Although Gaum is dead, the alien species is unknown.

So for a period of time in the future, this place should be in a safe state.

The three of them traveled all the way. In the valley, they found a lot of scattered weapons and equipment, some of which were intact and usable.

Such as Grand Prospects Armed Forces large-caliber individual rifle, Thunder Serpent revolver, Grand Prospects EA engineering mines and so on.

Even on the two third-order transcenders, two sets of damaged outer skeleton armor were found. These all are valuable things.

Even if it is damaged, its parts are a huge asset.

The three of Lu Luo gathered these things, but did not take them away. They moved towards the deeper part of Rotten Valley.

What Lu Luo wants is still in the inner place.

That is mecha!
Soon, the three came to the valley garden made by Gaum.

This place has been almost destroyed by previous battles, and the wanton floral fragrance has been covered by poison qi and bloody smell, but the beauty of the past can still be seen from many places.

“Here, was Gaum created?”

Lu Luo walked slowly to Gaum’s mural, and at the first glance he saw the mural, he confirmed that it was the Stone Mother And Noah.

The two monsters in the mural are Tier 8 calamities produced in different eras. Noah is earlier, early in the omnic crisis.

Stone Mother is a later distortion product, which is almost 200 years behind Noah.

These two monsters are both Tier 8 that have not been killed by humans. According to the truth, the Disaster Tier Alien Species are basically impossible to be together like this.

So what does this mural of dry wood mean?
And what about the human form of Gaum?

There are many things that Lu Luo can’t figure out, but it doesn’t matter, there are witnesses to the situation here.

The remaining 8 people of Grand Prospects Armed Forces, as well as Li Tanya, know what happened here.

They should also have some understanding of Gaum’s human form, so just go back and ask them.

“Lu Luo, look here!”

Hearing Qi Xinzhu’s call, Lu Luo hurried over and was lying quietly in the middle of piles of flowers and plants A huge mechanical armor.

The armor is only half, and I don’t know where the upper body is.

“That’s it!”

“Brother Luo, look at the top, here is the upper body.”

Gu Fangyi pointed at the valley wall, Lu Luo moved towards He pointed to the place where he pointed and saw that after the mecha of Zuo Mingliang was cut in half by Gaum, half of it was completely embedded in the wall.

Zuo Mingliang’s body has been dragged away by the small alien, and Lu Luo has not even left a chance to collect the body.

This may be the sorrow of transcender outside the wall.

Come home for me!

Lu Luo jumped on the wall, punched the mountain wall, and dug out the mecha little by little.

He directly opened the jet belt and cautiously placed the damaged mecha on the ground.

This thing is the crystallization of human battle strength equipment, even the lowest this level Level 1 individual mecha, mass production machine, the cost is definitely more than 1 million.

If it is a complete mecha, its value exceeds all Lu Luo’s income from this trip outside the wall.

Unfortunately, this thing has been destroyed, and it is badly damaged.

If it was in the past, Lu Luo is more inclined to make more money, and when he has money, he buys a set of mecha as a company item.

But now the situation is different, he has Bai Yuetong.

Lu Luo has probably understood Bai Yuetong’s powerful capabilities and technology.

He knew that if he had a way to bring mecha back, Bai Yuetong would have a way to repair even this kind of mecha that had been damaged.

This is the means and ability of advanced mechanics! They themselves belong to the top talents of Wasteland.

Therefore, whether it is for Ring Studio’s battle strength or for money, he has to find a way to drag this broken mecha back.

One million mecha, even if it is not new, damaged, second-hand, how can it be worth 500,000 if it is repaired?

Lu Luo’s idea is that simple, how hard is it to earn 500,000?

They swept the entire C04 Silent Swamp, and all the blood sacs were made into small red bottles and sold, estimated to be 400,000.

This is also a short-term non-renewable benefit, and the blood sac cannot be regenerated in a short period of time.

Lu Luo sometimes feels a little bit emotional, making money is much harder than eating shit.

“Can you weld it!”

Mecha’s soleplate has wheels. He fixed the wheels with iron sheets, and then put Mecha’s upper body back to the original place of mecha .

I used the Fusion to consume 1200 energy points and “stitched” mecha again.

In this way, a broken mecha that can be dragged is done.

Lu Luo directly made dozens of ropes, and forcibly used manpower to pull mecha towards the wall. Although the pace is slow, this is indeed a feasible way!

“Brother Luo, do you really want to go back like this?”

Gu Fangyi watched Lu Luo go back with a mecha on his back, with a weird expression.

Although there are wheels, you always feel weird if you are a human being pulling a mecha away!
“What’s wrong? There is a problem?”

“No problem, you can go on.”

Since Lu Luo feels that he is okay, Gu Fangyi can’t fault it.

In this way, the three of them collected all the equipment that could be picked up and arranged along the way.

Part of it was placed in the cockpit of Mecha, and part was taken by Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi. They went all the way, moved towards the Southern Ring high wall.

It is now the 12th day.

It takes about 4-5 days to walk from Rotten Valley to the high wall of Southern Ring. They are carrying so many things now, and it is very likely that the visa will be overdue.

So Lu Luo decided to rest at night and rush during the day in a dangerous area like the silent swamp.

When they arrived near the Qianhu District, they stayed day and night. Eight days should be enough for them to return to the high wall.

In the swamp area, the wheels of mecha are not effective at all. Lu Luo is forcibly walking with mecha on his back.

If it weren’t for his amazing strength and physique, it would be impossible to do this kind of thing.

Fortunately, on the 5th day, they finally saw the water lake in Qianhu District, and there was another good news.

One of the material vehicles left by Grand Prospects Armed Forces is still there.

“Brother Luo!”

“I saw it, Qi Xinzhu go and have a look.”

Lu Luo relaxed, carrying mecha on his back and saying that he is not tired is a lie Human, but if you are tired, you have to do it. Who makes him the boss of the circle?

He is the leader, UU reading www. The leader of doesn’t just sit there and be the boss, he has too many things to worry about.

His idea is not just as simple as opening an office.

Qi Xinzhu checked the material truck and after confirming that there was no danger, she boarded the cab.

Qi Xinzhu pulled out the jumper from the driving position of the material vehicle and docked it several times.

weng weng weng!
The car actually started!
“Will you still do this?”

“I am a Light Admirer, and every Light Admirer is an excellent fighter.”

Qi Xinzhu Zheng While joking, Gu Fangyi had opened the firearm insurance because someone was coming.

“The three of you, how do you move our car?”

(End of this chapter)

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