Doomsday Ring

Chapter 173

Under the slums, there is a very special research base.

The reason for setting up the base here is also very simple. It is very easy to get experimental questions here.

Zhang Tianyi is the propagator of the church, also known as the propaganda priest.

His temples are a bit gray, but his head is still black, with three-dimensional features, a tall body, and strong muscles.

The 40-year-old middle-aged man is a 40-year-old middle-aged man.

t薅 6P ∷ 蕖 5 diarrhea and retreat yo Suna Su Kui 缦 irritated Pan Bo Jin Ya is 81 years old.

Zhang Tianyi is a person with very strong desires. He was already old and weak, but in the past few years, he has regained his youth.

And his body is getting healthier.

When others ask him what’s wrong, he will reply, this is Liming’s favor for him.

And the person who asked him did not suspect him.

Because Zhang Tianyi has been doing charity construction about slums all these years.

And the entire Eastern Ring slums regard him as the great man of Eastern Ring, their Savior.

Such a good person has been blessed by Liming and holy light, and when he returns to his youth, everyone will only think that good people are rewarded.

At this time, the great good man of the alliance is eating a piece of beef.

And around him are a few women who are waiting for him.

These women are very beautiful. The only strange thing about these women is that their eyes are godless, like puppets controlled by some kind of power.

The opposite of Zhang Tianyi is Song Hana. She did not eat.

Instead, he sat on a chair beside him, picked up the sausage and milk on the table, and was feeding the wild cats fished out of the sewers of the slums.

She gently stroked the wild cat’s back, doing her gentleness, and her expression at this time was completely different from her in the past.

Zhang Tianyi put down the meat in his hand and spoke to Song Hana.

“Why, did your pretty boy miss me? Am I much worse than Li Qingshu?

hehehe! For you, I miss you very much.”

“You are almost the same, they are not very long-lasting! Just have fun.”

“Hmph, you are such a shameless fellow.”

“Is it true?” I think so too.” Song Hana said softly while petting the cat.

Zhang Tianyi kicked the woman next to him, and came to Song Hana naked, holding Song Hana’s chest with one hand and kneading it wantonly.

Song Hana didn’t refuse, she was still feeding the cat and didn’t care about Zhang Tianyi’s actions.

Zhang Tianyi felt bored when Song Hana didn’t respond, so he let go.

“I have called that brat, and he will be here soon.

But do you think what you do makes sense?

Li Regardless of whether Qingshu is missing or dead, someone needs to come back.

Now that you are in the wall again, the entire Blue Heavens pharmaceutical branch company will probably follow you.

I’m afraid I’ll be involved in you, to get things to this point, what are you thinking about?”

Song Hana’s eyes flashed with inexplicable rays of light, and she didn’t immediately answer. Instead, he closed his eyes and opened them after a long silence.

“The things I do are of course meaningful, everything I do is meaningful, and this has never changed!

Don’t you want to know what the alien Life Power is? What’s the matter?

For example, the church’s holy judgement is aberration. If the presiding judge knows about it, he will be very happy.

When she is happy, won’t you get promoted and make a fortune? ?”

“Holy judgement distortion is something that great character is only interested in. I think Eastern Ring is already very good!”

that’s all, we are now people in a boat.

You made that many brides,

don’t think that if something happens to me, you will be okay?”

“You are such a crazy woman, let’s talk, what do you want me to do?”

“I want Lu Luo, just live.”

“Okay, I will catch him Live for you, but after that, you have to leave Eastern Ring and don’t come back again.”

Song Hana did not agree or refuse.

She continued to pet the cat, and suddenly asked Zhang Tianyi:

“Do you think it is better to die or become a different species?”

” en? What do you mean?”

“I feel better to die.”

Song Hana’s fingers tightened suddenly, and this poor little stray cat has just enjoyed a good meal , Just like that was screwed off his neck.

“The cat you just fed was pinched to death by you. You are really a disgusting lunatic.

You should be very dangerous now, right? How about, do you want to be pregnant? Seed by me, as long as you become my bride, you will have the power to protect yourself.”

“I am sick? Hehe, shouldn’t it be you who are really sick?

The monsters I made are only alien species, and the monsters you made are the real monsters!”

“che, an ignorant and boring woman, the greatness of life, how can a youngster like you realize it? “

“What is it?”

Song Hana opened the door and walked out directly.

Zhang Tianyi looked at Song Hana’s back, and returned to the women’s side. He placed his palms on the backs of these women.

Blossoming bouquets of flowers suddenly appeared from these women, some on the chest, some on the back, and some on the shoulders.

When the bouquets are in full bloom, the bodies of these women gradually start to light up.

“Go, it’s a long-term partner after all. We still have to deal with Young Lady Song.”


One of the women suddenly stuck out a long tongue, and then returned to normal.


Lu Luo came to the slum area, where a large number of wounded, deformed bodies, and defective children lived.

Once here, it can be said to be the epitome of the tragedy of Fourth Ring in the wasteland.

Decay, death, and viruses raging.

But a few years ago, the slum area of ​​Eastern Ring began to change, from a slum to a slum area.

厺厽dingding novel 厺厽. Don’t underestimate the change of this word, the changes are actually very huge.

Blue Heavens Pharmaceuticals and the church jointly funded this place, and Blue Heavens Pharmaceuticals brought enough doctors and medicines to the civilian areas.

And gave financial support to support medical care, education, and housing issues.

The church has sent many pastors, even those with light curtains, to treat the poor and repair their bodies here.

Under the combination of the two, the slums that were once like an abyss now have so much vitality. 攫缶

Although this place is still the lowest level of social relations in the wasteland, at least the people here now have hope of life.

The observer scanned the surrounding environment and found nothing special.

Until Lu Luo’s phone rang suddenly.

“There are two women in front of you, put down your weapons and equipment, and hand them to the woman on the left. Read the pen at 厺厽

Then you follow the woman on the right, and soon you will see what you want to see.”

Looking at the two women approaching, Lu Luo’s eyes twitched.

He who has an observer, sees people differently from others.

Is this a woman in particular? Two alien species with holy splendor appeared in front of Lu Luo, inside the wall!

Although this is the slum of Fourth Ring, it is still inside the wall.

With the four words holy splendor, it is simply the best mockery of the church.

Although Lu Luo has always known that Holy Light Power is just an energy attribute, it has nothing to do with justice and kindness at all.

But the church has always been based on justice, fraternity, and kindness.

The various behaviors of the church today are more than ugly and disgusting to describe.

“I see.”

Lu Luo hung up and put all his equipment in the bag handed over by the female alien on the left.

Then, following the female alien on the right, she walked slowly to an ordinary house.

This house is the most common slum house, with broken doors and windows, and a leaky roof.

When Lu Luo followed this woman to the depths of the house, the palm of the woman’s alien species was pressed against the wall.

The rays of light of the holy splendor were sent out from the palm of her hand, and then the wall moved. 拊mou addiction

“Please, Mr. Lu Luo.”

Under the house, there is a very modern metal walkway, which is full of sense of science and technology, which also gave Lu Luo Great contrast.

After all, it was just a slum environment, and now it has become like this. Everyone has to take some time to adapt.

Walking to the elevator, Lu Luo suddenly asked:

“Is Zhou Kai here again?”

He actually wanted to get something from this woman Some information, even useless information will do.

But the reaction of women is also amazing! In other words, she is not a human being.

Squeak! The woman’s head suddenly twisted around 180 degrees.

“I don’t know!”

Looking at this woman who turned her head 180 degrees, Lu Luo was speechless.


After getting off the elevator, it didn’t take long for Lu Luo to reach their destination.

And Song Hana and Zhang Tianyi are waiting for him here.

“This is Lu Luo?” Zhang Tianyi looked at Lu Luo and asked casually.

Song Hana answered Zhang Tianyi and looked towards Lu Luo himself.

“Yes, he is Lu Luo.

Lu Luo, we haven’t seen each other for a long time!”

“Where is Brother Kai?”


Song Hana smiled and patted her hands.

Soon, Zhou Kai was pushed out. He was covered in blood, one of his arms was completely rotten, and the whole person was very sluggish.

“Brother Kai? How are you feeling now?”

Zhou Kai lifts the head slightly, gave Lu Luo a thumbs-up sign, and then slumped down again.

It seems that I have no energy to speak.

“Hey, Lu Luo, right, what about Li Qingshu? Has it been resolved by the forces behind you?”

Lu Luo did not respond to Zhang Tianyi, he moved towards Zhou Kai Go.

I completely ignored some of the security members surrounding him, as well as those strange alien women.

Seeing Lu Luo completely ignoring himself, Zhang Tianyi was inexplicably angry. He glanced at Song Hana, only to find that Song Hana was actually pursing his lips.

She laughed louder when she saw Zhang Tianyi deflated.

“Why are you looking at me? I’m a weak woman, should you let me stop him?”

Turning his eyes back to Lu Luo, Song Hana faintly Some expectations.

She didn’t know what she was expecting, but she was looking forward to it!

Pushing the guard of Zhou Kai’s wheelchair, seeing Lu Luo just moved towards him, he was a little flustered.

He quickly pointed a gun at Zhou Kai’s head and yelled at Lu Luo:

“Hey, don’t come here! Priest?”

But before he waited for Zhang Tianyi’s response, Lu Luo had already acted.

Since you can be unscrupulous, so can I.


Lu Luo’s air-jet belt concealed around his waist instantly activated, and the person had already arrived in front of the opponent, crushing the gun with his palm.


The other hand broke the man’s neck directly.

He is calm and angry!

Turning to look towards Song Hana and Zhang Tianyi, Lu Luo helped Zhou Kai up, and then silently wrapped Zhou Kai’s arms with his clothes.

“Brother Kai, I will take you home.”

Lu Luo just wanted to leave, but the alien female who had been following him suddenly stuck out her tongue and sharp claw, and grabbed it directly. Zhou Kai in the hands of Lu Luo.

Pu chi!

In order to ensure that Zhou Kai is not hurt, Lu Luo forcibly resisted this with his neck.

But in everyone’s imagination, the picture of Lu Luo’s neck being twisted off by a different species did not appear.

On the contrary, the nail of this alien female was broken because it was clutching Lu Luo’s neck!

“Uh?” The female alien was also stunned.


The female alien was kicked by Lu Luo and fell heavily on the wall, making half of her body become muddy.

Lu Luo is so powerful that it is close to the third-order deformity species.

But even with one hit instant kill, Lu Luo’s current situation is still very difficult.

There are many people around, not just people, but also alien species.

Lu Luo knew that if he wanted to go out, he couldn’t retain his strength here.


The second steam gear. 攫缶

The steam began to spread around Lu Luo, because to protect Zhou Kai, he could not use poison qi here, which is a pity.

“It’s coming!”

da da da!

Bullets began to fire on Lu Luo’s body continuously, but Lu Luo, who has reached 50physique, could already ignore the attacks of these bullets.

Zhang Tianyi is a veteran transcender after all, and he quickly saw Lu Luo’s amazing defensive power.

“His defenses are amazing and they give bullets energy.”

Ordinary bullets can’t cause him damage, but the people here are not ordinary persons.

Following his orders, people around began to attach energy to their bullets.

Such a capable shooting, even Lu Luo can’t resist, even more how, he still has to protect Zhou Kai!

Lu Luo is not only strong in physique, he has both speed and strength, and everything is unmatched.

“Get out of the way!”

Lu Luo punched his entire face, and the steam shattered the breast bones of the two in front of him with the heat wave.

But when he wanted to continue forward, the observer’s prompt stopped him.

“Zhang Tianyi! That honorary priest, this group of people in the church, is really interesting!

They are also from the Knights of Justice, this group of people is really good!”


Malicious Explosive Punch collided with the Seal of Justice, Lu Luo’s second gear was actually out of power, and he took a few steps back!

Zhang Tianyi’s attribute is really strong! This attribute has surpassed many Tier 2 alien species.

This is the first time that Lu Luo has been in a human being. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com has seen such a powerful attribute, coupled with the third-order holy splendor, indeed has the qualifications to fight Lu Luo recklessly. TJi-phenol is the second most difficult zhu

Lu Luo is surprised, and Zhang Tianyi, is it not? He originally thought that his punch would at least abolish Lu Luo’s hand.

But Lu Luo’s reaction was only to step back a few steps, how could this be possible? 厺厽 chasing yo literature 厺厽

Lu Luo charged suddenly and was about to move towards the door, but Zhang Tianyi was already prepared.

“Want to run? Huh! I am afraid you have forgotten where it is!”


Under the shining of the holy splendor, Lu Luo can’t get close either. It’s not that he can’t fight, but he has to consider Zhou Kai behind him!

“TMD, I have to find a way to put Brother Kai in a safe place.”

Lu Luo is slightly nodded, not going back, turning around and hitting the door, moved towards Ran deep into this underground base.

Looking at Lu Luo escaping into the depths, Zhang Tianyi laughed and said to Song Hana on the side:

“Even running inside, really bring about one’s own destruction.< /p>

Do you have any questions to ask him? If you don’t need it, then I will get him out.”

Song Hana looks obsessed with Lu Luo’s back. .

Originally, she had a lot of problems, the power of different species, and the energy of life.

But after seeing Lu Luo, she already had the answer in her heart!

“No, you want to go, just go.”

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