Doomsday Ring

Chapter 203

Book page collection catalog setting daytime Chapter 205 here…should be the third floor, right? (Perfection set)

2021-02-23 Author: Night Shadow Love Kyi

Chapter 205 should be here …… 3rd floor, right? (Please order all)

At this time, Lu Luo does not intend to conceal his intelligence gathering ability.

Going bigger, the humans of Eastern Ring need a safe and stable living environment.

To get smaller, he also needs to find a way to solve the Lu Yu nether flame mark.

So at this time, as Yang Liya said, they need to cooperate sincerely.

“There are currently 351 incidents of riots, including 17 incidents with accurate nether flame signs.

They are the Eastern Ring University Library’s supernatural incident, and the Eastern Ring University cafeteria carrion The incident…”

Lu Luo said all the 17 incidents, and the three Captains listened quietly, and then waited for his conclusion.

“Although there are many heterogeneous incidents in the Eastern Ring riot, I think the 17 incidents are really important.

From these 17 incidents, I have summarized 3 Hidden dangers.

Now we can talk about the 3 hidden danger nodes of these events. This is my purpose.”

“3 hidden danger nodes?”

Yang Liya is looking thoughtful, she has guessed some of what Lu Luo wants to say, but the clue is not very clear.

“Tell your thoughts specifically, if it is reasonable, the Security Bureau will fully cooperate with your plan to act.”

Yang Liya’s attitude made Lu Luo feel a little complicated.

This may be Lu Di knowing that he was insisted and controlled.

Is it still the reason why he and Yang Liya meet?

Although Yang Liya may be responsible for monitoring Lu Di, she is indeed doing things for the entire Eastern Ring.

She has power and execution. The Eastern Ring riot did not collapse the entire Eastern Ring. Yang Liya should have played a big role.

So reasonable in every circumstance, at this time Lu Luo should not have reservations.

“You should have already thought of the first hidden danger.”

“Don’t sell it.”

“Well, the first hidden danger is this Eastern The polluter at the end of the Ring Riot.”

“The polluter?”

“For example, the Eastern Ring University Library, the readers who are polluted by the spirit of witch spirit.

There are also gluttons who were contaminated with food while eating in the Eastern Ring University cafeteria.

I met these two waves of people, and I have some contact with them.

They The situation is a bit special. It is indeed contaminated by a different species, but it has not been distorted.

You should have isolated them all, right?”

Yang Liya is nodded, but It is a bit strange for Lu Luo to emphasize this point.

“Yes, such isolation is very necessary, and they have a certain degree of risk.

You don’t have to express a different view on this kind of thing, right?”< /p>

Lu Luo shook his head quickly.

“Of course not. I very much approve of your practice of isolating these people. I also know that this is a routine within the wall.

But you seem to have overlooked a problem,

p>Is the purpose of your quarantine, and for what.”

“The purpose of quarantine? Of course, it is to avoid these viruses or distortions. Only by quarantining them can the safety of other people be guaranteed.”

According to Yang Liya’s statement, Lu Luo knocked on the table and expressed his approval.

“This is the first hidden danger point I mentioned. There were 17 nether flame incidents.

All these 17 incidents occurred in densely populated areas. Yes.

For this, you arrested and quarantined nearly 13,500 polluters.

You also said that quarantine can prevent the spread of viruses and heterogeneous mutations, thereby ensuring public safety.< /p>

But have you ever thought that with the current Eastern Ring manpower, if these 13,500 people, they will inevitably be distorted, and they will all become heterogeneous at the same time.

Then you now have 36 Team hunter and all the guards of Eastern Ring can handle such an incident?”

Yang Liya originally wanted to say how it is possible that all 13,500 people were distorted, and at the same point in time.

But after she looked at Lu Luo’s serious and serious expression, she couldn’t say it again.

Think about this question carefully, Yang Liya even feels a chill on her back!

She picked up the phone for the third time.

“I’m Eastern Ring Yang Liya, I want to apply for Beihuan’s support. I need a lot of guards and hunters.

Take a special application channel, no declaration is required. If there is a problem, I will be responsible. I personally bear it.”

She was once again persuaded by Lu Luo, and once again chose to believe in Lu Luo.

Although it is only the first time to work together, Lu Luo’s conclusion is well-founded and indeed has great probability.

Yang Liya is an out-and-out Fourth Ring Eastern Ring person. She can’t use Eastern Ring’s life to take risks.

Hang up the phone, Yang Liya nodded to Lu Luo.

“Go on! What is the second hidden danger?”

In fact, when Lu Luo persuaded Yang Liya, Yang Liya’s seriousness and responsibility was also moved from a certain angle. Lu Luo.

This kind of impression is mutual.

“The second hidden danger is the nether flame released by these 17 nether flame aberrations, which caused many special cases of injury.

For example, Liu Yuan in the university cafeteria The nether flame hurt my younger sister Lu Yu.”

“What then? What will happen to the nether flame injury?”

“I don’t know now, But according to the effect of the nether flame in my memory, if the nether flame burns on a weaker transcender.

Then this transcender will definitely die, almost without exception.

If this name is The transcender is not dead. The probability is not that the formidable power of the nether flame is not enough, but the owner of the nether flame does not want her to die.”

Lu Luo’s expression is a bit cold, and Yang Liya is also frowned and followed nodded.

“You mean, these people who were burned by the nether flame seem to be fine, but they also have the probability of distortion?”

“Yes, these people have been burned by the nether flame. People in, like those end polluters, have a distortion probability.

Moreover, most of them are not quarantined, they are just resting in the hospital.

If they have problems, A large-scale outbreak of distortion, then it will also be a problem that the current hunter cannot solve.”

Yang Liya originally wanted to add people to isolate these people together, but she soon realized that something was wrong.

“But people burned by the nether flame cannot be counted at all, because some people will not be reported even if they are burned by the nether flame.”

“Yes, so this hidden danger is solved Way, you need to contact the solution of the third hidden danger.”

“What is the third hidden danger?”

“The third hidden danger is the cause of these 17 nether flame incidents. The person involved.

For example, the chef Liu Yuan I killed in the Eastern Ring University cafeteria, his distortion belongs to the kind controlled by the nether flame.

Have sufficient reason, but It is a different form of burning life.

I read your investigation report just now, and Liu Yuan has changed a lot during this period of time.

For example, his appearance Become good-looking, as an old chef, in the past few days before he did anything with food.

His own cooking skills have also made obvious progress, which has won many people Praise.

These situations all show a problem, that is, the aberrations caused by the nether flame have become better in a short time.

Their intelligence, appearance, are all Very obvious improvement.

If distortion is included, battle strength is also greatly improved.”

Yang Liya can understand the first two hidden dangers, but the third hidden danger, Yang Liya didn’t quite understand.

“Should all these 17 people be solved? If I remember correctly.”

“The 17 people solved it is correct, but Yang Captain seems to be subconsciously Ignoring one point, how did they become excellent?

How did they become heterogeneous, does it matter if they become excellent and become heterogeneous?”

“You mean Is there another source of this matter?”


Rosen on the side moved his butt, although he was still cold, but The look of expectation in his eyes couldn’t be concealed.

Lu Luo always feels that this cold-faced man shows this expression, which is not in line with the cold personality of this person, so he can’t help but look at it a few more times.

“What do you think of me?”

【Hi! Don’t show it yet! 】

Lu Luo retracted his gaze and started speaking of which.

“First of all, the distorted heterogeneous risk is too high to be left unattended, so these 17 people have been killed, which is normal.

17 nether flame distortion bodies were killed After that, the nether flame alien species has died, and many people will fall into inertial thinking, thinking that the source has been solved.

Subconsciously ignore the very critical point of how they became nether flame distortion.

How they become nether flame distortion is the most important point of the whole thing.”

“Stop talking nonsense, have you found anything?”

< p>“Yes, I carefully compared all the information with your report.

In these 17 incidents, there is almost nothing in common except for one that is not particularly eye-catching.”< /p>

“A place that is not particularly eye-catching?”

“Well, this place is not a particularly eye-catching place. It is the only thing in common among these 17 incidents.

All the parties involved are men.”

Man, tentatively, it’s a suspicious point, Yang Liya hesitated a bit.

“What’s the matter with men?”

“Yang Captain, you seem to have forgotten the most basic point of the alliance, there are many more women than men.

When there are more women than men, none of the 17 incidents is a woman. This is a very strange thing in itself.”

“Well, you continue.”

“There is also a doubt that the parties involved in the 5 incidents have recently recruited prostitution.

This is known. Whether other people have recruited prostitution or not now. Clearly.”

“Men, five cases of prostitution? Are you talking about the woman who is prostituting?”

“Yes, the prostitution is not really serious. Things, but at this node, it seems a little strange.

Because usually, in order to solve physiological problems, they should go to the small red room or bathing center.

This kind of thing, in the whole content of eating seafood, is always the kind of high risk and relatively small.

In the same period, 5 out of 17 people recruited prostitutes, which is even more strange. .”

Yang Liya is also a case veteran after all, and immediately understood Lu Luo’s meaning.

I picked up the phone for the fourth time and issued the order directly.

“Check me the information about the prostitution of these people in these 17 nether flame incidents, and the specific situation.

The most important thing is that the women they are prostituting, you have to think Find a way for me!”

Lu Luo nodded, although Yang Liya can’t be called a friend, it is very comfortable to work with such a smart and efficient person!

“Any other findings?”

“No more.”

Lu Luo has no plans to leave the security bureau at this time .

The current security bureau is the intelligence center of the entire Eastern Ring.

He wants to save Lu Yu, not simply squatting beside Lu Yu, waiting for her to deform, and then crippling her.

It is to find a way to find the nightmare, or the messenger of the nightmare, so as to completely solve the hidden danger of the nether flame.

“Other discoveries need to wait for you to bring these people back before they can be confirmed.

Now, let’s wait for a while.”

Yang Liya nodded, she looked at Lu Luo, and after a few minutes of pondering, she suddenly asked:

“Are you interested in joining the Hunter 2 team?”

[This is fast forward Is it time to solicit?

She treats Lu Di as air? When will Lu Di stand up? 】


“Ah what! I ask if you are interested in joining Hunter 2 team?

I can give you the second Only to my authority, give you manpower, and guide your cultivation.

However, in terms of position, you still have to start from the lowest. This is the rule of the 2 team.”

” But I opened a studio…”

“I know your studio, but those things are not important.

Lu Luo, I investigated you, but you I still haven’t figured out what is your biggest shortcoming.”

“My biggest shortcoming?”

“Your biggest shortcoming is that you don’t have a strong enough Identity makes you a fearless identity.

Although you have Lu Di behind your back, Lu Di is actually a powerless to defend himself.

Control Lu Di.

, It was originally one of my duties.

What you need is your own power, not relying on others.”

[How do I feel, she seems to make sense, no , It’s not a bit reasonable, but a very reasonable one. 】

Okay, Lu Luo felt the same way, but he didn’t agree, instead he chose to look towards Lu Di, who never spoke.

I saw Lu Di actually nodded to him, as if he asked him to agree.

This makes Lu Luo even more embarrassed! He couldn’t decide this matter for a while.

“Sorry, Yang Captain, I need to think about this matter, and there is no way to give you an answer immediately.”

“Yes, I will give you 3 days to consider, the conditions remain the same , Expired and voided.”

Yang Liya still maintains her attitude, and Lu Luo is also slightly nodded.

“I will consider it carefully.”


In the hospital, Lu Yu was lying quietly on the bed.

Lu Luo is gone, Qi Xinzhu is also gone, Gu Fangyi said he would protect her, but at this time he didn’t know where he went.

“I heard that he is a sniper, maybe he is looking at me somewhere now?”

Lu Yu can’t sleep because her arm is aching, just like the previous one. Places burned by purple flames.

She raised her hand and suddenly noticed the scar under the sleeve. At this time, there was some faint purple light exuding.

If it is daytime, this kind of purple light will not be noticed at all, but it is the deepest night at this time.

The purple light on the arm is as conspicuous as the Fire Insect in the dark.

“What is this!”

Lu Yu found that the purple light on her arm was gathering slowly, like earthworms gathered together.

Gradually formed a purple mark surrounding a triangular shape.

When the imprint lights up, Lu Yu’s eyes light up slightly with the same color.

Qi Xinzhu who had been staying next door suddenly woke up!

She felt the fluctuation of dark energy, which belonged to Lu Yu’s room.

“Is it really distorted? What Lu Luo explained…”



Lu Yu put down his cuffs, sat up from the bed strangely, and walked to the window.

Standing at the window and glanced casually, it was strange that there was no one alone.

Lu Yu pouted his mouth when he just returned to the bed and lay down.

Tuk tuk tuk! Tuk tuk!

The rapid knock on the window appeared again, and Lu Yu sat up a little impatiently.

However, she was a little stagnant at this time, because she suddenly thought of something wrong.

“This…should be the 3rd floor, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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Doomsday Ring-Chapter 205 here…should be the 3rd floor? (Perfection Order) -69 Shuba

2021-02-23 Author: Night Shadow Love Kyi

Chapter 205 should be here …… 3rd floor, right? (Seeking full order)

At this time, Lu Luo does not intend to conceal his intelligence gathering ability.

Going bigger, the humans of Eastern Ring need a safe and stable living environment.

To get smaller, he also needs to find a way to solve the Lu Yu nether flame mark.

So at this time, as Yang Liya said, they need to cooperate sincerely.

“There are currently 351 incidents of riots, including 17 incidents with accurate nether flame signs.

They are the Eastern Ring University Library’s supernatural incident, and the Eastern Ring University cafeteria carrion The incident…”

Lu Luo said all the 17 incidents, and the three Captains listened quietly, and then waited for his conclusion.

“Although there are many heterogeneous incidents in the Eastern Ring riot, I think the 17 incidents are really important.

From these 17 incidents, I have summarized 3 Hidden dangers.

Now we can talk about the 3 hidden danger nodes of these events. This is my purpose.”

“3 hidden danger nodes?”

Yang Liya is looking thoughtful, she has guessed some of what Lu Luo wants to say, but the clue is not very clear.

“Tell your thoughts specifically, if it is reasonable, the Security Bureau will fully cooperate with your plan to act.”

Yang Liya’s attitude made Lu Luo feel a little complicated.

This may be Lu Di knowing that he was insisted and controlled.

Is it still the reason why he and Yang Liya meet?

Although Yang Liya may be responsible for monitoring Lu Di, she is indeed doing things for the entire Eastern Ring.

She has power and execution. The Eastern Ring riot did not collapse the entire Eastern Ring. Yang Liya should have played a big role.

So reasonable in every circumstance, at this time Lu Luo should not have reservations.

“You should have already thought of the first hidden danger.”

“Don’t sell it.”

“Well, the first hidden danger is this Eastern The polluter at the end of the Ring Riot.”

“The polluter?”

“For example, the Eastern Ring University Library, the readers who are polluted by the spirit of witch spirit.

There are also gluttons who were contaminated with food while eating in the Eastern Ring University cafeteria.

I met these two waves of people, and I have some contact with them.

They The situation is a bit special. It is indeed contaminated by a different species, but it has not been distorted.

You should have isolated them all, right?”

Yang Liya is nodded, but It is a bit strange for Lu Luo to emphasize this point.

“Yes, such isolation is very necessary, and they have a certain degree of risk.

You don’t have to express a different view on this kind of thing, right?”< /p>

Lu Luo shook his head quickly.

“Of course not. I very much approve of your practice of isolating these people. I also know that this is a routine within the wall.

But you seem to have overlooked one issue, that is, you What is the purpose of the quarantine?”

“The purpose of the quarantine? Of course, it is to avoid these viruses or distortions. Only by quarantining them can the safety of other people be guaranteed.”

For According to Yang Liya’s statement, Lu Luo knocked on the table and expressed his approval.

“This is the first hidden danger point I mentioned. There were 17 nether flame incidents.

All these 17 incidents occurred in densely populated areas. Yes.

For this, you arrested and quarantined nearly 13,500 polluters.

You also said that quarantine can prevent the spread of viruses and heterogeneous mutations, thereby ensuring public safety.< /p>

But have you ever thought that with the current Eastern Ring manpower, if these 13,500 people, they will inevitably be distorted, and they will all become heterogeneous at the same time.

Then you now have 36 Team hunter and all the guards of Eastern Ring can handle such an incident?”

Yang Liya originally wanted to say how it is possible that all 13,500 people were distorted, and at the same point in time.

But after she looked at Lu Luo’s serious and serious expression, she couldn’t say it again.

Think about this question carefully, Yang Liya even feels a chill on her back!

She picked up the phone for the third time.

“I’m Eastern Ring Yang Liya, I want to apply for Beihuan’s support. I need a lot of guards and hunters.

Take a special application channel, no declaration is required. If there is a problem, I will be responsible. I personally bear it.”

She was once again persuaded by Lu Luo, and once again chose to believe in Lu Luo.

Although it is only the first time to work together, Lu Luo’s conclusion is well-founded and indeed has great probability.

Yang Liya is an out-and-out Fourth Ring Eastern Ring person. She can’t use Eastern Ring’s life to take risks.

Hang up the phone, Yang Liya nodded to Lu Luo.

“Go on! What is the second hidden danger?”

In fact, when Lu Luo persuaded Yang Liya, Yang Liya’s seriousness and responsibility was also moved from a certain angle. Lu Luo.

This kind of impression is mutual.

“The second hidden danger is the nether flame released by these 17 nether flame aberrations, which caused many special cases of injury.

For example, Liu Yuan in the university cafeteria The nether flame hurt my younger sister Lu Yu.”

“What then? What will happen to the nether flame injury?”

“I don’t know now, But according to the effect of the nether flame in my memory, if the nether flame burns on a weaker transcender.

Then this transcender will definitely die, almost without exception.

If this name is The transcender is not dead. The probability is not that the formidable power of the nether flame is not enough, but the owner of the nether flame does not want her to die.”

Lu Luo’s expression is a bit cold, and Yang Liya is also frowned and followed nodded.

“You mean, these people who were burned by the nether flame seem to be fine, but they also have the probability of distortion?”

“Yes, these people have been burned by the nether flame. People in, like those end polluters, have a distortion probability.

Moreover, most of them are not quarantined, they are just resting in the hospital.

If they have problems, A large-scale outbreak of distortion, then it will also be a problem that the current hunter cannot solve.”

Yang Liya originally wanted to add people to isolate these people together, but she soon realized that something was wrong.

“But people burned by the nether flame cannot be counted at all, because some people will not be reported even if they are burned by the nether flame.”

“Yes, so this hidden danger is solved Way, you need to contact the solution of the third hidden danger.”

“What is the third hidden danger?”

“The third hidden danger is the cause of these 17 nether flame incidents. The person involved.

For example, the chef Liu Yuan I killed in the Eastern Ring University cafeteria, his distortion belongs to the kind controlled by the nether flame.

Have sufficient reason, but It is a different form of burning life.

I read your investigation report just now, and Liu Yuan has changed a lot during this period of time.

For example, his appearance Become good-looking, as an old chef, in the past few days before he did anything with food.

His own cooking skills have also made obvious progress, which has won many people Praise.

These situations all show a problem, that is, the aberrations caused by the nether flame have become better in a short time.

Their intelligence, appearance, are all Very obvious improvement.

If distortion is included, battle strength is also greatly improved.”

Yang Liya can understand the first two hidden dangers, but the third hidden danger, Yang Liya didn’t quite understand.

“Should all these 17 people be solved? If I remember correctly.”

“The 17 people solved it is correct, but Yang Captain seems to be subconsciously Ignoring one point, how did they become excellent?

How did they become heterogeneous, does it matter if they become excellent and become heterogeneous?”

“You mean this thing , There are other sources?”


Rosen on the side moved his butt, although he was still cold, but in his eyes The look of expectation can’t be concealed.

Lu Luo always feels that this cold-faced man shows this expression, which is not in line with the cold personality of this person, so he can’t help but look at it a few more times.

“What do you think of me?”

【Hi! Don’t show it yet! 】

Lu Luo retracted his gaze and started speaking of which.

“First of all, the distorted heterogeneous risk is too high to be left unattended, so these 17 people have been killed, which is normal.

17 nether flame distortion bodies were killed After that, the nether flame alien species has died, and many people will fall into inertial thinking, thinking that the source has been solved.

Subconsciously ignore the very critical point of how they became nether flame distortion.

How they become nether flame distortion is the most important point of the whole thing.”

“Stop talking nonsense, have you found anything?”

< p>“Yes, I carefully compared all the information with your report.

In these 17 incidents, there is almost nothing in common except for one that is not particularly eye-catching.”< /p>

“A place that is not particularly eye-catching?”

“Well, this place is not a particularly eye-catching place. It is the only thing in common among these 17 incidents.

All the parties involved are men.”

Man, tentatively, it’s a suspicious point, Yang Liya hesitated a bit.

“What’s the matter with men?”

“Yang Captain, you seem to have forgotten the most basic point of the alliance, there are many more women than men.

When there are more women than men, none of the 17 incidents is a woman. This is a very strange thing in itself.”

“Well, you continue.”

“There is also a doubt that the parties involved in the 5 incidents have recently recruited prostitution.

This is known. Whether other people have recruited prostitution or not now. Clearly.”

“Men, five cases of prostitution? Are you talking about the woman who is prostituting?”

“Yes, the prostitution is not really serious. Things, but at this node, it seems a little strange.

Because usually, in order to solve physiological problems, they should go to the small red room or bathing center.

This kind of thing, in the whole content of eating seafood, is always the kind of high risk and relatively small.

In the same period, 5 out of 17 people recruited prostitutes, which is even more strange. .”

Yang Liya is also a case veteran after all, and immediately understood Lu Luo’s meaning.

I picked up the phone for the fourth time and issued the order directly.

“Check me the information about the prostitution of these people in these 17 nether flame incidents, and the specific situation.

The most important thing is that the women they are prostituting, you have to think Find a way for me!”

Lu Luo nodded, although Yang Liya can’t be called a friend, it is very comfortable to work with such a smart and efficient person!

“Any other findings?”


Lu Luo did not intend to leave the security bureau at this time.

The current security bureau is the intelligence center of the entire Eastern Ring.

He wants to save Lu Yu, not simply squatting beside Lu Yu, waiting for her to deform, and then crippling her.

It is to find a way to find the nightmare, or the messenger of the nightmare, so as to completely solve the hidden danger of the nether flame.

“Other discoveries need to wait for you to bring these people back before they can be confirmed.

Now, let’s wait for a while.”

Yang Liya nodded, she looked at Lu Luo, and after a few minutes of pondering, she suddenly asked:

“Are you interested in joining the Hunter 2 team?”

[This is fast forward to recruiting ?

She treats Lu Di as air? When will Lu Di stand up? 】


“Ah what! I asked if you are interested in joining Hunter 2 team?

I can give you second only to me , Give you manpower, and guide you in cultivation.

However, in terms of position, you still have to start from the lowest. This is the rule of the 2nd team.”

“But I open I have a studio…”

“I know your studio, but those things are not important.

Lu Luo, I investigated you, but you haven’t Find out, where is your biggest shortcoming.”

“My biggest shortcoming?”

“Your biggest shortcoming is that you don’t have a strong enough identity. Your fearless identity.

Although you have Lu Di behind your back, Lu Di himself is in a state of powerless to defend himself.

Controlling Lu Di is originally One of my duties.

What you need is your own power, not relying on others.”

[How do I feel, she seems to make sense, no, not a bit It makes sense, but it makes sense. 】

Okay, Lu Luo felt the same way, but he didn’t agree, instead he chose to look towards Lu Di, who never spoke.

I saw Lu Di actually nodded to him, as if he asked him to agree.

This makes Lu Luo even more embarrassed! He couldn’t decide this matter for a while.

“Sorry, Yang Captain, I need to think about this matter, and there is no way to give you an answer immediately.”

“Yes, I will give you 3 days to consider, the conditions remain the same , Expired and invalidated.”

Yang Liya still maintains her own attitude, UU reading www.uukanshu. comLu Luo is also slightly nodded.

“I will consider it carefully.”


In the hospital, Lu Yu was lying quietly on the bed.

Lu Luo is gone, Qi Xinzhu is also gone, Gu Fangyi said he would protect her, but at this time he didn’t know where he went.

“I heard that he is a sniper, maybe he is looking at me somewhere now?”

Lu Yu can’t sleep because her arm is aching, just like the previous one. Places burned by purple flames.

She raised her hand and suddenly noticed the scar under the sleeve. At this time, there was some faint purple light exuding.

If it is daytime, this kind of purple light will not be noticed at all, but it is the deepest night at this time.

The purple light on the arm is as conspicuous as the Fire Insect in the dark.

“What is this!”

Lu Yu found that the purple light on her arm was gathering slowly, like earthworms gathered together.

Gradually formed a purple mark surrounding a triangular shape.

When the imprint lights up, Lu Yu’s eyes light up slightly with the same color.

Qi Xinzhu who had been staying next door suddenly woke up!

She felt the fluctuation of dark energy, which belonged to Lu Yu’s room.

“Is it really distorted? What Lu Luo explained…”



Lu Yu put down his cuffs, sat up from the bed strangely, and walked to the window.

Standing at the window and glanced casually, it was strange that there was no one alone.

Lu Yu pouted his mouth when he just returned to the bed and lay down.

Tuk tuk tuk! Tuk tuk!

The rapid knock on the window appeared again, and Lu Yu sat up a little impatiently.

However, she was a little stagnant at this time, because she suddenly thought of something wrong.

“This…should be the third floor, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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