Doomsday Ring

Chapter 327


“This is not called maverick, this is called responsibility.”

“Responsibility? In the face of a social will, personal responsibility is of no use.”

Although Li Luo Ya had shown a good impression on Lu Luo before, it did not prevent her from competing with Lu Luo on certain matters.

But Lu Luo snort disdainfully for this statement.

“Do you really think that personal will and responsibility are useless?”

“Yes, what is individual will and responsibility compared to the collective?”

“What about the presiding judge? Is her personal will useful?”

Lu Luo asked Li Luo Ya all at once.

“The presiding judge…she is different.”

“Why, the presiding judge is not a person?”

Li Luo Ya immediately realized that he had entered Lu Luo’s language trap.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Since the presiding judge is a human being, her personal will can also affect the will of the entire society, that proves that I am right.”

“Mr. Lu Luo, are you benchmarking yourself against the presiding judge?

Although I always think that Mr. Lu Luo is a very good person, this kind of thinking is not rational enough! “

Normal people will avoid the same language trap.

But once this trap is avoided, the language confrontation between the two sides is even a tie.

This also breaks away from the negotiation requirements Zhang Yifan said before coming.

Serve the crowd.

If Lu Luo wants to be proactive in the distribution of benefits this time, he needs to be brilliant enough and convince the crowd!

As for how to serve the public, language, ability, and strength are all ok.

The conversation with Li Luo Ya is a clash of languages.

“I think you should have a little dream in life.”

“What do you mean?” Li Luo Ya frowned.

“Fourth Ring people also have dreams?” There are also people from other families who echo.

Lu Luo took a deep breath, and with his deep breath, the living room seemed to be quiet.

“If a person has no dream, what is the difference with salted fish?

Even if I came from a humble background, even if I was a Fourth Ring person, even if I was an orphan.

I still think that living like an ant should have the ambition to be a hungry bird.

I, Lu Luo, want to be like the presiding judge, who can interfere with this society and even this world with my own will. “

[For example, become the king of the wasteland? ]

Li Luo Ya looked at Lu Luo a little sluggish, she felt that Lu Luo at this time seemed to exude extraordinary rays of light.

This kind of rays of light is so dazzling!

Perhaps Lu Luo’s so-called dream is a kind of extravagant hope, but he can speak out his dream in such an environment.

It is already a very remarkable thing in itself.

Li Luo Ya pursed her lips, Lu Luo’s rhetoric was okay, but she still felt an inexplicable sorrow.

She turned her head, and after a moment of silence, she turned back again.

“Those who have the responsibility are really charming.

Bai Yuetong Young Lady, really lucky. “

“If you are complimenting me, thank you!”

Bai Yuetong stared at Lu Luo, what Lu Luo said and promises, only she would take it for real!

So, she is ready to run away at any time.

After Lu Luo said this sentence, the other talents had a reaction.

Some of them wanted to laugh at Lu Luo, but when they came to their lips, they couldn’t say anything.

At least Lu Luo is the kind of person who dares to think, although this is a bit overestimate one’s capabilities, but if you dare to think, you will make progress.

And they can’t even think about it.

Lu Luo’s gratitude is naturally a kind of lack of sincerity. Today, he no longer needs the approval of these people.

Li Luo Ya felt Lu Luo’s perfunctory, but Li Luo Ya didn’t care too much.

“Mr. Lu Luo is still so special, but I did not expect that Mr. Lu Luo will come here on behalf of Luo Family.”

“What is unexpected about this, after all, the inner ring is the center of this world.

I came to the inner ring for development, which is also as it should be by rights. “

Lu Luo’s words are very natural, and it makes people feel that what he said is the same as the truth.

“Does Mr. Lu Luo think so too? You are from Fourth Ring after all. I heard that many Fourth Ring people now have their own ideas.”

Lu Luo knew this was because the wave of change in Fourth Ring had spread to the inner ring, and he waved his hand.

“Those people don’t have much culture, so they just love to think about it!

Those of us who have read books will not think about such unrealistic things! “

“hehe! That’s it!”

Li Luo Ya giggled when he looked at Bai Yuetong beside Lu Luo.

After some conversation, Li Luo Ya recognized Lu Luo in a real sense.

Behind the Li Family is Seastar People’s Livelihood, together with multiple inner-ring Parliament families, which has been recognized by her, which is a very important step.

However, this is only the 1st Step.


Lu Luo and Li Luo Ya were nodded to each other, the victorious eyes looked towards others, well, spiritual victory is also considered a victory.

“Does anyone have to wait? Can I start?”

Zhang Yifan looked at Lu Luo with a complex face, and whispered:

“I’m afraid I have to wait again, because the Shi Family has not arrived. They are the Speaker’s family and the most powerful family currently.

So Shi Family is usually the last one to come. “

“Understood! The kind of airs.”

Lu Luo had a very detailed investigation and understanding of Shi Family, because Shi Family mastered Blue Heavens Biotechnology!

There is no need to say more about the matter between their Ring Studio and Blue Heavens Biotechnology.

patriarch Shi Haoxuan, is currently the 13-member speaker.

The speaker has great powers, with one vote of the veto power of the Alliance Parliament.

As the name suggests, if the alliance wants to pass any bill, it cannot proceed without Shi Haoxuan’s consent.

This power is quite outrageous. Even though Shi Family’s current situation is not good, but because of this one-vote veto power, it still dominates the name of the strongest family in the inner ring.

“Since people are not there, let’s take a stroll and see what good things are left in this Ji Family Manor!”

After Lu Luo nodded to Li Luo Ya, he took Bai Yuetong to the side.

Zhang Yifan hesitated to speak, but after raising his hand, he did not speak.

Lu Luo was just about to go upstairs to take a look, when someone stopped them.

“Hey, the people are not here yet, and it’s not up to the rules to go up now?”

Lu Luo was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he really didn’t know that going upstairs at this time would be considered a violation.

Moreover, Zhang Yifan, who was more familiar with this matter, did not open his mouth to remind him.

“Do you want to see me making a fool of yourself? Or do you want to see how I should respond?”

Lu Luo didn’t argue or argue at this time, just turned his head calmly and looked at this person.

“Sorry, I don’t know there is such a rule here.

If there are any other rules, I trouble you to mention them together, lest I make mistakes again. “

Although it was an admission of mistakes, as soon as Lu Luo said these words, he felt arrogant and unreasonable.

The person who spoke was called Jin Xing, Jin Chen’s big brother. At this time, he looked at Lu Luo with an ugly face.

“Your attitude is a bit bad!”

“When you come out, you have to admit that you have made a mistake, and you have to stand firm when you are beaten. I don’t think there is anything wrong with me.”

Lu Luo took a step forward, although he did not release any imposing manner.

But there is still a breathtaking breath, he knows that Jin Chen is the second character to be conquered!

Facing Lu Luo, Venus took a step back unnaturally, and he felt a little unbearable.

“You are from Fourth Ring, right?”

“Right, then what?”

Seeing Lu Luo admit that he is a Fourth Ring person, Venus is like finding Lu Luo’s weakness.

“What are the Fourth Ring and the inner ring now? You don’t know It shouldn’t be, right?

People who joined the inner ring at this time, I think they really need to investigate carefully to avoid spies and the like. “

The quality of Jin Xing’s opponent is obviously inferior to Li Luo Ya.

Lu Luo looked at him contemptuously.

“Spy? If a spy can also appear in the inner ring, can all the wall guards on the high wall be shot?

And now in the inner ring, do you really need to worry about spies?

You mean the inner ring is afraid of Fourth Ring? “

“How can the inner ring be afraid of Fourth Ring?”

“That’s all right? Don’t change the subject, let’s talk about it, what else are the rules here?

You can speak out, speak out the rules, and I will do it! “

Looking at Lu Luo, who was calm and composed, Venus felt a little bit overwhelmed. When he stood in front of Lu Luo, there was always an inexplicable pressure.

This kind of pressure is not like the identity pressure brought by the elders, but like the kind of Lord Bishop in prayer.

Why is this Fourth Ring person so confident? Where did he come from?

“The rules here…”

Venus couldn’t speak much, but fortunately, someone helped him.

“There are not many rules here, this friend doesn’t have to be like this.”

The visitor was a tall woman. Lu Luo took a simple visual inspection, and the height of this woman was close to 1.9 meters.

After putting on high heels, her height is even higher than that of Lu Luo who has been taller twice.

Even if it is the tricycle that Lu Luo used to ride, Azure Lotus Gang gang leader Li Qinglian.

I am afraid it is much shorter than this woman.

Looking at the opponent’s aura and the time to play, Lu Luo can probably guess what the opponent’s identity is.

People of Shi Family!

If he is from the inner circle and does not have a wife, he might be interested in the other party at this time.

Unfortunately, Lu Luo already has a wife at this time, and there is more than one, so naturally it will be sunshine at noon, and he will be upright.

“This man, your last name?”

[Human female, level 5 transcender, with dark energy intensity response, with partial holy splendor response.

Unknown ability, sequence factor fluctuation detection, sequence B-scan: get some ability information of the other party.

attribute: Strength 75, Agility 110, Constitution 65]

While Lu Luo was observing each other, this Shi Family woman was also observing Lu Luo.

Lu Luo’s observer analyzed the other party, and the woman also took this opportunity to scan Lu Luo.

“Scanning sequence? This kind of observation sequence will indeed give a person a huge advantage when negotiating.”

Apart from anything else, the woman in front of me is very strong, both in strength and ability.

Comprehensive capabilities, balanced attributes.

Such attribute values ​​are impossible to accumulate by resources.

Without excellent innate talent and long-term exercise, it is impossible to achieve.

Not only the attribute value, but also dark energy and holy splendor.

That is the legendary Trinity?

Unfortunately, the trinity is too weak for Lu Luo.

Shi Tingyu stared at Lu Luo. When she looked directly at Lu Luo’s eyes, she actually had the feeling of staring into the abyss.

She had seen this feeling once, when she used the scanning ability to scan the pope.

Shi Tingyu never told anyone about this matter. As time went by, she also thought that what she felt at the time was just an illusion.

But I didn’t expect that Lu Luo today gave her the same feeling.

And this feeling is stronger than the feeling the Pope gave her before, and it is many times stronger.


“What am I? You seem to have not introduced yourself yet? My name is Lu Luo, Lu Luo’s Lu, Lu Luo’s Luo.”

What kind of self-introduction is this? The same as never said.

Shi Tingyu was unable to complain, but she felt Lu Luo’s extraordinary through the scan.

The imposing manner that Lu Luo had hidden still gave her a great oppression.

“My name is Shi Tingyu, I am glad to meet you, Mr. Lu Luo.”

Shi Tingyu, Lu Luo seems to have heard the name somewhere.

[The maid last night was sent by Shi Tingyu, that is to say, this woman is monitoring Luo Family through some means. ]

Lu Luo’s face is not so good when he hears this. How about the male guest of Luo Family, Lu Luo is not interested at all.

Zhang Yifan, the biggest inner ghost, is here, and he doesn’t bother to report it.

But the female family is different here, but his wife is here.

What if the maid does some black gossip, peachy news, and some unreasonable photos?

Thinking of this, Lu Luo’s face became cold and cold, and the imposing manner that had been put away was also released.

The imposing manner he released could not be felt by other people. Only Shi Tingyu, who stood in front of him, had an intuitive feeling.

“This guy is putting pressure on me.”

“Shi Tingyu Young Lady, don’t you know that it is very impolite to scan other people with sequence as soon as they meet?”

Lu Luo directly stated Shi Tingyu’s sequence, which made everyone startled.

The power of sequence is usually very private.

This is the trump card of a transcender, or the secret of the battle.

There is no absolute intimacy, and everyone will never expose their sequence.

Just like Lu Luo, even after so long, his three major sequences have not been exposed to others.

Lu Luo directly stated Shi Tingyu’s sequence like this, which kind of offended the other party to death!

However, the reason he said is also valid. Shi Tingyu scanned Lu Luo with his scanning ability and was discovered by Lu Luo.

“How did you… know?”

Shi Tingyu lowered her voice. There were many people who knew her battle sequence, but the ability to scan was what she had been hiding.

Because of this thing in the battle sequence, as long as you fight a few times, others will understand it. When the time comes, it will spread naturally.

But scanning this hidden auxiliary ability is very difficult to find.

Lu Luo raised his head slightly:

“When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you too!”

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