Doomsday Ring

Chapter 377


Lu Luo did not think about the meaning of the other party’s words. His focus was more on the other party itself.

The main reason is that he can’t understand why the other party can use his sequence?

And is it used so unscrupulously and without hindrance at all?

“Who are you?”

[I am the Dawn Disc! ]

The other party replied cleanly, did not mean to conceal, and did not pretend to be mysterious, which was concealed.

This makes Lu Luo have a good impression of it.

But a little goodwill is not enough to change anything.

Put it here in Lu Luo, at most you can exchange a thumbs up look, nothing else.

For a guy who used his sequence without his consent, Lu Luo’s heart was more hostile.

“Dawn disc! The human core of the Wasteland Alliance, the Supreme Divine Artifact of Dawn Church.

Well, you do have a lot of very difficult to deal with titles, and maybe you have done a lot of very difficult to deal with things.

But I still don’t understand, why can I use the sequence on my body? “

[Why not? ]

“Why is it possible?”

[Why not? ]

Repeated again.

Lu Luo frowned, the meaning in the other’s tone was a bit as it should be by rights.

He has a feeling that if he keeps asking like this, Liming Disc’s answer will still be “Why not?”

Lu Luo doesn’t know whether the Dawn Disc has an element of emotion.

If the other party has no emotion, then perhaps in the recognition of Dawn Disc, using his sequence itself is a matter of as it should be by rights.

To do something as it should be by rights naturally does not need to be explained too much.

It’s like someone asking why you can eat…

The answer of most people is generally why they can’t eat. This is a truth.

Therefore, Lu Luo felt that he should change the way of asking questions, perhaps he could get a different answer.

“Well, let me change the way of asking questions.

What channel do you use to use the observer sequence? Can you be more specific? “

This time, Dawn Disc seems to understand what Lu Luo means.

I will not repeat the answer just now.

[The way to use the observer is very simple, just find the position of the eleventh serial talisman seal, and then connect it.

This is within the scope of my shroud, it is very easy for me to do this. ]

Lu Luo can probably understand what the Dawn Disc said.

The eleventh sequence talisman seal, the corresponding sequence, is S-11?

And the other party also stated clearly that this is the place of the dawn disc, in other words, is this a ring?

Although the most likely to be determined, Lu Luo still needs to confirm with the other party.

“Is this part of the Wasteland Alliance?”

[Yes, the part of the Wasteland Alliance here is just the edge of the ring. ]

“Then the question is coming, take the initiative to contact me, is there anything else?”

When Lu Luo was communicating with Liming Disc, Qi Xinzhu beside him was a little confused.

At this time, they should continue walking inside, but instead of leaving, Lu Luo stayed here instead.

And from the beginning, Lu Luo exudes a strong holy splendor.

The intensity and purity of this holy splendor is simply more outrageous than her teacher, Pope Fan Zhen.

“Lu Luo, who are you talking to? I feel you have a very strong holy splendor.”

Lu Luo made a don’t be impatient gesture to Qi Xinzhu.

The obedient Qi Xinzhu stopped talking immediately.

However, she was still curious about why these strange things would happen one after another after Lu Luo reached the inner ring.

In Lu Luo’s heart, the sound of the dawn disc appeared again.

[I feel what is on you, it is on you. ]

Lu Luo frowned slightly. It was in the mouth of the dawn disc. You don’t even have to guess to know that it must be a Doomsday Disc.

“You said it is a Doomsday Disc? Does it have anything to do with you?”

[There is indeed a relationship. ]

Lu Luo is a bit speechless, Dawn Disc, really an honest guy.

“Forget it, let me change the way of inquiring, what do you want to do with the Doomsday Disc on me?”

[It is the same supreme device, I am stronger than it, you can choose me.

I can give you the power of holy splendor and make you stronger! ]

The supreme appliance?

Lu Luo has some interest in this new term.

However, the blunt words of Dawn Disc still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

holy splendor, is it really spread by the circle of dawn?

After Dawn Disc spoke these words, Lu Luo clearly felt the trembling of Doomsday Disc in his body.

This kind of tremor is obviously the fear of Doomsday Disc.

But Lu Luo is okay. Although he talks about interests, he also talks about feelings.

Especially when he doesn’t even know what the dawn disc is, the good daughter Doomsday Disc Lv Little Yi is naturally his best choice.

And Doomsday Disc has been following him for a long time, and he can use it smoothly.

The growth of strength is also very fast.

When there is no special need, Lu Luo doesn’t want to make more changes on this essential issue.

“holy splendor this thing, how do you say it, it looks pretty tall, but I really don’t have much interest.”

And the cooperation between me and Doomsday Disc is very good.

So, forget your proposal. “

[Why? I think I am more suitable for you than him.

My power can complement your fusion, giving you a stronger healing power than before.

Let you truly reach the state of Undying Body, instead of the false Undying Body as before. ]

Even Undying Body knows it!

Sure enough, even in the second ring battle, Dawn Disc can be understood clearly.

“Why do you want to replace Doomsday Disc so much? Isn’t it good to be protected in the center of the ring?”

[This place is a cage, I want to break free of this cage.

Lu Luo, do you understand the feeling of being imprisoned in this cage for more than 400 years? ]

I don’t know how to do it. When Liming Disc came to this, Lu Luo felt that the other party was a little bit wrong.

Such a thing as a cage…

Moreover, the Dawn Disc before it had no emotional elements. At this time, there was a feeling of true feelings being revealed.

What is going on again?

“Sorry, although your words do sound pitiful, your proposal is also quite tempting.

But I am a person with a lot of emotions.

Doomsday Disc has been following me for a long time, so I naturally have deep feelings.

So, I will not abandon her. “

After Lu Luo said these words, he immediately felt joyous emotions from Doomsday Disc.

Just like Lv Little Yi before!

But the Dawn Disc on the opposite side is not so happy anymore.

[I still can’t understand you humans. Obviously there are more perfect choices, but you will always make unreasonable judgments. ]

Lu Luo’s eyebrow raised:

“You just said, you guys?

Besides me, is there anyone else who did such an irrational act? “

[Yes, in addition to you, there is another person who has made a similar move.

Lu Luo, you are the second person to refuse me. ]

Some thoughts flashed in Lu Luo’s mind, but he dared not think about them.

Even the observer can control the Dawn Disc. It may be easy to read his thoughts.

At this time, it is better not to think about it, and do not do analysis and reasoning.

The rejection of the Dawn Disc is definitely not just because of impulse or something.

More possibilities are still due to weighing pros and cons.

“Then who was the first person to reject you?”

[Bai Qingshuang. ]

Lu Luo felt that way, and indeed, apart from the presiding judge, I am afraid that there is really no who, able to refuse the temptation of the dawn disc.

“Do you want to leave the Wasteland Alliance? Apart from me and the presiding judge, are there no better candidates?”

[My purpose, you don’t need to know, but I can tell you about the candidate.

In the Wasteland Alliance, there really is no better candidate than you.

Because the Wasteland Alliance grew up under the shining of holy splendor.

All the people in the Wasteland Alliance are like my people, and their growth is more like the seeds I cultivated.

Only you and Bai Qingshuang are different, you two are special.

As the supreme instrument that needs the soul to conclude, I need a complete, pure, and extraordinary soul to become my contractor.

The people in the Wasteland Alliance have been irradiated by me, so they do not meet my requirements. ]

Liming Disc talked a lot, but Lu Luo quickly extracted useful information from it.

Grow under the light of holy splendor…

The shining of holy splendor is probably a kind of pollution, right?

For those who have been polluted by holy splendor, the Dawn Disc cannot be used, or is it despised?

According to the statement of Dawn Disc, he and the presiding judge Bai Qingshuang are different.

Then why is it different? Is it because of holding other discs?

Lu Luo feels something is wrong, the disc and the disc should have similar properties.

It should be that I and Bai Qingshuang have certain qualities, that’s why they attracted the Dawn Disc.

Bai Qingshuang’s past is too legendary, Lu Luo doesn’t know the specific situation, so he doesn’t need to think about it.

But he can analyze it from his own situation.

I am an orphan, a medicine researcher, a biology student, a guy without transcender aptitude…

Well, after thinking about it for a long time, Lu Luo didn’t think of anything special about his identity.

If you insist on being special, then it seems that there is only one point.

He is a transmigrator.

Because of his transmigrator, he is different from others.

So he is the pure soul in the mouth of Dawn Disc.

Because he is a transmigrator, he is not contaminated by the power of holy splendor.

Because he is a transmigrator, he can own the Doomsday Disc and the 3 S-Rank sequences brought to him by the Doomsday Disc.

In this way, all questions can make sense.

If his idea is not wrong, then transmigrator……

Wait, Lu Luo suddenly thought of something.

If you were selected by the Dawn Disc because of the crossing, then the problem is here.

What is the situation of the Judge Bai Qingshuang?

Is she also a transmigrator?

Tortoise, this question, can’t think about it!

“That’s a shame, sorry, I can’t promise you now.”

[It doesn’t matter if I can’t promise now. When you come by my side, I believe you will change my attitude. ]

After saying these words, the will of the dawn disc left.

The observer also regained the right to speak.

[Fuck! The other party is very awesome, and I have no room for resistance at all. ]

Lu Luo twitched his lips.

“Who made you a trash!”


At the end of the conversation between the two parties, Lu Luo pulled Qi Xinzhu’s finger.

“Let’s go, if you go further, you should get to another place.”

“Are you just now?”

Qi Xinzhu had discovered at this time that the holy splendor that had descended on Lu Luo had disappeared.

“It was the disc of dawn just now.”


When Qi Xinzhu and Lu Luo were together, they had experienced too many things that surprised her.

Now Lu Luo said that Dawn Disc came to him just now, Qi Xinzhu is also a little bit strange.

“I… uh, why did the dawn disc come to you?”

Unconsciously, Qi Xinzhu’s beliefs seem to have undergone some changes.

What she believes in is still dawn, but it is no longer the dawn disc.

Lu Luo tilted his head to think for a while, then suddenly hummed.

“It wants to have a home, a place that doesn’t need much.”

“Ah? Is this a song? The Dawn Disc tells you that it wants to have a home?”

“Well, this is probably why it came to me, but I refused.”


“Don’t you ask why?”

“No need to ask. Since you decide to refuse, there is a reason for your refusal. What’s the point to ask?”

To be honest, Qi Xinzhu’s attitude makes people very comfortable.

Absolutely trust, but not to ignore it.

This feeling of being trusted is really great!

“Okay, okay, let’s go!

I feel that we are getting closer and closer to it. “

“Where is it?”

“On our heads.”


Just as the two continued to move towards the direction of the Dawn Disk, Pope Fan Zhen had already told all the seniors of Dawn Church about the situation at this time.

“Doomsday Sanctuary?”

“That’s right, you are all level 7.

Maybe many people think that Tier 7 is the end of transcender, but you will find out when you get to this stage.

In fact, Tier 7 is not the end. Otherwise, Tier 8 or even Tier 9 will not exist.

There are many records in some special books of the church.

123 three levels, generally can be called primary level transcender.

The three ranks of 456 are advanced transcenders.

In the end, the three ranks of 789 were set up with exclusive names.

The 7th order is a super transcender, the 8th order is a taboo transcender, and the 9th order is a legendary transcender.

There is still a long way to go, but the technology and resources of the Wasteland Alliance are not enough for you to break through the 8th level.

This should be felt when you break through the 7th level. “

“What is the role of the doomsday sanctuary?”

“The sanctuary of the doomsday is the resting place of the sages and the place leading to the 8th step.

There are too many secrets in the sanctuary of the doomsday that have not been discovered or explored.

This is an opportunity for you all person to become a powerhouse of level 8.

The opening of the Doomsday Sanctuary is the first time in 400 years.

Make good use of this opportunity, maybe you can find your way to Tier 8.

But even if it is not found, it does not matter.

Because I also have the key to the 8th level in my hand. “

The other churches on the 7th floor squinted their eyes at this time.

“It turns out that the pope is the deepest hidden one. What are the conditions?

Will you let us come here without conditions? “

Fanzhen is nodded.

“It’s easy to get the key to the 8th step from my hand.

Bai Qingshuang!

As long as you find Bai Qingshuang, you can exchange it with me!

Even after finding it, rule me in time.

Anyone who participated in the war can get it. “

when a high reward is offered, brave men will come forward, the key to level 8 is undoubtedly a huge attraction for this group of level 7 experts.

At this time, these people already know what they are. They chatted a little bit more or less, but they didn’t say too deeply.

The main thing is that this matter is important. These people are all human beings. At this time, it is better to be more cautious.

“We already know the requirements of the Pope.

So, when can we enter this doomsday sanctuary? “

Pope Fan Zhen walked slowly in front of the Dawn Disc and suddenly opened his hands.

The ground at the foot of the Dawn Disc was cracked once again.

A passage leading to the ground appeared in front of everyone.

“Anytime, welcome, the last hope of mankind, the sanctuary of doomsday!”


When Pope Fanzhen assigned the task, Bai Yuetong also brought Luo Family’s private team and started searching in the second ring.

Their march is a bit strange, and Zhang Yifan, the leader of the team, doesn’t quite understand why Bai Yuetong is hanging out here.

This place is far from the place where the battle broke out before. If Bai Yuetong is looking for Lu Luo, he shouldn’t be looking for it here.

“Miss, we have been walking here for nearly an hour, what are you looking for?

If you are looking for Lu Luo, the previous battlefield is where we should go. “

Bai Yuetong ignored Zhang Yifan at all, and did not even answer Zhang Yifan’s words.

She looked at the road under her feet, the surrounding buildings, and the structure of the entire area.

In the end, her eyes were fixed on a ladder beside the main road of the Second Ring Road.

“It’s here!”

“Huh? Miss? What are you going to do?”



Bai Yuetong became a little impatient. There was no way she could tell Zhang Yifan that many about finding Lu Luo.

And Lu Luo also said before that Zhang Yifan’s identity was originally a mystery.

Although I repeatedly refused Zhang Yifan to come with me, but the always soft-hearted father asked her to take Zhang Yifan.

Otherwise, you are not allowed to come to Lu Luo by yourself.

This made Bai Yuetong a little unable to understand the meaning of his father.

Father’s trust in Zhang Yifan seems to be overdone.

Bai Yuetong can no longer take care of that many. Take it with you. Luo Xuemin compromised with her, and she also needed to compromise with Luo Xuemin.

“That’s right, it’s here, digging, digging all the way down.

I asked you to bring mecha’s auger, which is ready for use. “

Looking at the place Bai Yuetong was pointing, Zhang Yifan was a little startled.

“Dig here? This is the second ring road, a very important place…”

“Do these things have anything to do with me? There is simply no one in the second ring now.

If someone finds out later, just throw the pot to my mother and the pope. “

? ? ? Throw the pot to the presiding judge and the pope?

In this case, it is estimated that the entire alliance can be said by Bai Yuetong.

“This is not in compliance with the rules. If someone finds out, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“Now the inner ring is in chaos, don’t you know the consequences? What are the consequences?

I ask you to dig, dig now, I will be responsible for anything. “

Bai Yuetong’s attitude is very tough, and Zhang Yifan also understands that at this time, he can’t hold back Bai Yuetong.

“Miss, I know you are very worried about Lu Luo now, but I also hope that you stay calm enough while looking for Lu Luo.

We can dig, but I also hope you can promise me. “

Bai Yuetong glanced at Zhang Yifan, and finally nodded.

“Don’t worry, I will stay sensible enough and will not make decisions that affect the family.”

Zhang Yifan was a bit speechless. At this time, digging a hole in the second ring road has seriously affected the family, okay?

Although he thought so in his heart, at this time, Zhang Yifan still had to put on another statement.

“That’s fine, you just need to know the severity.

Load the auger and start digging down. “



Underground, Lu Luo dragged Qi Xinzhu through several rooms.

However, starting from the third room from the bottom, the passage of the room has begun to become complicated.

“A Maze!”

“Lu Luo, is there a problem?”

“It’s okay, go ahead.”

[All the details have been recorded, take a big step forward, boy. ]

Lu Luo laughed when he saw the observer’s prompt.

The observer in the maze environment is almost like War God.

The two held hands and continued to walk in this huge doomsday shelter.

With the observer’s record, Lu Luo basically won’t make detours.

With the continuous exploration of the maze, the observer has drawn the specific appearance of the maze in Lu Luo’s mind map.

Here, it should be a 7-sided Earth Palace.

Each room extends to the other 6 points, that is, the passage of each room, there are 6 in total.

When Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu walked through all the rooms, he felt that it was not a maze either.

Because the rules of this place are very simple, even if there is no observer, as long as you remember with your heart, you will also write down the general environment.

Since it is not a maze, what is the meaning of the existence of these rooms?

Lu Luo took a closer look at the room he was currently in. It was empty, and there were not many things in it.

Only some dim candlelight…

Candlelight? Candlelight!

Lu Luo suddenly walked to one of the candlesticks and stared at the candle above.

This candle has heat and is burning, but its wax body itself shows no signs of decreasing during this period of time.

Lu Luo reached out and grabbed the candle.

[Star Candle, a stable directional energy material, naturally absorbs dark energy and can burn for hundreds of years. ]

“Good stuff, it’s mine now!”

Lu Luo came to the inner ring this time, it can be said that it was a blood loss.

Of course, he will not let go of this opportunity to return to the capital.

But after he removed the candle on the wall, a coffin suddenly appeared in the center of the room.

“This, is it a coffin?”

hong long long!

The lid of the coffin was pushed open, and it was pushed away from the inside.

Qi Xinzhu on the side has taken out his weapon and is ready to fight.

Lu Luo’s expression became serious.

As a youngster who grew up under the red flag, the corpse fraud is still a bit touching.

“What the hell thing!”


A piece of dry finger was held on the edge of the coffin.

The mummy slowly started from the coffin, and then suddenly jumped up and landed where Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu kept going.

A tall corpse!

[7th order before death, current 6th order, Undead, ability holy splendor, sequence unknown.

Strength 115, Agility 75, Physique 1. ]

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