Doomsday Ring

Chapter 381


[Empire, is the place that the disc yearns for. ]

Huh? Observers who have always been waste, actually gave useful information at this time.

This made Lu Luo feel a little surprised.

“Why are you suddenly useful?”

[Does anyone say it? This is the information revealed by the Doomsday Disc. I know a hammer empire. ]

“Uh, it turns out that the Doomsday Disc is useful. Of course, you are still what I imagined in my heart.”

[…What is the way you imagine in your heart? ]

“You understand! I have repeated it many times.”

[Climb. ]

A pure soul is not necessarily a transmigrator, it can also be an empire.

After seeing this prompt, Lu Luo felt regretful and slightly relaxed in his heart.

The Judge Bai Qingshuang is not a transmigrator. Hearing this news, I felt weak.

As expected, he is still special, and his identity as a transmigrator is still unique and unmatched.

But it is also a bit regretful. If there is a transmigrator counterpart, maybe many things, they can talk carefully.

Obviously, his life is mainly to be a loner.

Lu Luo understands now, as long as it has not been illuminated by the disc of dawn.

People who have not been polluted by holy splendor particles have pure souls.

The disc of dawn pollutes this land, so people born here are not pure souls.

His soul is very pure, because his soul is a transmigrator.

The soul of Judge Changbai Qingshuang is pure because she is not a pure wasteland person.

The judge, Bai Qingshuang, is an empire!

Doomsday Disc a place to yearn for!

Although I don’t know what empire it is, the word empire itself is very different from the Wasteland Alliance.

Emperors and alliances, countries and residences.

The meaning of the two is absolutely different.

If the Wasteland Alliance is not the only human stronghold, what level will the civilization level of the empire reach?

Lu Luo’s expression and hesitant look were taken in the entire scene by Bai Qingshuang.

“Are you not from the Empire?”

Bai Qingshuang’s tone suddenly became severe.

With her judgment, it was natural to see that Lu Luo was not from the Empire.

This makes her strange. If she is not an empire, how can she have a pure soul?

“Uh, I am an orphan…”

[You finally admitted it! Yes, you are an orphan! There is no kind of mother. ]

Lu Luo is a bit speechless.

“I mean, I’m a native of the Alliance, but, maybe I hate churches since I was a kid,

So I… Uh! “

Seeing Bai Qingshuang’s suspicious eyes, Lu Luo felt that he couldn’t make up his own words.

“Well, I am indeed a member of the Alliance, but the rays of light of the holy splendor did not shine on me.

Lord Judge, please believe me, if I am not special enough, Doomsday Disc will not appear with me. “

Bai Qingshuang frowned and looked at Lu Luo. She originally thought that Lu Luo was an imperial person just like her.

If Lu Luo is from the Empire, he who has seen the Empire will definitely not stay in such a place as the Wasteland Alliance.

In this way, they would be their own.

But now Lu Luo says that he is not from the Empire.

This makes Bai Qingshuang very uncomfortable!

After that many tortures and betrayals, in the Wasteland Alliance, except for her daughter, she believes in an alliance person again.

“If you are not an empire, you will be taken by the disc of dawn.

It seems that between this land and the three major discs, there are many things that I can’t detect. “

Lu Luo was silent for a while before asking:

“Sir, what kind of empire is the empire you are talking about?”

“The New Empire.”

“New Empire? Okay, I get it.”

Lu Luo actually still has a lot of questions, but at this time, he didn’t dare to ask any more.

He felt that after Bai Qingshuang confirmed that he was not from the Empire, his whole attitude had changed a bit.

This kind of transformation is getting worse.

Too many problems can cause the deterioration of this relationship.

This is not what Lu Luo wanted to see.

“Do you want to ask, since I am a member of the New Empire, why do I appear here?”

“Uh, can you tell me?”

“There is nothing to say.”

“Well, just forget it if you can’t say it.”

Bai Qingshuang laughed.

“Don’t worry, Lu Luo, it doesn’t matter whether you are from the Empire or not.

I know you are special, but I am also special, and I am much stronger than you.

So, I don’t need to care about your special.

The thing about you that can really make me care about is actually your identity! “

“My identity?”

“You are already with Hitomi, you know what I mean.”

“Uh, yes.”

[It’s useful to cook mature rice with raw rice. ]

Lu Luo knows that what Bai Qingshuang said about being together is the fact that a husband and wife are born.

This is recognized by the laws of either the Empire or the Wasteland Alliance.

This is also Bai Qingshuang’s biggest concern for his senses.

“Then your current identity is Hitomi’s husband.

Now she is an adult, and adults need to be responsible for what they do.

Since she chose you, I will not interfere.

I am not as ruthless as you think, and I am not the dictator you call me.

As a mother, I just hope you can treat her well in the future. “

Bai Qingshuang spoke to herself solemnly, and as an elder, then Lu Luo naturally wanted to give the same respectful response.

He was slightly nodded and made his own promise.

“Please rest assured, the presiding judge, protecting your lover is a man’s responsibility.

I will protect Bai Yuetong. “

Bai Qingshuang is nodded, and she has no way to judge whether Lu Luo can fulfill her promise.

At this time, she can only choose to believe in Lu Luo, apart from this, and she has no second choice.

“Since you are already Hitomi’s lover, there are some things that I can tell you.

The new empire was called Dongji thousands of years ago.

The East Pole is a residence after the era of human catastrophe.

I don’t know if it is the largest residence, but the East Pole at that time already had a scale comparable to Doomsday Ring.

After experiencing many things, the East Pole gradually developed and gradually took on the appearance of a country.

However, the rule of the East Pole has become more and more chaotic because of the development of the report.

Fortunately, with the help of a great leader, the people worked with a common purpose and overthrew the decadent East Pole government.

It was also at this moment that Dongji changed its name to New Empire.

It means the end of all catastrophes and the beginning of all new lives.

The Dawn Disc is the item of the leader of the East Pole.

It was also after the establishment of the new empire that the emperor of the empire banished the disc of dawn. “

“East Pole, New Empire, Exile…”

“Yes, Doomsday Ring has existed for thousands of years.

The high wall is not to guard the protection of human beings, but a seal built to imprison the disc of dawn. “

“The thousand-year seal, all this is to imprison the disc of dawn…”

“History is written by the victors. Except for the Doomsday Sanctuary, the history of the Alliance has long been modified by those controlled by the Dawn Disc.

And it has been revised many times over and over again.

The real history, only part of it is buried here.

Others have long been annihilated in the long river of time. “

Lu Luo was a bit speechless about what Bai Qingshuang said.

“Well, it sounds complicated, then I now…”

“It wants to leave this place! But to leave here, even with its power, there is no way to do it.

I was the best candidate, but I rejected it.

So now, its goal has become you.

As Bai Yuetong’s mother, I am here to remind you.

Lu Luo, you have to think about how to deal with the Dawn Disc again after seeing it again. “

Hearing this, Lu Luo was a bit speechless.

Although Dawn Disc was interested in him, he already knew it.

But at this time, it was quite Bai Qingshuang. Speaking of the specific reasons, Lu Luo was still a little helpless.

Compared with Liming Disc, he still prefers his Doomsday Disc called his “father”, Lv Little Yi.

The original purpose of coming to the inner ring was to pave the way and solve problems.

But after arriving in the inner ring, problems followed one after another.

And they are all uncontrollable and undefeated purposes.

This made Lu Luo couldn’t help feeling that coming to the inner ring seemed to be a wrong choice.

“Uh, it has no hands or feet, shouldn’t it move?

I can’t do anything else, and the speed of escape is still okay. “

“It does not have hands or feet, but it has people.”

“Um, who are they?”

“Pope Fan Zhen, how do you think he can run faster than you.”

[I prove that Little Lu is really unhappy! ]


Lu Luo had guessed it a long time ago, but at this time he heard the name of the pope, he was still a little helpless.

After he goes out, he must leave this vortex as soon as possible.

Whether it is the pope or the presiding judge, it is too strong for him.

“Fan Zhen, they thought they had found a new power, but they didn’t know it. This is just a trap and trap of higher Level 1 that’s all.

The so-called return of life is originally the ability stored in the disk.

The person who owns the disc will naturally master the power of returning life.

Stay young for a long time, just like me and you. “

Can those who hold discs stay young for a long time? Lu Luo subconsciously glanced at Qi Xinzhu beside him.


Although it sounds tempting, Lu Luo still feels that he can grow old with his lover.

Watching your children grow up slowly is actually a very happy thing.

Can live forever, but it is not necessary.

And regarding the return of life, Lu Luo still has some questions.

“Master Judge, before I came here, I killed a 7th level.

Her name is Mo Fan, a bald girl, a strong bald girl.

Her ability is also called the return of life.

After using her abilities, she can indeed become younger. When she first appeared, she was probably in the form of an elderly person in her 100s.

But after using the life return, it became a youngster state.

Is it the same situation that she and you said?

If they are really the same, can they achieve immortality through this method? “

Bai Qingshuang’s eyes were a little surprised when he heard Lu Luo’s words.

“You said, you killed Mo Fan? Paladin, the life of the previous generation?”

“Well, if Paladin, the life of the previous generation, was indeed a bald, a woman, probably this tall.

After I became younger, I looked pretty good, dark and straight.

If there is nothing wrong, it should be her. “

Bai Qingshuang looked at Lu Luo up and down again.

“Unexpectedly, you could kill Mo Fan. I had already raised my expectations of you as much as possible. Didn’t expect still underestimated you.

That’s right, Mo Fan did use life return, and she was the first person to discover the technology of life return.

But longevity is simple, but immortality is a very difficult thing.

The soul of any creature is tired.

An ordinary body cannot carry a powerful soul, but a tired soul cannot adapt to a strong body.

The two coexist and mutually exclusive. “

Bai Qingshuang’s approval made Lu Luo a bit sorry, to be humble and low-key.

Although the buddy really killed a Tier 7, the record cannot be written on the forehead, right?

That’s what Xiaodai can do!

The real middle generation, Heavenspan generation, can break Xiaodai’s hamstrings, and then push Xiaodai to the corner, shouting “horrible” in his mouth.

“No, the battle between Mo Fan and I is a bit like seize every opportunity.

She didn’t know me well enough, so she was fooled by me.

The process of the battle was not very glorious, although I won in the end. “

Bai Qingshuang shook his head.

“At this age, this rank, no matter what method, props, or ability you use.

Or very strong equipment, poor intelligence to win, it is a great, even incredible victory.

Have you ever thought that killing a 7th-level expert itself is a real record.

You said that Mo Fan didn’t understand that you were pitted by you. In other words, you shouldn’t understand Mo Fan either?

Since they don’t understand, the two sides of the battle are naturally equal.

It is you who survived. “

“That’s right, after hearing the words of the presiding judge, I also feel that I am pretty good.”

Lu Luo scratched his head, a bit sorry. After all, being praised by big guys is really a joyful thing.

“Okay, I’m almost done.

Lu Luo, this is the doomsday sanctuary of the Church of Truth.

This is also the only place in the entire Wasteland Alliance that has not been eroded by the Dawn Disc.

The truth protects this place, and I also got the dawn disc here.

The coffin in this hall is called the Coffin of Truth.

Don’t worry, the coffins here are different from those made by Dawn Disc.

The Inheritors here are pure.

You and Qi Xinzhu can each choose a coffin to inherit part of the strength of the ancestors.

This part of power must contain sequence.

This is also the home of the human inheritance sequence.

You can refuse or accept, it all depends on your own choice. “

Uh, why suddenly fast forward to the moment when a lucky coffin is randomly selected.

“Sir, do you have reminders, such as what abilities each person is, their good and evil, whether there are threats, etc.?

Let’s be courageous and weak. Some things should be careful. “

Bai Qingshuang glanced at Lu Luo, this guy…too much.

“There is no prompt, it is up to you to choose or not.”


Lu Luo looked towards Qi Xinzhu at this time.

“Wife, what do you say?”

Qi Xinzhu also has a tangled face, inheriting the strength of the ancestors of mankind. This kind of thing still sounds great.

But when she thinks that the so-called inheritance is to choose from these coffins, she feels uncomfortable.

Especially Mummy Ali gave her a great mental shock before.

So that Qi Xinzhu had a psychological resistance to the coffin here.

“Lu Luo, do you want it?”

“No, I won’t inherit the sequence of the ancestors. You know my situation, no need.”

Lu Luo clearly and directly refused.

The reason is also very simple. Lu Luo’s own sequence is already powerful enough, and the inheritance sequence here may also be very powerful.

But it is impossible to say that it is more powerful than your own sequence.

By now, Lu Luo has been able to determine that the S-Rank sequence is the highest sequence on the disk.

The twelve rounds of the disc should correspond to 12 S-Rank sequences.

I have mastered 4 of them, and I really don’t need to supplement my abilities from the sequence.

Now as long as he studies the power of the sequence well, develops and extends it well, his strength can reach a height that other people can’t reach.

To absorb other sequences is just a waste of trouble and a waste of one’s energy that’s all.

Qi Xinzhu heard Lu Luo say no, his thoughts gradually calmed down.

“You don’t want it, then I don’t want it either!”

Lu Luo glanced at Qi Xinzhu, but finally did not say anything to comfort her.

Don’t do anything here, just look at yourself.

There must be important benefits, no, and there must be no mistakes.

Lu Luo felt a sense of alienation from the heart of everything in the inner ring.

He doesn’t trust the things here, the vast world outside the wall is his place.

“Okay, then we don’t want it.”

Lu Luo turned his head.

“Master Judge, inheritance and other things are still forgotten.

We are still young, we have not yet established our own cultivation system, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

Accepting the inheritance of others at this time is likely to disrupt our original development rhythm.

So… “

Bai Qingshuang squinted and looked at Lu Luo. She could feel the alertness of Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu, and she could also understand.

So at this time, when Lu Luo refused, she would not force it.

“Stop being an official, your choice is ultimately responsible for you.

If you don’t need the power here, just follow me and I will take you out. “

Hearing that they could go out, Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu’s expressions were instantly pleasantly surprised.

“I can finally go out.”

“Don’t be too happy, we have one more level to pass.” Bai Qingshuang interrupted them coldly.

“My Lord Pope.”

“Fan Zhen thought that everything he did was for his own breakthrough. As everyone knows, he has fallen into the trap of the disc.

Let’s go, I have almost rested, if I lose, you can run away. “

Seeing Bai Qingshuang’s indifferent expression, Lu Luo was a little heavy and nodded.

“I see, Lord Judge, if I encounter danger, I will escape in the fastest time and the most surprising angle.”

Devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence can be said of escape, it is estimated that Lu Luo is such a one.

“Go, go to the upper floors.”


Luo Dan looked thoughtful at the murals on the walls of the Doomsday Sanctuary.

“Leviathan? There was a battle between humans and Leviathan. It’s incredible…

It seems that some history that is not part of the Wasteland Alliance is really recorded here. “

“There are still many incredible things. Such historical legends and allusions don’t need to be so surprised.”


Luo Dan was a little surprised, she didn’t even notice the appearance of the other party.

It was like suddenly appearing in front of her, if she was just an ordinary transcender, then she would definitely be very indifferent.

But the problem is that Luo Dan is already a 7th-order expert.

And it is Paladin, the life of this generation.

It belongs to the Peak existence of the 7th order of the church.

But with such a strength, no one was found. This thing itself is very strange.

“You are… the presiding judge.”

Luo Dan found Bai Qingshuang slowly coming out of the darkness, which made her even more surprised.

Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu behind Bai Qingshuang.


Luo Dan suddenly laughed. The Life Perception, which he was usually proud of, didn’t expect at this time to be completely useless.

They are all Tier 7. It seems that the gap between Tier 7 and Tier 7 can really reach the point where they are far out of reach.

Originally, she thought that her current strength might have reached the peak of Tier 7.

One step forward is the threshold of level 8.

But now that Bai Qingshuang has such a level, and still has not reached the 8th level, this has cast a shadow on Luo Dan’s future development.

“Unexpectedly, the gap would be so big. With such a gap, it is ridiculous that the Pope still used the 8th order method as a temptation.

Even the top of Tier 7 can’t be reached, even if you get a way to Tier 8, what can you do! “

The distance between the two parties is not too far, and Bai Qingshuang and the others are naturally able to hear Luo Dan’s self-talk at this distance.

Bai Qingshuang shook his head:

“Without undervalue oneself, Luo Dan, among the four Great Knights of this generation, your innate talent is undoubtedly the strongest.

Compared to Wan Jing’s way of taking shortcuts in everything, your cultivation way is actually more practical and correct.

If you were not born in the Wasteland Alliance, Tier 8 is just a matter of time. “

Bai Qingshuang’s words made Luo Dan stunned for a moment. She had heard things like praise countless times.

She is a genius herself, and being praised is also as it should be by rights.

But what do the last two sentences mean?

“If I were not born in the Wasteland Alliance, where could I be born?

The presiding judge’s words, it seems that I haven’t finished speaking. “

In fact, compared to the so-called methods and channels promised by Pope Fan Zhen.

Luo Dan still hopes to reach the 8th rank through his own efforts. When they reach their level, they all have their own spirits.

People who have no heart can not go to this step.

Therefore, Luo Dan is still very interested in the hidden meaning in Bai Qingshuang’s words.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be long before Fan Zhen and I will meet.

When the time comes, there will naturally be a break between me and him. “

“Then what?”

“If I win, we need to continue talking about the next thing.

If I lose, it doesn’t make sense for me to tell you now.

Besides, hasn’t Fan Zhen already promised to give your life back? “

Return of life?

Luo Dan is very sensitive to this word, because combined with the life energy, from the secret technique of ancient classics, he created the founder of the return of life.

It is Paladin Mo Fan, the life of the previous generation.

As the life Knight of this generation, most of the life Knight classics Luo Dan have already read.

Even the sacrifice method of Fruit of Life, she knew very well.

It’s just that she is a very arrogant person, although her performance is not strong enough.

But Luo Dan’s in the bones disdains those abilities.

Although she is strong, she also has her own justice in her heart.

To some extent, Luo Dan and Qi Xinzhu have similar personalities.

At this time, Bai Qingshuang mentioned that Luo Dan was inexplicably overshadowed by the Pope’s senses.

“The presiding judge can confirm that what the Pope wants to give us under the crown is the return of life?”

“In the matter of returning to youth, is there any other way besides the return of life?

You are the Paladin of Life. The research on Life Power should be more profound than mine. “

Bai Qingshuang said it was very light, but Lu Luo, who was standing behind her, felt the tension on Bai Qingshuang at this time.

In other words, the observer felt the tension of Bai Qingshuang.

[Her blood flow rate has increased slightly, and her heartbeat is also speeding up, but the magnitude of the change is small.

This situation should be caused by psychological tension. ]

It turns out that when the presiding judge is nervous, Lu Luo laughed. From this point of view, the presiding judge is still a person.

“Then is there any way to find out her attributes now?”

[Unable to detect! ]

Well, Lu Luo was disappointed again.

Compared with those other things, what he is most interested in is always the strength of Judge Changbai Qingshuang.

How powerful is her power?

Luo Dan on the opposite side after pondering for a while, looked at Bai Qingshuang and said:

“Does the presiding judge care about our attitude?”

“It’s not that I don’t care, it’s because there is no need to care at all. What you are after is still within this range.

But after all, we have reached the Legendary level, and we should take a look at the wider world. “

Legendary level? Luo Dan couldn’t understand Bai Qingshuang’s words more and more.

It’s not just that she can’t understand, Lu Luo behind him can’t understand as much as Qi Xinzhu.

“What is the Legendary order?”

“1-3 is the elementary level, 4-6 is the high-level, and above the 7th level is the Legendary.

In this way, it should be easy to understand. “

Luo Dan is nodded looking thoughtful.

“I understand.”

“Since you understand, let’s go, see Fan Zhen, and let us understand the grievances between this generation and the previous generation.

The matter of the Dawn Disc should also be over. “


Pope Fan Zhen took Li Hongyun and stood above the shelter of the doomsday. The holy splendor of the disc of dawn shone on him, but he refused.

“Rejecting my power at this time is not a wise choice.

If you can’t recover to the best condition, you can hardly be Bai Qingshuang’s opponent. “

The jerky sound of the dawn disc echoed in one ring, and the surrounding guards looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn’t know who made this sound just now.

Li Hongyun, who was standing next to the Pope, did not speak, and even if she spoke, her voice would not be so loud, let alone such a harsh tone.

The guards looked towards the Dawn Disc.

Although many people once said that they had heard the sound of the dawn disc, it has never been as clear as today.

The Dawn Disk actually made a sound, and it was a humanoid feeling.

“Uh, under the pope’s crown?”

Hearing the sound of the dawn disc, Pope Fan Zhen’s gaze returned from the aisle of the Doomsday Sanctuary.

Re-looked towards Dawn Disc, Fan Zhen’s gaze became firm.

“Sorry, I know it’s dangerous to face Bai Qingshuang in an incomplete state.

But even if it is dangerous, it is between me and her, and has nothing to do with others.

Master Yuanpan, I have served Liming for more than 200 years.

In most of these 200 years, I have been able to have a clear conscience and work hard.

I gave my everything, youth, ideals, love.

But I didn’t get what I wanted.

By now, I no longer want to be controlled or become a puppet of an instrument.

Hope you can understand me. “

If the disc could laugh, the dawn disc would have laughed a long time ago.

Fan Zhen really thought that without using holy splendor, just get rid of it?

What a naive idea!

Fan Zhen has indeed become the Pope for 200 years and has consulted countless classics and historical books.

But Fan Zhen is a native of the Wasteland Alliance after all.

He doesn’t know the world outside the alliance. All his channels for obtaining information are in the Wasteland Alliance, which is the Doomsday Ring.

And the time when the Dawn Disc was banished to this land has been thousands of years old.

Thousands of years, the disc of dawn has already corroded this land.

All history, all processes, are modified according to the will of the Dawn Disc.

The power of Dawn Disc has already penetrated every corner of the Wasteland Alliance.

Fan Zhen thought he had found a way to break away from the dawn disc and promote to rank 8.

But he did not know that the methods and conditions he found still exist within the framework of the dawn disc.

There is no change at all, but from the cage of holy splendor to the cage of Life Power that’s all.

“Actually you don’t have to reject my power so much, the power of holy splendor…”

Dawn Disc seemed to want to say something, but Fan Zhen took the initiative to interrupt it.

“No, no matter what the situation is, I will not accept holy splendor anymore.

I have my own ideas. If I fail, it means that I am not good at it. I don’t blame anyone. “

Fan Zhen is the Pope after all, and he is also the person who has stood at the top of this World.

He also has his heart. It took 200 years to reach this step and reach the threshold of the 8th step.

What Fan Zhen wants is nothing more than going further.

Today, he has nothing to lose.

Since there is nothing to lose, there is nothing to fear.

“Although Bai Qingshuang did a lot of extreme things, she was right.

The Wasteland Alliance and the Inner Ring really need new forces. “

After Fan Zhen said these words, Dawn Disc stopped making any sound.

After a long silence, it made a sound.

“As you wish, she is here.”

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