Doomsday Ring

Chapter 403


Something about sequence…

Lu Luo slightly frowned, shouldn’t the energy variant be a strange problem?

Similar to Frost Sequence, it should be possible to do it with no difficulty.

It is very strange that Zhang Ji waited so hard to ask a question that seemed to Lu Luo to be very common.

Except this question… is not ordinary in Zhang Ji’s view.

[Sequence problem? ]

Yes, the sequence problem!

It’s not that the sequence has a problem, but the people here have a problem with the sequence.

Realizing this, Lu Luo immediately started a wide-range scan of the observer.

He began to scan the data, capabilities, and information of the entire guard office transcender.

Because there was a preliminary scan before, the results appeared quickly.


The entire guard office, as well as all the human transcenders Lu Luo encountered in the empire.

Not a single sequence.

They don’t even have the most basic sequence power in them.

In the Wasteland Alliance, everyone will have some basic sequence power.

The power of these sequences is hidden in everyone, even the ordinary person.

It is precisely because everyone has the power of sequence.

That’s why the innate talent sequence awakens.

In the month when the dark energy of Fourth Ring erupted, just east of Fourth Ring alone, thousands of ordinary persons awakened the sequence.

The factors of the sequence are like the things that are engraved on the genes of everyone in the Wasteland Alliance.

It is normal to have it. If not, you can wake up the day after tomorrow.

Because of this, Lu Luo has been ignoring some basic elements…such as the reason for the birth of the sequence.

In the Wasteland Alliance, some people do have a sequence, and some do not.

He thinks the same is true of the transcender of the empire.

Any powerful transcender must have a sequence.

The top transcender has an S-Rank sequence.

The effect of the sequence can increase the strength of a transcender to an unimaginable level.

For example, he himself, devouring the core of the world and the eye of insight.

Almost can achieve the strength to kill the 6th order in a second.

This is something that his own strength can’t do at all, at least he can’t do it now.

But what if the imperial people have no sequence?

No, Zhang Ji saw the sequence, so the empire is also sequenced.

But the sequence is so few that Zhang Ji, the senior level 3 transcender of the official security office, does not know the existence of the sequence.

“Sequence this thing, what does it mean in the empire?”

[Who do you ask? ]

“If the sequence is rare…then multi-sequencers like us, S-Rank sequencers.

In the eyes of a normal empire transcender, is it very special and rare? “

It turns out that the imperial people are all rookies without innate talent!

Lu Luo felt a sense of superiority from the heart when he thought of this place.

“Mr. Lu Luo? Mr. Lu Luo?”

Zhang Ji interrupted Lu Luo’s thoughts, and Lu Luo quickly looked at Zhang Ji with a smile on his face.

As soon as the superiority of the outsiders came up, it was really unstoppable.

“Frost can be emitted without using any energy, forgive me for not knowing.

This kind of thing shouldn’t be done, right? Is Mr. Zhang Ji wrong? “

Zhang Ji was nodded. Sure enough, Mr. Lu Luo, who is such an erudite, didn’t know?

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes today, it would be hard for me to imagine.

Someone can create frost without using psionics.

And the scope is so huge, it’s incredible.

It seems that this matter still needs to be reported. “

Sure enough, if you encounter a sequence, should you report it!

Lu Luo was slightly alert.

“I’m sorry, Superintendent Zhang Ji, this matter can’t help you.”

“What are you talking about, you helped a lot last time.

Not only does it help us solve the case, it also wakes me up and lets me understand what a real transcender should do.

Thank you, Mr. Lu Luo. “

Zhang Ji’s gratitude is sincere and sincere, Lu Luo is also slightly nodded.

“You are welcome, everyone has many choices in their lives.”

“Yes, I am already on the right path.”

The two chatted for a long time, and in the end, Lu Luo still did not reveal any information about the sequence.

This information is poor and really important. I have to find Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi tonight.

The information of the sequence cannot be exposed to other people’s vision for the time being.

The empire is not without sequence. Judging from the description of Zhang Ji just now, the empire must be sequenced.

It’s just that very few people know the sequence, so few that even the senior transcender of the empire like Zhang Ji, or the high-level personnel of the empire’s official department do not know it.

This point requires more care.

Outside the guard’s office, Yang Di pulled Lu Luo excitedly:

“Wow, we cleared 6 cases today, Lu Luo, why are we so strong?”

“I don’t know how we are so strong, but I do want to thank you today.”

“Do you finally feel my role?

We are really good partners! “

“Yes, I don’t have any money. If you didn’t pay the fare for me, I would have to run over.”

Yang Di was immediately discouraged when he heard this.

“All right, I’m just paying the fare.”

“Go, I invite you to dinner.” Lu Luo is rare and generous.

“Don’t you have no money? Why do you invite me to dinner if you have no money?”

“You will know when you come.”

Lu Luo brought Yang Di to the vicinity of Dong’an Building.

After borrowing Yang Di’s cell phone to make a call, he casually found a chair to rest.

After a while, Gu Fangyi rode a smart car, galloping at a speed faster than the imperial supercar.

“Fuck, how could this little brother take out so fast?

That supercar can’t even see his taillights, how did it do it? “

Gu Fangyi, who took off his helmet, tossed his hair, and threw two lunches to Lu Luo very scorchingly.

Then I took out a portion and ate it on the spot.

“Smart cars can be injected with psychic energy, the more psychic energy is injected, the faster the speed will naturally be.”

Gu Fangyi who was eating, said something like this abruptly.

Yang Di suddenly thought about it.

Assuming that the basic speed of the smart car is 30 yards, it is known that injecting the ultimate psionic energy of the first order can make the smart car reach 80 yards.

Ask, what level of psionic energy can make the smart car faster than the supercar?

“Good guy, are you a hidden boss again?”

Yang Di is lazy, but not stupid. If he can ride a smart bike to this level, he must be a Tier 3 boss, even stronger.

But Gu Fangyi is so strong, why did he go to the hopeless job of delivering food.

If Lu Luo knew him, why not bring Gu Fangyi to Blazing Wings.

Blazing Wings is currently short of people, and a big guy like Gu Fangyi will definitely be serving delicious food.

“Uh, what do you call this brother?”

“Gu Fangyi.”

“My name is Yang Di, a member of Blazing Wings and Lu Luo’s partner.”

Yangdi Barabara said a lot, but Gu Fangyi had no clear reaction.


Lu Luo’s partner has always been him and Qi Xinzhu. They grew up together from the very beginning.

Other people? It’s just a passerby that’s all.

“Lu Luo, your friend is quite cold.”

“Well, he is more afraid of living.”

After the three of them finished eating, Gu Fangyi finally raised his head:


I only contacted yesterday, and I contacted again today. If something happens, Lu Luo rarely does this.

Lu Luo nodded, signaled Yang Di to leave first.

“You go first, and I will come right away.”

“Between two big men, still whispering?”

Although Yang Di was a little unhappy, she still did.

After Yang Di left, Lu Luo started talking to Gu Fangyi about business.

“The people of the Empire don’t know the sequence.”


Gu Fangyi didn’t realize what Lu Luo meant, but Lu Luo quickly explained it again.

“The transcender of the empire, many people do not know the power of sequence.

Sequence is a strange force to them.

Unfamiliar, vigilant, and powerful.

Even reached the point where it needs to be reported.

The Security Office here just asked me, and this information was confirmed from him. “

“No? No, you said he asked you.”

“Yes, the sequence exists in the empire, and this power should be in the hands of some special organization.

The probability seen by ordinary person and even ordinary transcender is relatively small. “

Gu Fangyi probably understood what Lu Luo meant when he heard this.

“Are you going to let us hide our sequence?”

“Well, your sequence is still very concealed, but you still need to pay attention.

Try to hide your sequence as much as possible. What is the difference between the people here and us is still uncertain. “

“Okay, I see, when will we gather for the next step.”

“After a while, it will take time for Brother Kai to dig a hole.

We also need a more stable gathering point here, and we need transcender channels.

After Qi Xinzhu stabilizes, then consider it. “

“Then do I need to find a transcender organization?”

“No, Qi Xinzhu and I now have their own extraordinary organizations. My side is okay, I’m afraid she needs foreign aid.

You can mix yourself as a free man now.

If Qi Xinzhu needs help, you can support her anytime, anywhere. “


Lu Luo and Gu Fangyi exchanged information about today, including the course of the battle and the situation of the battle.

There are also local prices, living habits and so on.

These seemingly unremarkable things can make them quickly look like a normal imperial person.

However, the prices of extraordinary resources are not quite clear for both of them.

The extraordinary test they were exposed to was only a layer of the empire.

The territory of the Empire is much larger than the Wasteland Alliance, and the situation is not as clear as the Wasteland Alliance, where the inner ring and the outer ring are as clear and obvious.

There is still a lot of information needed.

“If nothing happens, I will leave first.

My colleague is still waiting for me. “


After Lu Luo left, Gu Fangyi’s original idea was to continue walking around and get acquainted with the environment of Dong’an.

After all, he does not have the effect of recording information like an observer.

Although Hawkeye’s observation ability is very strong, recording this kind of thing still needs his own brain.

Just when he was about to leave Dong’an Building, his eyes suddenly stopped.

“Someone is following Brother Luo? Forget it, let him solve it by himself.”

Gu Fangyi took out the phone configured by the company, took the order again and delivered the food.

On Lu Luo’s side, as if he didn’t feel the stalker behind him, he took Yang Di back to the Blazing Wings branch.


In the office of Blazing Wings.

Looking at the report submitted by Lu Luo, Luo Yi was a little speechless.

Lu Luo’s performance is no longer a question of ability testing.

The question now is what kind of status she has to arrange for Lu Luo to be worthy of his ability.

“Lu Luo, your efficiency is really amazing. You have solved that many backlog of cases in one day.”

“It’s okay, there are traces to follow, so it doesn’t take much time.”

Lu Luo said casually, but Luo Yi understood the difficulties.

If it is not really difficult, these cases will not be squeezed for so long.

Lu Luo’s ability and strength are on the same level as that of normal community members already not in.

“Hey, Luo Yi, look at the back, we have even settled the case of Mid-Levels Villa.

Didn’t you say that if the case of Mid-Levels Villa is settled, there will be additional rewards?

Now is the time to cash it out. In order to solve the case of Mid-Levels Villa, we have solved the Blue Eyed Demon Spider. “

Additional rewards?

Lu Luo is really interested in rewards.

And he is also very interested in the situation of Mid-Levels Villa.

“Oh? Unexpectedly, you can get extra rewards for completing the dossier? Miss Luo Yi, really?”

Luo Yi looked at Lu Luo, still recalling what Yang Di said just now.

Blue-eyed spider, that’s a 4th order weird.

When the blue-eyed spider is in the nest, its degree of difficulty will increase by several levels.

No wonder that several groups of people have not resolved this matter, how can ordinary transcenders be the opponents of blue eyes.

If Lu Luo is really tough to this extent…

Luo Yi rubbed the invitation letter for the association meeting.

Blazing Wings has not participated in such an official meeting for several years.

It’s not that they are not qualified, but they are not capable. With the strength of Blazing Wings in the past few years, going to the club meeting is just a sandbag.

It’s boring and unnecessary, but if you have Lu Luo, it seems…

Thinking of this, Luo Yi looked at Lu Luo’s eyes more charmingly.

“Unexpectedly, Lu Luo, your ability is so strong, I really underestimate you.

Blue eyes are weird of Tier 4, Lu Luo, you are so young, the future is really limitless. “

Isn’t he limitless, does it need these people to repeatedly emphasize it?

Of course not, he is only interested in Mid-Levels Villa and the so-called rewards.

“What about the reward?”

“Uh… there will be rewards, 100 grams of Spirit Stone, and 50,000 yuan in bonuses.”

“Wow, so many!”

Yang Di screamed excitedly.

Then she suddenly thought that this case had nothing to do with herself.

Everything in front of me became dull again.

that’s all, that’s all!

Lu Luo on the side is also very happy, he really needs the currency of the empire.

Obtaining a large amount of imperial currency reasonably and legally is naturally a happy thing.

But he was still slightly confused about the content of the reward.

100 grams of Spirit Stone should be the meaning of 100 grams of Dark Spirit Stone. The value is very high, so it goes without saying.

50,000 yuan is also a lot of bonus, Lu Luo knows that the purchasing power of currency here is not as strong as the Union currency.

But the currency circulation here is much better than the Union currency.

And don’t talk about the issue of the 6th lords.

Just to say that the bonus on the original dossier plus this extra bonus can’t be enough for the strange value of a Tier 4?

Is Blazing Wings not using transcender as a person, or is the price here?

If the price is so low, would the transcender still be willing to do such a hunting and clearing thing?

This pricing… there is a problem!

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