Doomsday Ring

Chapter 408

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“Do you want to see me acting worried? If you want to see it, I can show it.”

“Um? But…”

Sora looked at Qi Xinzhu with a calm face, and suddenly realized something.

If the relationship between Qi Xinzhu and Lu Luo is not good, then she should not behave like this.

If the relationship with Lu Luo is good, then there is only one reason for her to show this attitude.

That is she is not worried about Lu Luo’s safety.

Lu Luo has fallen into danger and traps, Qi Xinzhu is still not worried…

This can only show that Lu Luo’s strength may not be what she imagined.

It may be stronger than she thought, or even much stronger.

“Master Qi Xinzhu!”

“Don’t worry too much, risk this kind of thing, he used to do it often before.

Compared with the past, I think this time should be nothing. “

Qi Xinzhu spent a period of time in the Kane’s Secret Order to make up for the community information.

She already has a certain understanding of the strength of the Sunset Club.

In her opinion, Lu Luo is going to the sunset meeting this time…

Forget it, I don’t care about my husband. If the car overturns, he will run away with a disc.

Lu Luo said that the cost of using a disc is huge.

Inside and outside are the resources of the family, neither milk nor milk!

“Is that so!”

Although Sola is still a little worried about Lu Luo’s situation, Qi Xinzhu is not in a hurry, and she does not need to be too anxious.

“Yes, everything Lu Luo does, unless it is a sudden occurance, otherwise, he knows it well.

Don’t worry, the situation is not as bad as you think.

Miss Sola will continue to tell me about the association meeting.

This matter sounds quite interesting. “

Qi Xinzhu’s calmness still infected Sola, and she gradually calmed down.

“Okay, Master Qi Xinzhu wants to understand this, then I naturally have an unshirkable responsibility.”


In the evening, Lu Luo did not immediately go to the place where the owner of Mid-Levels Villa invited him.

Instead, I wandered around in the urban area of ​​Dong’an City and ate some local specialties that were not very delicious.

After looking at the local customs, I came to the place agreed by both parties.

“Sunset Building?”

According to the address, Lu Luo came to the entrance of the Xiyang Building, which was agreed by both parties, located in the east of Dong’an City.

As soon as he entered the door, Lu Luo was stopped by the security guards here.

“Hey, what did you do?”

“The owner of Mid-Levels Villa invited me to meet here. This is his handwriting.”

Lu Luo handed the handwritten script to the security guard. After a few suspicious glances, the security guard gradually became bad.

“There is nothing on this, you just want to go in because of this?

Stop joking, the people here are either rich or expensive. The poor come here to touch porcelain, you know? “

Lu Luo looked at the security guard a little bit amused. If the other party wanted to disarm him or something, wouldn’t he find a security guard like this?

[So, is the other party really unaware? ]

“No, it doesn’t feel like it.”

There is not much content written in the handwriting, only this address, the content above Lu Luo has been scanned by the observer.

There is absolutely no hidden information.

So, what does it mean now?

Lu Luo slightly frowned, he turned his head and looked towards the monitors in the lobby on the first floor.

These monitoring, without exception, are facing themselves.

So, the owner of Mid-Levels Villa is observing himself through this method?


At the top of the Sunset Building, Mrs. Ju Ya was holding a glass of red wine and looked at Lu Luo under surveillance with a smile.

I don’t know if it counts as looking at each other in the air.

But at least Lu Luo felt Madame Juya’s gaze, and Madame Juya also noticed that Lu Luo had spotted her.

“He found me.”

“Madam, is this necessary? Just call up and ask.

Just a member of Blazing Wings. “

The red hair standing beside Madame Juya didn’t quite understand what his boss meant.

The disappearance of the holy relic, just ask directly, why bother?

What if Lu Luo can handle the blue-eyed magic spider?

Could he still break into the branch of the Sunset Club?

“Do you really think this Lu Luo is a person from Blazing Wings?”

“Whether he is or not, it doesn’t really matter, is it?”

Hong Mao is very arrogant, even in front of Madam Juya, he still maintains this arrogant attitude.

But Mrs. Juya didn’t care, arrogant, naturally there is arrogant capital.

Hong Mao is very rampant, but his strength is also very strong.

It is a real-life Tier 5 transcender with very strong strength. This strength is his privilege.

“That’s right, whether he is from Blazing Wings or not, it doesn’t really matter anymore.

But I still want to know what method he used to take away the holy objects in the villa.

After all, the holy relic has been nourished for so long, so it should be very unstable. “

“Do I need to go straight down?”

“No, if Lu Luo is still smart, I should find it.”

“What if it is not smart enough?”

“Let others solve it.”

“Hey! Good!”


In the lobby on the first floor, Lu Luo never showed up when he saw the other party, and his expression gradually became difficult to look at.

“Not up to the grade.”

“Hey, what are you talking about? If you don’t have an appointment, just leave, don’t get in the way here!”

Lu Luo suddenly turned his head, his indifferent eyes explained what ferociousness is.

He is not a good man, a security guard who has just entered and did not even enter the stage, so provocative repeatedly.

He will not be very big, he will be angry too, when he is angry, some people will be unlucky!

“Well, then I will go.”

Lu Luo walked out from the gate with a disappointed expression on his face, and the surveillance recorded his every move.

I did go out.

Madame Juya who is still upstairs is slightly frowned.

“Prepare to be chased out.”


But Hongmao was not ready to execute the order, and the situation changed again.

During the surveillance, a man wearing a red smiling face mask and a gray striped suit walked in.

It looks like a man by his figure, and his movements are very similar to Lu Luo.

But you can’t just say that this person is Lu Luo because of the image, because he wore a mask and changed his clothes.

“What do you do? Hello, am I talking to you? Did you hear me?”

The security guard shouted loudly while rushing up with his spring stick.

But before he came to Lu Luo…


With a light kick, Lu Luo kicked the security guard out.

At the moment of kicking the opponent, Lu Luo also drew out the civilian-type pistol from the waist of the security guard.

After grabbing the pistol, Lu Luo did not immediately attack.

Because his movements are so fast, he needs to give others some reaction time.

Why should others react?

Because he wants to pretend to be B!

If these people die without responding, they can only pretend to be lonely.

Lu Luo picked up this imperial civilian pistol.

The characters of ZZR680 above are clearly visible. This should be the model of this gun.

“It feels good!”

“Hey, put down the gun!”

The other security guards had already reacted at this time, they began to exclaim, became nervous, and also started to alert.

All of this was clearly seen by Mrs. Juya on the top of the building through monitoring.



The surveillance was broken.

Madame Juya also wanted to look at the other surveillance on the first floor, but the result was the same.

peng peng peng!

Lu Luo has no bullets, every bullet will explode a monitor.

Soon, the monitoring of the lobby environment can be seen on the first floor, which was completely broken by Lu Luo.

Although such a move avoided surveillance, it also aroused the anger of the security guards.

The security guards are going to fight back.


peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

The bullets were shot at Lu Luo continuously, but they were all avoided by Lu Luo in some strange postures.

At this time, he is like a powerhouse controlling the time of bullets, avoiding these bullets with incredible speed.

But these all are superficial phenomena.

What is the actual situation?

The actual situation is that Lu Luo twists his body a few times blindly, and there is no bullet time at all.

There is no quick escape.

Most of these bullets hit Lu Luo’s body, but they were all immune to Lu Luo’s physique of the abnormal level.

The wide suit concealed these facts, so that the security guards were dumbfounded.


“His speed is so fast!”

“This person is not something we can deal with.”

Looking at the security guards who looked terrified, Lu Luo was extremely satisfied.

This feeling of acting is more pleasant than killing all these guys in seconds.

[Damn it, let Lu Luo pretend to be. ]

Of course, Lu Luo did not do all this to pretend.

All his actions are purposeful.

At this time, he glanced at the monitor in the stairwell, and that monitor happened to be able to see the situation here very vaguely.

The bullet time and the exclamation of the security guard were originally made specifically for preservation.

It seems that the effect is pretty good now.

“It’s almost there!”

Lu Luo threw the gun without bullets in his hand, and forcibly threw the remaining monitor out of a big hole.

While feeling that he did not control the Strength Path well, Lu Luo had already a flash step to another security guard.

He drew a gun again and fired.

Boom! boom!


The security guard screamed and lay on the ground, covering his thigh with one hand and his stomach with the other.

These two shots can make a security guard lose battle strength completely, but will not let the security guard die.

Even the amount of blood loss, Lu Luo controlled well.

Avoid blood vessels, internal organs, skeleton.


Lu Luo shot all the way and moved towards the second floor all the way.

His actions have already aroused Madame Juya’s interest, and the real transcender team has begun to gather on the first floor.

“This Lu Luo, I thought he would choose some smart ways.

He didn’t expect to choose the stupid way of storming. He wouldn’t think that the strength of the Sunset Club was the security guards at the door.

Okay, let’s guess how long Mr. Lu Luo can support it! “

Madame Juya poured herself a glass of red wine again, remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs sitting on the sofa.

Although she can’t see the surveillance, she is very confident of the strength of her society.

However, the red hair beside her showed a different look at this time.

Although Madame Juya is also a transcender, her own strength is only Tier 4.

Years of pampering, alcohol, medicine, and lack of training have made Mrs. Juya lose the vigilance that a transcender should have.

The first reason that Mrs. Juya can become Vice-President is because she was originally the lover of the president herself.

The second reason is that she has a very good way of doing things, and she has built Dongan City in an orderly manner and is thriving.

She doesn’t need to participate in the battle by herself, so it’s not surprising that she didn’t realize that Lu Luo was wrong.

But the red hair around her is different.

Hongmao is a thug, fighting and killing things, he is going through it anytime, anywhere.

So when he saw only the monitor screen, he had a weird feeling.

These pictures are very unreal. Experts deal with ordinary just entered transcenders, which are usually swift and decisive, so it is only right to solve them quickly.

There is no need to be so fancy.

These pictures are just like from a performance.

Hong Mao is very arrogant, but under very arrogant circumstances, he can still live well.

One is because he is not stupid, and the other is because he is very alert and careful.

He is arrogant only when he should be arrogant.

“Hong Mao, what’s the matter with you?”

Madame Juya also noticed that Hong Mao’s expression was not right, and asked aloud.

“Madam, I feel something is not right.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t tell you, so let me go down and have a look.”

Mrs. Juya wanted to say that it was unnecessary, but Hong Mao’s vigilance had helped her through several crises.

So this time, she still chose to believe in Hongmao.

“You do things, I don’t worry, you can do it if you feel a problem, and check it.

You can freely control the personnel scheduling without asking me. “

“Yes, I see, there should be no problem, I will be back soon.”

“Then you have to hurry up, this bottle of wine, but 120,000 yuan, come back late, I won’t wait for you.”

“Hahaha, don’t worry, ma’am, I will be back after 10 minutes at most.”


While Mrs. Juya was talking and laughing with Hongmao, Lu Luo had actually quietly cleared the second floor and walked to the third floor.

The energy lines on the first and second floors have been cut by him.

In the current building, nothing can monitor him anymore.

So in the action, he no longer needs to have too much scruples.

However, Lu Luo still maintained a relatively normal state. The imperial people had too many mobile phones.

If someone turns on the recording screen, and he doesn’t notice it, there may be information leakage.

Although with the assistance of observers, the probability of this happening is minimal, but there will still be.

So, it’s better to be normal. One punch is enough.

Layer after layer.

The transcender in pieces fell in front of Lu Luo.

When Lu Luo arrived on the 12th floor of the Sunset Building, the transcender team in front of him was already a 14-person Tier 3 squad.

This kind of battle strength team can be described as elite in any club.

But such a team, when appearing in front of Lu Luo, can’t escape the instant group destruction.

Lu Luo can not lick the bag of ordinary person, but Lu Luo can still lick the bag of this elite squad.

Lu Luo licking the bag is the time to be happy.

zi zi!

The elevator opened suddenly.

Lu Luo seemed completely unaware of the elevator behind him, but a sigh came from the elevator.

“Finally found it!”

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