Doomsday Roulette
Chapter 1318
1318. 绗 琗 NUMX 绔 浠 栬 骞 Insert
绗 琗 NUMX 绔 浠 栬 骞 Insert
 € ¢ 簨 锛 岃 umbrella
Investigate the demise of the world’s wells ? ”
“Umbrellas are as follows:”
熸 墽 浜 媙 ded ded ded ded ded 锛 岃 锛 岃
This is a simple, easy-to-use, high-quality solution. 簨 s 簨 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s (s 簨)鍑 婇 鍑 幇 浜 嗕 簺 鐢 幇 浜 嗕 簺 鐢 幇 浜 嗕 簺 鐢 幇 浜 嗕 簺 鐢 幇 浜 嗕 簺 鐢 幇 浜 嗕 簺 鐢 锛 岃 缮 锛 岃 缮
What’s New
How to change the size of the plate?
鐜 板 湪 镄 勬 槑 姘 寸 晫 锛 屼 晫 锛 屼 晫 锛 屼 鐒 跺How to do this
鐩 告 瘮 浜 庝 箣 鍓 嶆 槑 姘 寸 洓 瀹 存 椂 椂 欙 纴 姝 ゆ 椂 镄 欙 纴 姝 ゆ 椂 镄 His 寮 傜 ┖ 闂 村 畲 鍏 ㄥ 彉 浜 嗘 牱 瀛 愶 纴 鎯 虫 潵 锛 屼 簲 鐜 挶 鍜 屼How to use the umbrella
“Illnesses, illnesses, illnesses, problems, problems, and problems are narrowed down.” 湁 浠 栬 嚜 宸 Braids 兘 澶 熷 惉 鍒 Companion 煶 锽 冨 杻 Tweezers
 € ¢ 滀 簯 椤 跺 湪 澶 囨 垬 锛 熶 粬 浠 殑 鐩 爣 鏄 皝 锛 熶 粬 浠 ソ € 滀 簯 椤 跺 湪 澶 囨 垬 锛 熶 粬 浠 殑 鐩 爣 鏄 皝 锛 熶 粬 浠 ソ 岖
Time 熸 墽 浜 嫔 仠 浜 嗕 竴 浼 熸 墽 浜 嫔 仠 浜 嗕 竴 浼 纴 涔 嫔 悗 鍙 紑 濮 嬭 浜 嗗 嚑 鍙 ヨ 瘽 锛 屽 彧 鏄 痶 his time 澹 伴 煶 煶 翠 绠 锛 屽 畲 鍏 ㄥ 惉 绠 锛 屽 畲 鍏 ㄥ 惉Generalization
 渕 agic crystal â €€ ecret Realm â €€ ﹀ 鏄 熶 ︹
“Come on!”
To help you get rid of it, to get married, to get married, and to get married.
 € ”Break, forging, and protection 锛 岃 浠 栫 洃 nfluence 镄 勫 锷 纴 镵 锷 纴 镵 锷 纴 镵 锷 纴 镵 冨 冨 冨 冨 冨 冨 冨搴 勬 渶 杩 戞 湁 娌 搴 勬 渶 杩 戞 湁 娌 湁 鍜 屼 粬 浠 湁 浠 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 纾 潵 潵 潵 潵 潵 潵 潵 潵 銆 傝 仈 銆 傝 仈 槗 娓 呭 崟 锛 槗 娓 呭 崟 锛 槗 娓 呭 崟 锛 槗 娓 呭 崟 锛Zhongу 嚭 鍞 粰 浜 哬 e Zhongming
The “Gallium Board” will be presented in a simple and complicated manner, and will be described in detail. “滃 惎 锷 ㄩ €硈 ystem
镄 勫 镄 勫 镄 勫 镄 勫 镄 勫 腑 锛 屾 腑 锛 屾 North 镄 勫 bee 镄 勫 変 変 変 庯 纴 庯 纴 庯 纴 庯 纴 庯 纴 庯 纴 Umbrella 屾 㑩 镒 忕 殑 娓 屾 㑩 镒 忕 殑 娓 屾 㑩 镒 忕 殑 娓€ 锛 屼 笣 姣 disease chain pocalypse chain chain
杩 欎 簺 灏 忓 姩 鐗 ╋ 纴 鍏 ㄩ 儴 閮 must be mutated, and must be changed
阒 阒 阒 樀 娓 呰 剢 镄 勫 皬 澹 樀 娓 呰 剢 镄 勫 皬 澹 樀 娓 呰 剢 镄 勫 皬 澹 湪 灏 忓 湪 灏 忓 湪 灏 忓 湪 灏 忓 湪 灏 忓 湪 灏 忓 湪 灏 忓 镄 勪 镄 勪 镄 勪 镄 勪 镄 勪 镄 勪
锲 犱 minus 杩 欐 槸 鐢 熷 懡 镄 勫 笇 chainsansumans ︹ モ € ︿ 竴 € ︿ 竴 Ti や 袱 や 袱 や 袱 hild 銆
 € ¢ randfather 锛 実 randfather 锛 屼 綘 鐪 嬶 纴 杩 椤 彧 灏 忕 尗 鏄 笉 鏄 鐢 焎 hild 浜 嗭 纻 濅 竴鎶 潃 鍙 緢 灏 忕 殑 鐚 鍙 緢 灏 忕 殑 鐚 鍙 緢 灏 忕 殑 鐚 鍙 緢 灏 忕 殑 鐚 鍙 緢 灏 忕 殑 鐚 鏉 鏉 棶 鍧 愬 湪 棶 鍧 愬 湪 棶 鍧 愬 湪 棶 鍧 愬 湪 棶 鍧 愬 湪 棶 鍧 愬 湪 棶 鍧 愬 湪 € € € € € € € € € € ︼ 佸 鐢 鐢 鐢 鐢 鐢
杩 欎 綅 椤 诲 彂 镄 嗙 槠 锛 屼 絾 鏄 痳 ed light箞 鐪 嫔 嚭 瀹 冭 鐢 焎 hild 浜 嗭 纻 ‘
Holmium Wengtianjiaomyeo Duo Juan Cong Naohuolangfei Juanlu Liantangnichan т Jianshengfuren grandfather Huan savage dog Ma Qunrenhongkua ぇ Bang Wa Anxiaquanduo child fermium 勩 € Chu €
佷 佷 缁 绗 戠 潃 锛 屽 緢 鐣 呭 揩 锛 屽 叾 浠 栫 殑 绗 戠 潃 锛 屽 緢 鐣 呭 揩 锛 屽 叾 浠 栫 殑 涔 熷 洿 浜 绗 戠 潃 锛 屽 緢 鐣 呭 揩 锛 屽 叾 浠 栫 殑 涔 熷 洿 浜 鏉 ワ 纴 鍦 ㄤ 粬 镄 勮 鏉 ワ 纴 鍦 ㄤ 粬 镄 勮 鏉 ワ 纴 鍦 ㄤ 粬 镄 勮 鏉 ワ 纴 鍦 ㄤ 粬 镄 勮 鏉 ワ 纴 鍦 ㄤ 粬 镄 勮 鏉 ワ 纴 鍦 ㄤ 粬 镄 勮 鏉 ワ 纴 鍦 ㄤ 粬 镄 勮 鏉 ワ 纴 鍦 ㄤ 粬 镄 勮 筩 筩 Korean 筩 hirp chirp twitter twitter 璇 p 潃 埚 璇 绋 绋 筩 筩澶 ╃ 湡 镄 勪 簨 鎯 呫 €
佷 € 佷 钖 缑 钖 缑 钖 缑 钖 缑 堣 堣 堣 堣 堣 堣 愬 嶆 柇 鍦 嶆 柇 鍦 嶆 柇 鍦
Key words: expression 锷 ㄤ 椂 鍒 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 竴 浜 涚 殑 鐢 穋 d d 浠 潗 娄 简 简 涓
“Old Master.”
猰 Middle-aged person 鐪 嬩 Technical reference
“Is something happening?”
The old man closed his eyes and sniffed the fresh aura in the valley.
“The people you set up around Yingcheng have heard back.” Middle-aged person glanced at the old man. “There has been a recent change in Genting Villa.”
“What’s changed?” Asked the old man eyes opened.
“Almost all of their main battle team was dispatched, and they also carried hundreds of transport vehicles. The war fortress that was transformed that day also started with the team. Redhead, Rehmannia and Ye Zhongming were all in the team, only Xia Lei and the defense The battle team stays behind. “
Ok? The comer’s eyes widened instinctively.
“Northwest, not us!”
The old man was nodded and whispered, “What is this …”
“Also, there are a large number of other battle team Evolver accompanying them, including those fighters brought back from secret by Genting Villa.”
“How about the quantity, can you be sure?”
The middle-aged person shook his head: “I didn’t get too close, so I can’t determine it accurately. However, the number of Genting Village’s own team should be about 20,000, and the others who follow the team exceed the number of hundreds.”
“so many people?!”
The old man was surprised for the first time, an action of more than 100,000 people? It is still the top three super influences in countries like Genting that everyone can’t help but be shocked.
In apocalypse, this is the major event!
“Northwest? What’s up there?”
As Genting is very difficult to penetrate, it is impossible to get the exact goal of this operation, only speculation.
“This ……” middle-aged person was embarrassed. “Old Master, it’s too difficult to guess. The direction is too broad to determine a specific target.”
“Influence, what is the influence over there? The country ranks top 5! And also, is the award-finding influence that Genting sent out before, is that direction?”
Middle-aged person wryly smiled, “There are too many influences in that direction, and near there are great influences such as the Sewing Machine Free Army, Eternity, and Dire. Farther away, the Resistance Zone and Yao Shi Army also have divisions over there. As for The influence Genting was looking for is not impossible, but we also don’t have exact information. “
The old man was nodded, “Let’s go back to the command.”
After speaking, I put my finger in my mouth and gave a sounding whistle. After a while, a dragon head with a lion’s dragon tail and a mutated lifeform of Phoenix wings flew over the valley. The huge body circled twice in the sky, sending After a cry, he fell by the old man’s side, his mouth came together and rubbed the old man twice, and the magic crystal of Orange representing Level 8 was shining in the sun.
The old man and the middle-aged person jumped onto the back of this Level 8 life and patted its body. The flying life with beautiful black, white, and red feathers flew into the air, flying above the sky.
Looking down from its back, beyond the valley, all beasts rushed.
“Genting is moving!”
This is the most explosive news in the resistance zone today. The soldiers in the resistance zone of the entire peak base of the mountain peak know it, and come up with discussions on any occasion.
Before a period of time, some news came faintly, saying that except for the S area of Mu Xinfei, the relationship between the other areas and Genting Villa was not good, and it could even be said that it was very bad.
Although Genting Resort had impressed the people here during the meeting at Jianfeng Pass, the soldiers in the resistance zone still did not feel that they were qualified to become their own opponents.
But when the country rankings were released, they turned from sneer at this list to gradually convinced them, and gradually recognized the status of Genting Villa. They regarded this organization as the equivalent influence.
The evil news makes these soldiers inevitably somewhat nervous.
Because the gossip says that both C and G areas have suffered a lot in Genting ’s hands. Only the S area that has drifted away from the entire resistance area has a good relationship with others. As for the T area … do n’t forget, glorious The war departments all surrendered, how could each other be friends.
Now, Genting is launching on a large scale. Who are their targets? Is it a zone of resistance?
No one is at the bottom.
And these fighters found that the middle and high-level officials had held meetings in the Conference Hall for several hours, and ordered a lot, but they were very contradictory. One would order the alert, one order the entire army to issue, and one order to pay attention. Defense, said a while to cancel preparations.
Everyone can’t figure out what’s going on.
In the Conference Hall, these middle-level people are also a bit exhausted. They are really not sure of the purpose of Genting. Naturally, they cannot give an accurate order. You say hit? Isn’t it your goal? You say no, it’s just alert, but that’s too passive. Once attacked, there is no time to mobilize the army. But if you mobilize the army on a large scale, what if Genting’s goal is not you, your actions have caused misunderstandings and even caused conflict?
Everyone has a headache.
In the end, Ji Ruiguang pressed his mind and said, “No need to worry about everyone, let’s do this.”
Everyone thought about this leader.
“Find Ye Zhongming and ask him directly, what is he doing!”
(End of this chapter)
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