1938. Chapter 1938 from today

Chapter 1938 From Today

What happened at the Bronze Camp immediately turned into news and flew to all corners of the Star Eye Clan.

No way, the death of the deputy commander is a major event, not to mention that the new commander is the one who dies, and the one who died at the same time is also a person captain.

This is definitely a major event that will smash the entire family!

Even if Ye Zhongming had already established a reputation for it, so that all the soldiers of the Bronze Battalion were afraid of him, but no one dared to conceal the incident. It took only about five minutes. The entire Stareye tribe knows it.

However, those who made the Bronze Camp wait for a reply wondered that after the message was passed out, like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, no one gave a reply from patriarch to others.

This made many smart people realize that the newly appointed bronze commander received the unconditional support of the clan. Not to mention just killing Kalanka and Pingjiao, it was to clean up all those who were not obedient in the bronze camp. Will not be blamed even a little bit.

So when twenty minutes arrived, all the soldiers of the Bronze Battalion appeared in the training ground.

It really is all. Even those who performed the mission returned.

After all, the Bronze Masked Warrior’s missions are all within the clan, and they are not yet qualified to accept external missions.

People arrived, but Ye Zhongming didn’t show up, but no one dared to complain.

The Bronze Warriors gathered together know the process of the killing of Kalanka and Pyramid from the middle level. What about a new commander who can instantly kill two powerhouses? What makes you wait?

Half an hour passed, one hour passed, two hours passed, and it wasn’t until the specified assembly time passed three hours before that Ye Zhongming slowly walked out of the command building and walked in front of all the bronze masked soldiers.

“Now, people with a length of more than a hundred people, please give me your name again.”

Ye Zhongming’s voice came flat, but in the ears of these bronze mask fighters, there was an indescribable coldness.

“I am the 1000th head of the Bronze Camp, and Zhonghong is harsh.”


Some people have introduced themselves a few hours ago, but at this time, they can clearly hear that they introduced them more seriously.

About ten minutes later, all the posts of directors and deputies with a length of more than 100 people were introduced.

These middle ranks are at the front of the whole team, Ye Zhongming is standing opposite.

“Very well, then I announce something now, Kui Kui.”

Ye Zhongming’s voice dropped, and a silhouette slowly emerged from him.

Absolute silence throughout the Bronze Camp.

The location where Jiu Kui appeared was wonderful. He was two steps away from Ye Zhongming and about five steps away from the middle class.

The five steps are definitely not far away, it can be said that they are close at hand. But none of them had discovered Kui Kui in advance, and no one knew when Kui Kui came.

If he launches a sneak attack …

The result may be the same as Ye Zhongming sneak attack card blue card.

“From today on, Jiu Kui will take over the position of Langjiao as the 3,000th person.”

“From today on, all thousand heads of men will enter the assessment period. After the assessment is over, the best two will be promoted to Deputy Commander.

There was an uproar below.

This has never happened before.

In order to balance the relationship in a battle team, the commander and deputy commander are directly appointed by the clan, that is, the commander does not have the right to appoint his deputy, they only have the right to suggest.

But now, Ye Zhongming said that it was surprising to select the deputy commander from among the thousand heads.

This is of course Ye Zhongming’s right to come from the two patriarchs.

The star eye clansman will go all out for the continuation of the race. Needless to say, they will also get rewards while fighting hard, from an ordinary soldier, to a small Captain, to a hundred people, and then a thousand people, just to a thousand. Here, the passage for promotion was not smooth.

No matter how good they are, they may not get their due due to some balance of rights.

And thousands of people, usually do not have many opportunities to meet high-level members of the clan, they do not know what will happen in the future.

Many thousand-man chiefs had to be selected into the Level 1 battle team to become an ordinary fighter after their strength reached a certain level.

This is as different as heaven and earth from the rights and resources obtained by becoming deputy commander and being able to stay in the leadership position for a long time.

Now, Ye Zhongming has publicly promised that they will select two of the 1000 leaders to replace the deputy commander. How can this not excite these people!

“From today on, once a thousand heads have been promoted, the position he has vacated will be filled by the deputy of the headquarters and the outstanding hundred heads. After the fill, the position will continue to be selected from the deputy and the next Level 1. “

Before, it only benefited thousands of people, but now it benefits all members.

There will inevitably be two people promoted to one thousand heads. That is to say, there will be many job changes in the short term. This is a small-scale promotion.

“From today, a brand new squad, the Bronze Assault Battalion, will be formed. This squad belongs to me. It only absorbs the best fighters here. What is the best fighter? Brave, powerful, fearless, loyal and persistent!

“From today, the Bronze Assault Battalion will be the sharp knife of the entire Bronze Battalion and will be the representative here. After dissolution, everyone, regardless of their current position and level, can register, and then I will conduct a public selection. The number of people in the first phase is tentatively set at 100. “

Ye Zhongming glanced at the team of nearly 10,000 people below, his voice became softer.

“From today, members who have reached the level 1 battle team can choose not to go. Such people will become the new positions of the Bronze Battalion—military instructor in the battalion. Their treatment is equivalent to that of a thousand people.”

“From today, the Bronze Camp will begin to accept some very dangerous missions, which may be dead at any time. Please write down the testament in advance and store it with the Camp Logistic Officer.”

“From today on, everyone’s salary and benefits will be increased by 10%. Once there is disability, the pension will be increased by 50%. Once the battle is killed, the pension will be doubled.”

“From today onwards, we will implement the final elimination system, short-term assessment once every ten days, Middle-Stage assessment once every thirty days, and big assessment once every 100 days. Each assessment will get a corresponding score based on the results. After a major assessment cycle, the ranking The last hundred people are expelled from the team and left to check. If the next major assessment cycle can make significant progress or get rid of the last hundred positions, then resume their status and return to the team. If there is still no progress and they are still in the back, then completely Clear Bronze Camp! “

“From today, there are three types of honor medals, namely loyalty, dedication and faith, to recognize members who have made outstanding contributions in different aspects. The winners of each type of medal will receive corresponding high rewards. . “

“From today, I, Ye Zhongming, officially became the Bronze Commander.”

“From today, the bronze camp … is no longer the former bronze camp!”

(End of this chapter)

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