2033. Chapter 2033 is directly related to three

Chapter 2033 Three Direct Branches

Yao Hansu’s hands slowly fell on his side, and the almost violent energy beside him gradually dissipated.

There was a crack where he stood.

The next wife laughed over, handed him a towel and let him wipe the sweat from the forehead.

“With the frequency of cultivation like you, the clan is going bankrupt because of repairing the ground.”

Hearing his wife say this, Yaohan Su laughed and wiped his sweat after he said, “I have repaid my remuneration to the clan. If they dare to control me for money, I will slap them!”

The wife also laughed: “Yeah, yeah, you are terrific, and no one in the entire Su tribe can beat you.”

“Of course!”

Yao Hansu was not humble at all.

As a patriarch of the Sioux, Yaohan Sue was not a genius in the past. What he can do is only to make two of the top ten arrays perfect.

In history, his level of patriarch is not one thousand or eight hundred, although it is not particularly weak, but it is definitely middle to lower.

Really shocking and stunning characters, at least should also have more than five great arrays of ten!

Until … he worked out.

No matter who it is, the people of the Su people nowadays, or even the patriarchs and the most powerful figures of the ancient Su people jump out of the coffin. It cannot be denied that this is an innovation of the Su people across the ages.

This means that the weaknesses of Su clansman’s incompetence in random battles have disappeared. They, like the lives of other races, will no longer be afraid of encounters on the narrow side, and will still maintain their racial identity.

The invention of Yao Han Su was undoubtedly a sign of the resurgence of the Su people.

This also made this patriarch rank in the top ten of the battle strength in the family, and became a well-deserved number one.

If it is not a competition formation, Yaohansu can win against any clansman Elder. Even if it was a competition formation, after he successfully mastered the team, Fu Leila improved rapidly, and he no longer feared anyone. Now his mastery of the third ten great array has exceeded 80%, and the remaining few have exceeded 50%.

He walked down to dinner before his wife prepared for him, and said, “Is that newbie of the Star Eyes first?”

“Here.” The wife accompanied him to dinner, but she glanced at her husband and said, “You seem to pay more attention to him.”

Yao Hansu smiled and denied: “Who said that? I just asked casually.”

The wife put the tableware down and faint smiled to her husband: “Since this person and Jie Su won the novice battlefield victory, until now, in the past few months, you have mentioned the name eight times in total The last five times are after the return of Jie Su, within a period of time, you mentioned a non-Su clansman five times. Isn’t it more concerned? “

“If it’s a big shot, that’s all, but it’s just because this is a tribe’s a nobody. Fu Leila only has a few thousand. Don’t you think this is normal?”

Facing his wife’s problem, Yao Hansu didn’t take it seriously, and he also put down the tableware saying: “Well, I admit that I still have a little interest in this guy, but this interest is not to him.”

The wife was silent for a while and then said, “Are you unwilling?”

“Should I be willing?” Yaohan Su asked back.

“Is this why you want to train Jie Su to become a successor? Do you know what kind of uproar will be caused within the Su people once this idea is passed on? Because you are deviating from tradition and rules, you will … … no one supports it. “

The wife looked worriedly at her husband, she didn’t want things to go uncontrollable.

The Sioux people seem to be the most united of the three camps, but the internal crisis is not without crisis. The biggest crisis is the inheritance system from ancient times to the present.

There are actually three Su lineages, each of which has the right to claim the throne of the Su patriarch. Three and one branch are using this rotating system for patriarch changes. Unless there are very special circumstances, this is the principle that cannot be shaken.

Once anyone touches this rule, it must be a violation of the interests of the other two branches, and many unexpected things will happen.

“The rules laid down by the Old Ancestor are not like this, but the people behind have created this deformed system after compromise with each other for the sake of peace in the clan.” Yao Hansu said this, his heart was frustrated, he knew He is the beneficiary of such a rule, but he is not satisfied with the system now. Anyone who doubts his motive will speak out.

But others don’t feel anything, Yaohan Su always believes that the time for the Su tribe has to be changed, otherwise it will be eliminated like those tribe, it’s just a matter of time that’s all. But the people in the clan, all of them, didn’t seem to realize this, and still lived a life of little rich, that is, safe and coward.

In this way, the Su people have no future.

Now, Yaohan Su finally found a person who has a mind to change the status quo, which is the Ji Su of this branch.

Through contact, Yaohan Su discovered that Jie Su this child not only has the same aspirations as him, but also innate talent is excellent.

It’s just that Yao Hansu is patriarch. The next, or even the next, can’t take his patriarch to take over the patriarch position. If he just waits like this, Jie Su estimates that he won’t be able to take over.

In this case, Yaohan Su inevitably had another thought.

However, he himself knew that once his thoughts were exposed, he would be extremely pressured in the clan, and even … when he passed it to Jie Su, someone began to beware of this situation. From this time It can be seen from the cooperation with the Xingyan Clan that some people are opposed for the sake of opposition. The purpose is undoubtedly to cut off the external helpers of the Soviet Union.

Even if … it’s just a small star-eye family.

He understood his wife’s concerns, but with the invention of the array, he gave him courage.

“It’s a convention. Sometimes it’s stronger than any stréngth. In fact, you know, wasn’t that a meeting that supported the cooperation with the Stareye clan, wasn’t it a wake-up call for you? If you continue, their resistance will become more and more fierce.”

The wife’s voice has improved a little. From the bottom of her heart, she also does not support Yaohan Su. Is it not good for the Su people to survive in peace? Why take the dangerous road?

When Yao Hansu waved his hand, he was a little impatient, but his relationship with his wife was very good, and he said with temper: “I just have this thought, but I don’t necessarily have to do it. Let’s see what happens.”

The wife looked at her husband and said nothing. Instead, as she had done for many years, she began to silently clean the tableware on the table.

Yaohan Su looked towards one direction, and there was a guest house outside Sulou.

(End of this chapter)

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