2036. Chapter 2036 Equipment Street

Chapter 2036 Equipment Street

The waitress glowered.

Although Sioux City is the trade center of the entire Sioux camp, the war beast business has high costs and high thresholds, so that no race other than Sioux can enter, making this a highly profitable monopoly market. But not all War Beast stores make money, not all War Beasts are easy to sell.

First, there is fierce competition. There are not a thousand shops selling war beasts in Sioux City, and there is no competition in quality, price, service, publicity, after-sale or even shop decoration. It takes great effort and hard work to make a business.

Some of these stores are directly owned by the Su ethnic group. They have natural advantages. Many affiliated races will go to such stores instead of choosing other stores when purchasing War Beasts. Unfortunately, ‘Solid Mix’ is not such a merchant and cannot obtain such an order.

The second is that the beasts who betrayed Dragon Race are not easy to sell. This kind of life battle power is powerful, but it is precisely because battle power is powerful, so once they get out of control, even if they can finally be controlled, they often have caused a lot of losses, causing headaches.

In addition, this kind of life is not easy to raise, and has high requirements on the food environment. If the cost can not be lost, the cost of the shop breeding site will naturally be passed on to the purchaser. For example, Ye Zhongming has looked at this, and has been living in a solid breeding farm for seven years. Even if he wants to shoot as soon as possible without daring to pay a high price, he cannot discount it too much. The price of six hundred thousand monthly annuity has already It’s pretty cheap. In this way, if it was n’t for Ye Zhongming today and I do n’t know when it will be sold, the waitress has made this business and has many rewards.

The waitress was very happy and went on to tell Ye Zhongming everything she knew about the rebellious Dragon Race.

“This renegade dragon is a very rare type of body strengthening. Although it is not the most common element system in renegade dragons, it is because of its rarity that it is very powerful. It has very high resistance to all element attributes. , And agility and stréngth are its labels, its teeth and claws are very sharpness, scale is full of powerful defensive power, recovery ability is equally excellent, it can be said that in the same level, it has few opponents. “

The waitress almost talked about it, and lightly paused continued: “Its greatest strength is its potential. Did you know that it is not over 20 years old and still in its infancy, but it has reached Level 9 level, It has already surpassed 5,000 in the last year ’s Fu Leila test. It will definitely be higher this year and the future development will be very good. If you can truly tame it, then it will undoubtedly be a powerful help for you. “

Ye Zhongming smiled, but also said that it was difficult to tame, but now that he has high strength, is n’t it harder to tame with higher strength?

But Ye Zhongming doesn’t care about this.

Younggos was so unruly, wasn’t he also obsessed with the service suppressed by Genting and Genting? No matter how bad this character is, just give it a good shot.

Taking advantage of his speaking skills, Hehe Qipin also chose his own war beast.

Ye Zhongming took a look. The two women chose war beasts of 50,000 years old gold. Ye Zhongming shook his head, carefully looked at the types and data of the two women’s war beasts, and started to choose again. , Then selected the other two war beasts.

The price is 220,000 on the end and 250,000 on the 7-pin.

Both were angry and funny, but both were moved.

The war beasts chosen by Ye Zhongming were all based on the two that they had previously chosen, which can be said to be the previous enhanced version, and the price was naturally much higher.

The choice is a flying war beast called ‘Pear Wind Bird’. It can apply the power of the wind to the host during the battle to improve the agility, and also has the ability to attack ‘hurricane peck’. Attack the enemy.

After reaching adulthood, the body can become larger for a certain period of time for the owner to ride for a short time. When it becomes larger, he will spit out light and treat the owner’s injury.

The beast chosen by Seven Needles is completely auxiliary, and it is a “helper to bring respect”. This kind of beast is very docile, even if it is abused or even killed by the owner, it will not resist. The ability is single and only one, that is, it can continuously provide its own energy for the owner to use when needed.

Later, everyone researched and found that the energy of helping Zun Zhe in combat can not really help much, because the total amount is not large, but for the manufacturing class, it has a supplementary effect, even for the success rate of refining There is improvement.

This found that Suddenly helped Zhudizun change from little value to citron, and the price naturally was as the tide rises, the boat floats.

But the added value of this life is indeed worth so much money.

Two people thanked, Ye Zhongming paid. The waitress gave Ye Zhongming a chip card, saying that it would be good if she put it on the terminal, and she would become a solid VIP customer.

Ye Zhongming spent only a few months here, and spent more than a million years of age. He also told them that he could be contacted if there were more betrayal dragons and beasts for sale. Of course, the contact information is left by Assistant Jie Su. Such customers would be surprised if they were not VIP customers.

After agreeing on the time and place to collect the war beasts, the entire group left and soon arrived on the commercial street where the equipment was sold. It is obviously more prosperous than the previous streets, and has more people. The shops are connected one by one, and the classification is very clear. For example, it specializes in selling weapons, specializes in Battle Armor, and specializes in accessories.

Naturally, there are also such comprehensive stores, and they are all really big businesses, and the door area is several times or even ten times that of the rest.

Among them, Ye Zhongming was also surprised to find a shop that sells equipment made by the Talos Red Dwarf.

“The Talos Red Dwarf is a neutral race. How do you say, we have a good relationship with our Soviets, so we have more opportunities to get their equipment, and we will purchase a batch of equipment every year. You also know that we are On the one hand, the demand for equipment is not large, and on the other hand, only the protection category and the gain category are needed, so the extra ones will be sold here. Of course, this does not mean that there is no armor type equipment, but only a small number. “

The assistant explained with interest.

Ye Zhongming nodded, the reason why the Taros Red Dwarf is very strong, their battle power and ability to make equipment is naturally the first factor, but also they have this factor, and their monthly annuity is mostly derived from the sale of equipment. Natural needs The sales channel, Su Zu is undoubtedly the best big customer. After all, if the equipment is sold here, the Talos Red Dwarf does not have to worry about being backlashed one day, and if it is sold in large quantities to the Lena or the Hall stars, it may be.

Ye Zhongming looked outside, but for the time being he did not go in but went to other stores.

Here, he intends to go shopping at the end, maybe there may be any unexpected surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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