Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1199: The allocation plan is justified

To say that Di Ping had already given him a choice as to why he would give Liu Zhenya exercises, there are two deep meanings.

First, he wanted to look at the choice between Liu Zhenya and Liu Minsheng. If the two first choose the exercises to show that they are not in harmony with themselves, then their attitude and strategy towards the Liu family will have to be changed. They can only be used instead of reused.

But the two did not disappoint him and chose the second one to tie with the sanctuary.

The second meaning is that Di Ping has a bit of righteousness in his mind. He thinks that there are too few awakened people, and it is not in line with the mutation rate of animals. As this goes on, the mutated animals become stronger and stronger, but the human awakening is not much. , If this goes on, mankind can only go to extinction. How many people can be saved no matter how powerful they are?

Therefore, he wants to spread the exercises to let more people know and learn. Only in this way can humans have more awakened ones and can withstand the ferocious offensive of mutant beasts. He has such an idea in his heart, and he is ready to move The exercises spread to all the city residents, and Liu Zhenya also coincided with the meeting.

Someone would say that Di Ping is also a fake righteousness, why not spread his Tiger Spirit Art, that is, the base is still only practicing the D-class powerful exercises. It shows how selfish he is.

Is that so?

1. Not everyone can practice the exercises. Tiger Ling Jue is the best D-level exercise. The difficulty is extremely high. The strength of the average person's body simply cannot withstand the intensity of this qi and blood fluctuation. It can cause blood vessels to burst or tendon fractures.

Only people with a certain physical strength can practice this advanced exercise. For example, Di Ping's physical strength barely reaches the third level, so this kind of exercise is harmful to ordinary people.

For example, many people from the City Guard have only cultivated to the first level of Violent Ape Fighting Strength, and they can't even support the second level, not to mention the stronger Tiger Spirit Art.

The best practice is generally only suitable for awakened people to practice, and only when the body strength is awakened can it support this terrifying rush of energy and blood.

2. Of course Di Ping has selfish motives, and good things are reserved for his own use. He is not the kind of stupid and generous person. In these last days, his humanity collapses. Once this kind of practice spreads and others become stronger, he will definitely covet him. This sanctuary city will still be unable to beat others by then, and there will be nowhere to cry at that time, so he must make sure that he is strong before gradually exuding this kind of exercise.

This kind of exercise will certainly not be given in vain, even if the people of the asylum city have to have merit, he can reward it or pay for it. If you want to get it for nothing, Di Ping is not so generous.

These digressions, now back to the meeting site.

It took a long time for Liu Zhen's grandfather and grandson to calm down from the excitement and excitement, and the two of them looked at Di Ping again, and the meaning of it might only be understood by them.

Afterwards, there was a lot of talk. After half a day of negotiations, the two sides had already set the terms of cooperation between the two parties. Liu Bingyu had already sorted out the content on the sidelines. The two sides had no doubt that it was the signing of the agreement.

There are two agreements, one is public, which is the agreement signed between the Bianzhou base and the refuge city to resolve this incident, and the other is the cooperation agreement signed between Di Ping and Liu Zhenya.

The content of the first agreement is very simple, the content is:

1. The two sides reached a peace agreement and the Bianzhou base promised not to use troops in the sanctuary;

2. Bianzhou recognizes the legal status of the asylum city;

3. The Sanctuary City abandons the Bianzhou base's request for a public apology, but the Bianzhou base must compensate 1,000 semi-automatic long guns and 100,000 bullets;

4. The captured soldiers were redeemed from the Bianzhou base, with a ransom of ten auto cannons, 1,000 rockets, and 50,000 auto artillery ammunition:

5. The Bianzhou base will compensate for the damage and casualties caused by the sanctuary city, with 1,000 cores;

Originally Di Ping wanted people, but this agreement was passed back to Bianzhou. Chu Dingbang disagreed with life and death. There were absolutely no important people. He had no choice but to ask for guns and bullets. Now he doesn't want to fight with Bianzhou. Chu Dingbang fell out.

Chu Dingbang didn't want to give guns to the crystal nucleus. Originally, the Bianzhou base had a serious consumption of weapons, so he was willing to take out more. So Di Ping proposed the animal crystal nucleus, but Chu Dingbang agreed.

This was Di Ping's unexpected joy. When he asked to replace the guns with crystal nuclei, Chu Dingbang seemed to realize something. He disagreed life and death, and killed a thousand crystal nuclei. Di Ping couldn't help but agree.

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