Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1297: Heroes beat golden eagles

The golden eagle rolled tens of meters away and finally stopped the momentum. It stood up with flapping wings and let out an angry scream. In this sound, there was physical pain and internal shame.

Think of it as a king in the sky, it was actually being teased, how can this not make it angry, it has completely forgotten to fly at this time, suddenly turned around, a pair of dark yellow eyes suddenly turned scarlet, looking towards Di Ping who has rushed.


The golden eagle moved, and the huge body faced Di Ping like a sharp arrow. A pair of huge golden wings slapped forward suddenly. A tornado suddenly appeared in the jungle, and the violent energy cut like big leaves like a sharp blade. Broken branches.

Dipinnaken let it shoot. The golden eagle's wings are as hard as steel. It would be uncomfortable if he was photographed. He didn't want to take it hard, but at this time it was too late to hide. The scope of the giant wings was too large. , His eyes flashed suddenly.

"Collision!" There was a violent shout in the jungle, and a figure suddenly increased in speed, pulling out an afterimage in the air, as if it had crossed the space limit, and only flashed before the golden eagle.


This is Di Ping, holding a knife in both hands, screaming violently, and slashing towards the golden eagle's chest.

The golden eagle’s eyes flashed with a humanized panic, and he let out a scream, his body suddenly tried to avoid Di Ping’s blow. Although its speed was very fast, it was only above the sky and on the ground. The chaotic Phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken.

The speed of Di Ping's sword was too fast, like a first-class star, and the light of the sword flashed to the golden eagle's chest.

puff! After a cold light flashed, I saw a flash of blood.

The golden eagle's chest cracked a blood port over a meter long, golden feathers flew around, the flesh and blood turned out at the wound, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

However, at this time, the golden eagle's eyes were red, like crazy, and after a stern cry, the huge sharp beak suddenly pecked towards Di Ping.

Di Ping hurriedly retracted his sword and drew back. "Bang" the huge beak and fell to the ground. Suddenly, the ground shook, stirring up countless mud blocks.

cut! Di Pinnaken let go of this opportunity, and suddenly swung his knife towards the golden eagle's neck, tweeted! Dao Mang screamed.

It’s just that the golden eagle is faster, and suddenly retracts its huge beak and pecked down again. Di Ping had to dodge again. The golden eagle pecked down again and again like a worm, letting the blood flow in its chest like a fountain. Only Di Ping, chasing Di Ping frantically, suddenly appeared in danger.


At this moment, Owen several people arrived, and several waved weapons to cut towards King Kong with a roar.

when! The weapon was cut on the hard feathers of the golden eagle, and there was a sound of golden and stone clashes!

Owen, the attack, and Ava were very powerful, and the golden feathers that smashed were flying around, especially the second-order great axe in the attack, leaving a wound more than a foot long on the back of the golden eagle.

This is because he is not strong enough. Although he has a good weapon, he cannot severely damage the golden eagle in one blow.

The golden eagle was attacked again, and immediately his body shook and screamed painfully. At this time, Di Ping had already seized the opportunity and rushed to the golden eagle again. The sword in his hand suddenly cut out, and suddenly flashes in the sky. Knife mans.


The sound of slashing swords on steel sounded, and golden feathers were flying all over the sky. Seeing that there were dozens of meters of blood on the golden eagle's body, each wound was several inches deep, and the golden eagle's body was covered with stains. The blood seems to be stained into a blood gourd.

"Tweet!" The golden eagle was really angry. It screamed suddenly, and its wings suddenly opened and flapped. "Bang bang bang..." There was a muffled noise, and Di Ping was shot out by all of them.

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