Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1330: Overlord Gunfight Mad Dog Punch

"What happened to panic?"

Cao Ruida was still relatively calm. When the Da Ma Jindao sat down, his face sank without anger, and his eyes were slightly displeased.


Ma Lian's panting was not only panting, but also full of horror, and he couldn't speak for a moment.

"Speak slowly, look at your urinary sex, how serious things scared your kid like this!"

Cao Ruida looked at Ma's face with dissatisfaction.

Ma Lian was scolded by Cao Ruida, and seeing that Cao was indeed angry, he quickly took a few breaths and calmed his mind: "Brother Cao...Outside Wei...Biao brought a large group of people. Attack our base!"

Cao Ruida was taken aback for a moment, then his face flushed, both spouting flames, and suddenly jumped up and furiously said: "What! What is the name of Wei? This is what I want to do. It is true that I am a sick cat and dare to attack my base. He's fine, he dare to come here!" When he said that, he picked up the steel gun leaning against the wall and said angrily: "It just happens that today, the new accounts and the old accounts are calculated together. Look at the benefits of my gun. Unfortunately, I won’t be named Cao if I don’t poke ten or eight holes on this Wangba!"

After speaking, he stepped out murderously, and it seemed that this was a real fire.

"Brother Cao!"

It's just that Ma's face is holding Cao Ruida, his face is full of worry and panic.

"Ma Lian, what's the matter with you? How could a Wei Biao scare you like this? How did I find that your kid is also a kind of soft guy!"

Being pulled by the horse face, Cao Ruida became even more angry, staring at the horse face and shouting angrily.

Ma’s face was sweaty at this time. He pulled Cao Ruida tightly and said anxiously: “Brother Cao, Wei Biao did not come alone. There were three forces in Duzhong, Jiaodian and Huangtianhe in Mashan Town. Number ten!"


Hearing that Cao Ruida's legs stopped, with shock on his face, he muttered: "How is this possible? How could the three of them get together?"

Cao Rui knew that it was normal for Wei Biao to make trouble for him, because he was injured in a sneak attack by Wei Biao when he robbed a mutant beast, and he was also robbed of prey, but Wei Biao was also shot by himself and almost killed. So the two became enemies.

But Du Zhong and Huang Tianhe also came to make trouble for themselves, so he couldn't figure it out. He and the two of them were in poor water. He really couldn't understand why the two of them were mixed with Wei Biao. You must know these two. They are the leaders of the same town, with nearly a thousand people under them. They are also awakened like him, and they are extraordinary in strength.

If it is Wei Biao alone, he is not afraid. Wei Biao is not his opponent, but it is hard to say if he has two powerful assistants. Although he has never played against the two of them, he knows that they are not weak, especially Huang Tianhe knows how to do fireball with one hand, pointing to that to hit that, the flame is like a grenade, and the power is amazing.

"Brother Cao, they said..."

Ma Lian suddenly glanced at Di Ping, who was still drinking tea in a chair, and stopped talking.

"What? Don't hesitate!"

When Cao Ruida was anxious at this time, he hesitated when he looked at the horse's face but said that he was not happy to leave half of it, and he yelled.

Ma Lian seemed to be free. He suddenly pointed his finger at Di Ping and said, "Wei Biao wants us to hand him over, saying that he killed Wei Biao's three men and seek revenge on him! This kind of person will cause trouble, and Cao will Shouldn't bring him back!"

"Nonsense! Apologize to Brother Di!"

When Ma Lian accused Di Ping and Cao Ruida's face changed, he slapped Ma Lian's head with a palm and shouted angrily.

"Brother Cao! Can't keep him, Wei Biao will not give up unless he is handed over!"

Ma's face was beaten and he could not stand steady, staggered two steps, almost fell, and finally stood supporting the wall, but he still did not give up and shouted loudly.


Cao Ruida was really hot this time, and he stretched out his hand to pump again, but suddenly his hand tightened, and when he looked back, he was caught by Di Ping.

Di Ping said calmly: "Don't fight anymore, what he said is reasonable!"

"Brother Di, don't get me wrong, this guy is a quick mouth, not bad-hearted!"

Cao Ruida was anxious, thinking Di Ping was angry, and said quickly.

Di Ping waved his hand to interrupt the next words, and then said calmly: "Don't say anything, we will meet Wei Biao!"

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