Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1381: Battle against Tier 2 monsters

Fourth style, shake your head and tail!


As Di Ping entered the fourth stage of cultivation, the bones of his body made a burst of noise. It seemed that the bones were growing rapidly, and the qi and blood surged more quickly. The tide spewed out, and the sound echoed in the shaking room. .


Suddenly Di Ping felt his body tremble, and the strength and speed of blood and qi suddenly increased by a layer. The blood was thick and solid like a mercury slurry, and every drop of blood emitted fierce heat like a blazing sun. The energy contained therein I am afraid that Di Ping at this time also feels frightened.

Di Ping has a feeling that if he continues to cultivate in this way, one day he really wonders if he will become a monster. Is he still a human being when he goes down like this?

It's almost like a monster, every drop of blood can turn into a monster?

At this moment, he didn't think much, because at this moment, he pushed the Tiger Spirit Art to the fourth position and fourth level, which made him extremely satisfied. He didn't expect that there would be such a great benefit in cultivating in the gravity chamber, which made him feel like I can't stop drinking jelly.

Di Ping's eyes were calm as water, his movements did not stop at all because of the breakthrough, and he rushed down again.

Half an hour soon arrived, but Di Ping failed to break through smoothly. At this time, his whole body was penetrated by sweat, but his eyes were brighter, because he felt that he was breaking through again, but the external pressure was not enough at this time.

"Turn on five times the gravity!"

Di Ping's eyes burst into light, and he shouted into the air.

"Five times the gravity is on!"

An old voice rang in his room!

Then, there was a sudden hum in the whole room, and the runes on the wall of the room became brighter, and Di Ping felt a strong energy wave generated in the room, as if a strong wind was blowing.

Immediately afterwards, Di Ping felt his body sink, his legs softened, and he almost climbed down. A powerful force pressed against him, which was more than twice the previous four-gravity pressure.

At this moment, Di Ping felt the real pressure. His hands and feet were heavy as if he was wearing tens of thousands of kilograms of shackles. Every time he lifted it up, it was a little difficult. The skin, flesh and internal organs felt like being attracted by a strong magnet. There was a strong feeling of falling. .

Under five times the gravity, the blood moves more slowly, like thick magma, it makes a cooing sound every time it swells, it seems that the flow is extremely laborious, the heart is pounding, beating fiercely, as if it will burst at any time.

However, Di Ping did not have any fear, but ecstasy in his eyes. He felt that as the gravity strengthened, he found that the muscles jittered more intensely. With the jitter, the elements in the air poured in at a faster speed to strengthen the body.

And the uncontrollable mysterious energy in the meridians also moved faster, and it was also strengthening in the body, under the supervision of strong mental power, he could clearly feel the increase in strength.


There was an explosion in the body, the body shook, the qi and blood surge suddenly accelerated, and an aura suddenly rose from the body.

Di Ping knew that he had broken through again. The fifth form of the Tiger Ling Jue's fourth floor was a breakthrough. His body strength and strength were rapidly increasing, and he felt that his strength was infinitely close to 70,000 jin.

Come again!

He had fallen into the joy of strength enhancement at this time and couldn't help himself.

And in an unknown space, a woman in a red robe is wielding a saber and is fighting with a strange metal mutant beast. At this time, the red robe woman is not in good condition and is forced by the crazy attack of the metal beast. His hands and feet are in a mess, a little embarrassed.

Although the battle knife in her hand had a sharpness of five or six meters, it made a loud noise when it hit the metal beast, but it did not break through the metal beast's hard body.

"How can there be such a powerful puppet beast in this space!"

The red robe woman's extremely pleasant voice came from the red robe.

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