Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1511: Arms expansion and war preparation

It was late at night, and it was pitch black outside, only the tall city walls were faintly fluorescent!

Di Ping’s castle tower was brightly lit. In the room, Cheng Chao, Lu Guoliang and Han Zhongguo were all present. The room was quiet, with only the sound of smoking, several big smoke guns moving together, and the smoke was steaming. It's not that Di Ping's room is well ventilated, and people will be out of sight in a while.

At this moment, when the door rang, Owen walked in from outside.

Di Ping raised his head to look at Owen, and said:

"Everyone is settled?"

"Back to the master, it has been settled. As soon as the person received it, they were sent to Secretary Liu's residence. The two were a little frightened. Under the comfort of Secretary Liu, they have now rested. Secretary Liu explained that he will come and thank the city host tomorrow!"

Di Ping nodded, "How is Ava? Is there any injury?"

Owen shook his head and said: "According to the owner's instructions, Ava did not come back immediately after receiving people, and waited until their entire city was blocked. Only then did they deliberately come forward to fight with the Kyoto Awakeners, wounding many of them. , This is the time to retreat!" Speaking of this, his face showed a sneer of disdain, and said proudly: "With Ava's strength, who can hurt her in Kyoto!"

Di Ping smiled and did not object. He also thought that the reason why Ava was sent was to know Ava's strength. Ava is good at assassinating stealth. This kind of thing is most suitable for her, even if Owen is not as good as her, in the dark. Leowen both had a headache with Ava.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth. I believe that after this time, some people in Kyoto should not be able to sleep at night, right?

Suddenly, Owen frowned and said suspiciously: "Master, it shouldn't be the Hu Jun betraying us. I heard Ava say to pick up Secretary Liu’s parents or the road led by the Hu Jun sect, and the military closed the city. Searching for music is only a few hours later!"

"I know! Needless to say, I know who betrayed us!"

Di Ping waved his hand suddenly.

"City Lord, isn't he who is?"

The four people had doubts on their faces when they heard this. They had already wondered who this person was, and Han Zhongguo couldn't help but asked in a hurry.

Di Ping uttered three words gently: "Chu Dingbang!"

"Chu Dingbang?"

Lu Guoliang, Han Zhongguo, and Cheng Chao jumped up and asked in surprise.

Di Ping suddenly showed a sneer and cold smile on his face: "Yes! It's him, he wants more when he benefits, and he is greedy, what a beautiful thing to think of!"

"No wonder the Xu family went directly to Bianzhou. That makes sense. Liu Zhenya said that he is now involuntary and can no longer send us information. It seems that he has also been monitored by Chu Dingbang!"

Lu Guoliang's tightly locked face showed a faint expression.

"City Lord, now Liu Zhenya can't count on it anymore. Seeing the Xu family's attitude is so determined, I'm afraid it will be a tough battle!"

Han Zhongguo looked at Di Pingdao with a heavy expression.

Di Ping gently turned the teacup, with a sharp sneer on his face: "Since the peace I threw does not want, then fight! I want to see if they know the pain?"

Looking at Dipinson's cold smile and the murderous tone, everyone's hearts were tense, and the temperature in the room suddenly seemed to drop a lot.

They knew that the city lord was really angry this time, and it seemed that someone was going to be unlucky!

Di Ping’s heart was also on fire at this time. He only wanted peace with so many benefits, but he didn’t want some people to treat himself as a soft persimmon. You gave him a bowl of rice, but he wanted to take your pot with you. .

From Irving’s comment that Kyoto is full of martial law, he knows that Kyoto should have unified their opinions. Since they decided to stand on the side of Xu’s family and want to grab things from the sanctuary, they must be prepared for heartache.

Thinking of this, Di Ping's expression became serious, and he looked at Cheng Chao and said solemnly: "Big Brother Cheng, you immediately arrange for the city guards to prepare for the war. The weapons for the last Bianzhou compensation will also be distributed. From now on, the whole city will be blocked. Access is not allowed, everyone who comes in must be scrutinized strictly, and there is no need to report to deal with problems!"


Cheng Chao's expression was shocked, then he stood up and took his command.

Di Ping smiled and pressed his hand to signal him to sit down quickly and not get excited. Although Cheng Chao sat down, his back was still straight, like a sharp sword thrust into the sky.

Cheng Chao was like this. He was a soldier. Since becoming a military commander, his temperament has become stronger and stronger. Di Ping smiled, and then he looked at Han Zhongguo and ordered: "Brother Han, the comfort of the people in the city is left to you. , Must not be chaotic, and cooperate with Yun Kuohai’s public security office. If someone takes advantage of the chaos, he does not need to be interrogated to deal with it directly.

"Don't worry about the city owner!"

Han Zhongguo immediately patted his chest and promised.

Di Ping looked at Lu Guoliang and said, "Brother Lu, you cooperate with the city guards to supervise the logistics deployment. Yu Shujie can only manage the logistics office. It is a bit nervous to coordinate and deploy her. You should share more!"

"Don't worry about the city owner!"

Lu's bright spot responded.

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