Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1538: War is always cruel

"Cut the picture!"

Chu Dingbang's expression changed as he stood in front of the big screen and ordered.

In everything in the picture, I saw a weird man with a silver armor in front of him. His entire body including his head was covered in the armor, and only a pair of eyes were exposed. He just stood quietly and appeared before the thousands Extremely calm

"Ask who he is?"

Chu Dingbang grabbed the microphone and ordered directly.

"Who are you, why do you want to stop our army from advancing?"

The forward commander Lu Yaowei asked through the tank loudspeaker.

At this time, the entire army was waiting, everyone was watching this scene, Xu Xingde and Wang Zhengyue were also staring at the big screen, looking at this weird man in battle armor.

Facing the question, the man in the silver armor didn't say a word, and slowly stretched out a hand behind his back. He was holding a large army card in his hand, shaking slightly, It made a noise, and then threw it over.

"That's my sergeant nameplate!"

Many people saw it, and suddenly many people screamed. Chu Dingbang's expression was even more pale. He was challenging himself. He couldn't wait to kill this person, but reason was not the time.

"Ask what he wants to do?"

Chu Dingbang asked every word, almost gritted his teeth.

"Our city lord has a word to tell you!"

At this moment, the silver armor monster made a sound, his voice was extremely loud, and the roar of the entire battlefield machine could be heard, even if it was in the car.

Suddenly, the silver armor man slowly drew a broad sword from his back, and with a wave of his hand, he cut a deep sword mark about two meters long on the face, and shouted in a deep voice: "The city lord has an order, the opportunity has been given to you. , But you still have to move forward, but the city lord’s kindness will give you another chance. If you dare to cross this line, you will be regarded as the enemy of life and death in the city of refuge. We will no longer show mercy and kill with one blow!"


Lu Yaowei shouted angrily

At the same time, the Chu Ding Gang, Xu Xingde and others all uttered this sentence, their faces were extremely ugly, and they were threatened.

But at this time, Liu Zhenya's face changed slightly. He had already heard who the voice was. This was Di Ping's general, Owen. His strength was the number one strength in sheltering the city besides Di Ping. Owen's performance on the battlefield was I've seen it. Ten or eight like Leng Jun are not opponents.

Di Ping had sent him out, showing that he really had a murderous intention. He didn't doubt Owen's words at all. He was a little anxious. He didn't want to come but couldn't help it. Now he was riding a tiger.

Owen retracted the sword and said solemnly again:

"Our city lord said that our sanctuary city treats people with sincerity and has no intention of being an enemy. However, some people have to make an inch of it. They don’t want to be the same as human beings and want to conquer things. We are helpless if we fight Brothers and sisters, please don't blame it. If you want to blame it, some people are too ambitious!"

Xu Xingde dared to listen, and shouted in a deep voice: "Tell him to shut up, shoot, shoot..."

It's just that it's useless that he shouted. The commander-in-chief of Chu Dingbang didn't say anything, no one dared to make a shot or a bullet.

"Leave him for me!"

Chu Dingbang also yelled at the microphone, his hand holding the microphone bounced suddenly, and his words pierced his heart.

Following Chu Dingbang’s order, several blocking guns fired, and dozens of bullets struck the ground and the air instantly came to Owen. Owen suddenly moved. The broad sword no longer knew when it reached his hands, but he With a wave.


There was a clank, and all the bullets of the blocking gun were cut off by him. The sniper was shocked for a while and couldn't believe it, and forgot to shoot.

At this time, several light tanks moved, and roared towards Owen, surrounded him, but Owen took a cold look and shouted: "You provoked the war, and you will bear the blame!"

Then, Owen's figure moved, changed from quiet, fast as lightning, shot into the jungle in an instant, and disappeared in two flashes.

Da da......

At this moment the cannon rang, and the bullet shot into the jungle, but the Owens had long since disappeared without a trace.

"Those who cross this line are at their own risk!"

At this time, a voice came from the jungle, and the voice was full of murderousness, causing everyone to chill in their backs unconsciously.

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