Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1575: Li Zexin

Di Ping came to De Fei Ya's room again. De Fei Ya was quietly leaning against the window to read a book, a slanting sun spilt on her, as if covering a layer of fairy clouds, mist, like a beautiful picture The picture scrolls, the charm is natural, the color is Fenfield, and people can't help but think about you.

He couldn't help being silly!

"Is the matter resolved?"

Hearing Di Ping coming in, she moved her gaze away from the book to look at Di Ping. Seeing his obsessive gaze, her pretty face was refreshed, her heart filled with joy and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

"It should be considered solved!"

Di Ping regained his consciousness and smiled slightly.

"The solution is the solution, and if it is not solved, it is not solved. It should be solved. Is it solved or not?"

Xiaobi just came out of the kitchen carrying the ordinary freshly washed fruit, and immediately sneered at Di Ping's words.

"Then Miss Xiaobi thinks it is resolved! Or is it not resolved?"

Di Ping suddenly tilted his head to look at Xiaobi, with a joking smile in his eyes.

"I know..."

Xiaobi was flustered by Di Ping's look, and scolded with an annoying look.

It's just that her tone is not as aggressive as before. She provoked this matter, and now they are doing his ass!

De Feiya didn't care about the quarrel between the two of them at all, her eyes fell on the book again and looked quietly.

"Fiya, what book are you reading?"

Di Ping also lazily quarreled with Xiaobi. He reached out his hand and grabbed a green fruit from the plate, handed the green fruit to Defea while Xiaobi was stunned, and stood beside him and approached the book she was looking at. skim.

When De Feiya turned her head, her lips almost touched Di Ping's face, causing her to be awkward, her face flushed again, watching Di Ping stretched out in front of her, she finally took it.

"You...thick skin!"

When Xiaobi reacted, everything had happened. The master had already taken the fruit from this person. She was anxious, but impatient, she could only stomped and cursed.

Smelling the familiar but unfamiliar scent, Di Ping felt a little contemplative in his heart, and he felt his heart pounding again.

"What book is this, why can't I understand the words?"

However, when I saw the book in Delphia's hand, I was stunned for a moment. The words on it were so complicated that he didn't recognize any of them, just as little tadpoles could not recognize any fonts.

"This is the text of my hometown!"

De Feiya said in a soft voice.

"Yeah! Feiya, I still don't know where your hometown is? I have never seen such words!"

When De Feiya heard the words, her expression suddenly became a little sad, and she lowered her head and said softly: "My hometown is very far away...I don't know if I can go back!"

Hearing the sadness in her voice, Di Ping suddenly woke up. He must have said something wrong, which caused her sadness. He hurriedly reached out and gently wrapped her shoulders and comforted her: " , Don’t be sad, this will be your home in the future. My parents and I are your relatives. You will not feel lonely. Don’t worry, wait for the opportunity. I will go home with you!"

When De Feiya heard the words, she still cared about her sadness. Her pretty face suddenly became red, her head drooped, and she was buried in her chest. It took a long while before she heard a slight hum, she actually leaned her head slowly against Di. Ping body.

"Oh my God!"

Xiaobi almost threw the plate away, and she shouted in her heart, when her master's EQ has become so low, this kid fooled her with such a simple good word.

We must know that although the character of the master is very soft, he rarely turns his face with others, and always shows a faint appearance, but no one in the Dias star field knows that Princess Dephia is not only amazing in cultivation talent, but also the most gentle and soft personality. Neigang is very assertive, no matter how good a young Junjie is, no one can walk into her mind, let alone be so close.

But it was a native of this small planet that had just entered the metamorphosis stage, and even tricked the master into it, which made her not shocked.

She didn't understand very much, what is the attraction of this weak ant, if she clapped her hands to death!

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