Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1607: Attitude change

Due to the Red Rock Beast incident, this day's cleanup work ended hastily. Fortunately, Xiaobi rescued the city guards in time. There were not many casualties. Only five or six soldiers were killed by the Red Rock Beast and a dozen others were injured.

Buji, Tang Zhandong, and Xu Sheng suffered minor injuries, but after the treatment, there was no serious problem. This made Di feel much better.

Di Ping wondered if this red rock beast ran from there. There were still traces of the red rock beast's marching in the city. Many places where the red rock beast passed were scorched black, obviously traces of fire, which was easy to identify.

He chased it all the way. After chasing for four or five kilometers along the trace, he was not chasing it anymore. The trace was always there, and then he chased it to the west of the city.

As a result, Di Ping judged that this red rock beast should have come from the west to pass through the city and where it passed. As a result, it collided with their search team. This guy was grumpy and attacked when encountering creatures and was killed along the way. The mutant beast can be seen.

If it wasn't Xiao Bi who went first, but himself, he would be really dangerous today, and he would have to use the assassin he was reluctant to use.

Today's results were not very good. Only 3,000 people were saved. This was a small gathering place of nearly 1,000 people. This was the result of such a harvest, which made Di Ping a little worried.

A month has passed by a half, and if there are no more than 100,000 people, he will have to find a way to get people from Bianzhou. Now the base population has exceeded 30,000.

With the clearing of Zhongzhou, the number of mutant beasts has become a lot less, and many people came out of the hiding place and gathered here, which was a surprise.

The radio car in the sanctuary city sends out radio waves every day. Almost every day, people gather in the sanctuary city. Sometimes a dozen people a day, sometimes hundreds of people a day, there are individuals, and there are groups of people. The growth is relatively fast.

Now there is no place to live in the city. The Civil Affairs Office has planned a place and built thousands of tents. Fortunately, the space in the city is huge and there is enough space for tents.

There is still a couple of days to complete the first phase of the housing. When the people of the early refuge city move in, these people will be settled!

Moreover, the second phase of the project has also been under construction, and the progress is quite fast. Now that there are enough people and full power, work is not stopped even at night, and it changes almost every day.

"You dare to come, get out... if the master has something to do, I won't let you go..."

As soon as Di Ping came to Feiya's door, as soon as the door opened, Xiaobi stood behind the door with an angry face, scolded him over his head and covered his face.

Hearing that Dephia might be in trouble, he immediately changed his expression and exclaimed anxiously: "What's wrong with Feiya? What's the matter?"

"It's not all to blame you, you have to pull the master out, the master has not been able to make a strong move before the injury, it caused the injury!"

Xiaobi saw that the worry and anxiety in Di Ping's eyes were not pretentious, and then his anger gradually eased, but he still said in anger.


Di Ping's expression suddenly changed when he heard that, he pushed Xiaobi away and rushed into the room.

"Huh!" Xiaobi didn't react, and was stunned by Di Ping. When she reacted, it was too late to reach out and grab her. Di Ping had already shot past her, stomping angrily in the back. Coquettish.


Pushing the door open, Di Ping rushed in and shouted anxiously, "Feiya, how are you..."

He just yelled, but he was stunned. There was no one on the bed, and Dephia was not lying on the bed.


He was about to yell, but just after yelling, there was a click, the bathroom door opened, and a figure came out.

When he saw the person who came out, Di Ping was petrified on the spot, his eyes popping like eyeballs in the sea.

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