Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1610: Feiya is angry

The room fell silent for a while, Di Ping looked at Dephia anxiously.

"There is another method....... However, this method is more difficult!"

After a long silence, De Feiya suddenly whispered.

"what way?"

Suddenly Di Ping's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked: "Fiya, tell me, what is the method!"

De Feiya whispered: "If you can find Ning Shenhua, it should be useful!" But there was no hint of joy in her expression, which shows that she doesn't think this method is easy to solve.

"Ning Shenhua?"

Di Ping frowned, repeated it in his mouth, then looked at De Feiya and asked, "What is Ningshenhua?"

De Feiya was not very emotional, she seemed to be a little low, and said softly: "Ningshen flower is a third-order spiritual grass, and it can be refreshed by smelling it with a clear and elegant smell. The flower blooms as a blue-purple three-petal flower with sunspots in it. , Taking it can repair mental damage!"

Di Ping asked anxiously: "Where does this Ningshen Flower come from?"

De Feiya's expression was even more low, her eyes drooping silently, Di Ping anxiously asked again: "Feiya, tell me soon!...... Where can you find this Ning Shenhua? "

"You still don't ask...With your strength, you can't go now, if I am not injured, I can go!"

De Feiya shook her head.

"If you can't go, let's talk about it. Let me talk about where this flower grows?"

Di Ping was anxious and asked anxiously, clutching De Feiya's hand.

Only then did De Feiya raise a pair of beautiful eyes, her dark eyes fell on Di Ping's face, and when she saw his eyes full of anxiety, a thick smile appeared on her face.

Di Ping's anxious heart was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching, and he looked at Dephia anxiously.

De Feiya had no choice but to say: "This tranquil flower generally grows in extremely gloomy places and absorbs the yin spirit. It only takes a quarter of an hour to bloom until it fades. It can only be picked by coincidence, so it is extremely rare!"

"An extremely shady place?"

Di Ping frowned and repeated his words, then his eyes lit up and he seemed to think of something anxiously: "Is this extremely yin place and the extremely yang place where the red rock beast is located?"

When De Feiya heard the words, a smile of appreciation appeared on her face and said: "There is a possibility. Generally, in a small world, there is a very sunny place and it is very likely to be accompanied by a very yin place. Long, the land of extreme yang needs yin to make up, otherwise it will resist excess yang and unstable energy... But this is not necessarily the case, but it is possible, I think this red rock beast is irritable But the aspiration is still there, so I have such an idea!"

"Oh! No wonder you saw the Chiyan Beast look weird today!"

Di Ping suddenly said.

"Well! I saw the red rock beast thinking about this possibility, but this is just a spread, I don’t know whether it’s true or not, and this red rock beast is extremely powerful. I want to come to this space with a strange beast not low in rank. It should be possible before the injury, but now it’s a bit difficult!"

De Feiya said with a gentle smile.

"Let me go!"

Di Ping suddenly stood up and looked at De Feiya resolutely.

"No!" De Feiya heard the words and sat upright, her voice firmly said: "You can't go. You can't go in with your strength. You can't go!"

"Don't worry, I will be fine, don't you know I still have a trump card?"

Di Ping suddenly smiled and patted Dephia's hands.

"That's not okay! Your battle puppet is only a Tier 3 top level, and can only deal with Tier 3 monsters at best. What if you encounter a mutant beast at the top of Tier 3? And I think your battle puppet energy is not enough, you should Not a few times!"

De Feiya's small face suddenly became serious, her pretty face tight, a pair of cut water pupils staring at Di Ping's face with mist.

"Don't worry! I won't mess around. If I don't, I will quit. You don't know that my escape skills are first-rate!"

Di Ping held De Feiya's slender palm and comforted.


De Feiya wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Di Ping, and only listened to Di Ping's words: "I am in charge of this matter. Women must listen to men. You are my woman, you must listen to me!"

There was a sudden flush on De Feiya's face, and she said shyly: "Who... is your daughter...person!"

"Haha! Of course it's you, I have Feiya..."

Di Ping suddenly laughed, and sat down on the head of De Feiya's bed and took her into her arms. De Feiya's body trembled, and the roots of her ears were covered with red clouds, but in the end she didn't struggle, she leaned slowly. On Di Ping's broad chest.

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