Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1620: chat

Di Ping's face suddenly fell into a cold. He didn't know that someone had attacked him. The arrow was not a warning, but a direct shot at his chest. This was going to kill.

He didn't move, he reached out and grabbed a jet-black carbon fiber arrow. He couldn't stop, and he threw it out as soon as he moved.

He has seen archery people. There are more than a dozen people in this line. The weapons in their hands are messy, some with guns and some with knives and guns. They looked at Di Ping with smiles on their faces, and one of them was holding a bow. , It was obvious that he shot the arrow, and there was a cruel smile on his face.

When he saw that Di Ping received the arrow, the smile on his face was stiff, and the next moment, it turned into horror. The arrow was thrown back by this person. The speed was faster than what he shot. The moment came, he thought I couldn't turn around, I could only watch my own arrow shoot into my chest.


He let out a miserable roar, and his body slowly fell down. The arrow hit the heart, and he couldn't save it.

"The third child!"

The crowd immediately screamed in exclamation, and several people immediately surrounded and called out in surprise.

"He killed the third child, brothers chopped him off for me!"

At this moment, a black-faced big man screamed with anger in his eyes, holding a long knife and pointing at Di Ping.


At this time, a grim voice sounded from the crowd, and then the crowd was divided into a young man in his twenties. This man had long sword eyebrows, fair skin, and very handsome.

If it weren't for a thin lips and a very cold face, it would always look like a stranger shouldn't get close, which would make people feel unhappy, otherwise he would definitely be a male figure.

"Boss, he killed the third child..."

The black-faced man stopped and looked at the young man, pointing Di Ping bitterly.

"To shut up!"

The young man gave the big man a cold stare, then looked at Di Ping and shouted coldly.

"Who are you, don't you think it's too much to kill someone with your shot?"

The young man looked at Di Ping with sharp eyes, and asked in a cold voice.

"I'm a passerby!"

Di Ping wanted to come forward and ask about the schedule. When he saw this person's appearance, he lost his mind. He just shrugged and said: "The arrow just now seems to be killing, right? This is called a murderer. People will kill them!"

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of a strong man next to the young man, and he was about to shoot at Di Ping when he raised his gun, but was pressed down by the young man.

"My friend, my brother is just joking. With your ability, this arrow can't hurt you? And you will kill you. Is it too vicious?"

The young man narrowed his eyes and stared at Di Ping's face, as if he was ready to do anything at any time.

"Joke? Haha!" Di Ping heard the words, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, a mocking laugh appeared on his face, then laughed a step, looked at the young man, and said coldly: "How do you know I can avoid it? What if I can’t avoid it? Don’t you think this joke is too big?”

"Didn't you avoid it? And the youngest didn't avoid it?"

The black-faced man roared angrily.

Di Ping shrugged and showed a mocking smile on his face, and said faintly: "I was joking too, I thought he could hide it!"

"you wanna die!"

The black face Dahan suddenly became speechless, his face was red, a little bit of anger, he grabbed a speed machine and raised it to Di Ping to shoot.

However, as soon as he raised the gun, he was suppressed by the young man. He looked at the young man in surprise and said, "Boss, let me kill this kid and avenge the third child!"

"Don't be reckless!"

The young man gave the big man a cold look. The big man gave Di Ping angrily, gritted his teeth and stomped his gun down.

Di Ping looked at all this coldly, and did not speak.

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