Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1647: Distribution

However, the next moment there was joy on his face, because he saw a silver light flashing, and then the wind wolf who pounced on his chest turned out.


His clothes were not spared in the end, and were torn by the claws of the wind and wolf, leaving a shallow scar on his chest.


At this time, the girl finally reacted, seeing the handsome young man injured, her face changed drastically, and she screamed and rushed over.

"not good!"

Di Ping, who issued two swords to save people, suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and this sense of danger did not come from Wind Wolf. He was paying attention to Wind Wolf, even if Wind Wolf rushed in front of him, he could feel it.

At this time, his powerful mental power felt a wave of energy fluctuations under his feet, his face changed, and his body instantly moved five or six meters away.


At this moment, where he was standing, the ground suddenly cracked, and a crack more than one meter wide appeared. If he didn't move, he just fell into it.


Di Ping instantly understood what was going on, a trace of anger appeared on his face, and suddenly there was a violent drink in his ears, and then a strong wind came from behind him.

At this moment, his mental power is still on, and everything can't hide from his own eyes under the supervision of his mental power. He saw the crazy wolf who was kneeling down by himself before, and suddenly attacked from behind him with a long knife in his hand. The back was cut straight down.

"court death!"

Di Ping shouted angrily, and when he moved his body, he was about to take down the crazy wolf. At this moment, he suddenly felt a kind of creepy feeling. He felt a danger coming.

He didn't even think about it, his blood surged, his feet slammed into the ground, and the whole person rushed out in an instant, hitting more than 20 meters.


At this moment, a huge roar erupted behind him. It turned out that a dozen grenades exploded in front of him, and the mad wolf in the air was instantly blown away by the strong explosive force.

If Di Ping was going to fight back against the mad wolf just now, he would have been bombed, his face and eyes were cold and murderous when he saw this scene. When everyone was fighting the wolves, there was someone behind them, and they laid so close. Serial killings, if you are negligent, you will really suffer today.

At this time, everyone noticed the movement here, and those who were especially close knew what was going on, and some of them yelled angrily.

"What are you doing!"

"These **** are going to kill our savior!"

At this moment, the grenade thrower didn't know when, Hua Qingyang, who had been close to Di Ping's previous position, was stunned. They never thought that such a design didn't kill Di Ping.

Di Ping's speed was too fast, and they didn't know that they would be too stupid to provoke the strongest.

"Everyone defends, I will solve this by myself!"

Di Ping shouted in a deep voice.

His voice is not loud, but it is like thunder on the battlefield, and everyone who is shaking is buzzing in his ears.

That is, the crazy attacking wind wolves also stopped attacking. They felt a fearful aura rising from this group of people, which was stronger than the wolf king. For a time, the group of wolves let out a low, terrified roar. Dare to attack again.


The Wolf King once again knocked Dezheng into the air, and was about to pounce on Dezheng to kill him. At this moment, it also felt the terrifying aura in the crowd, and immediately turned around and let out a loud roar.


Di Ping's eyes flashed with cold light, and he let out a low drink, then flung out a silver light.

The pores of the wolf king suddenly exploded. Like a frightened cat, he jumped up and wanted to escape, but it was too late. The flying knife instantly shot in from behind his head, and the wolf king's body shook for a while.

boom! Fall down!

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