Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1652: Negotiate terms

Di Ping slowly turned around, his eyes swept across everyone's faces, then looked at Dezheng, and slowly said: "This is called Bone Forging Herb. It is good for ordinary people and awakened people. It can strengthen bones and strengthen the strength, but Everyone must not take more than ten pills. Taking more pills is useless. The effect will be weakened every time you use them. Ten plants should increase your strength by less than three layers!"

Everyone's faces were stunned. It turned out that this was called Bone Forging Grass. It was useless to take more, but it was quite good to increase the strength by nearly three layers.

At the next moment, everyone wondered how Di Ping knew this kind of spirit grass, but no one asked, because Di Ping had already thrown the bone-forging grass back into the haystack, and then patted his hands on the dirt.

Master Dezheng tentatively asked again: "City Lord Di Ping, look at this distribution..."

Before he could finish speaking, Di Ping waved his hand suddenly, interrupted his words, and said, "I don't want these things, you all divide them!"


Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and no one thought that Di Ping would not want it at all, but then everyone was happy, and he could divide more if he didn't want to be himself.

Master Dezheng was also taken aback, and hurriedly said, "City Lord Di, this is unreasonable..."

He was interrupted by Di Ping again, and Di Ping smiled and said, "Master Dezheng don't need to feel uneasy. These things are useless to me. It's better to use them to enhance your strength. It's really not me!"

Master Dezheng looked at Di Ping not like joking. He titheed again and said, "Amitabha..... Everyone on behalf of Dezheng has thanked Lord Di!"

"Thank you, Lord Di!"

The crowd immediately burst into gratitude, which was much more enthusiastic than before, and joy and excitement surged across everyone's faces.

At this time, the young sister of the handsome wiping young man twisted her mouth and glanced at the people around her with disdain. In her eyes, these people were too profitable. Just now I felt that people didn't have this enthusiasm for saving lives!

Dezheng was also embarrassed for a while, but he was helpless. Human nature was like this, and he couldn't change it.

It was quickly allocated. The Awakeners allocated a lot. After all, it was the main combat power. Ordinary people also had a point. Each of the mutant beast meat was allocated dozens of kilograms. These people carried them excitedly, and the spirit grass was only allocated to Awakening. People, there are two books for one person, and the rest of Shaolin has a few more trees. Everyone has no opinion.

After the assignment was over, Dezheng looked at the sky, then looked at the people:

"That's it for today, and tomorrow we will be at the treasure hunting site. If someone is willing to act with us, sign up after going back. If you don't want to go back today, you can leave!"

"Oh! You can go home!"

Many people cheered excitedly. This battle was too dangerous, and many people had already given up.

However, some people did not cheer, with a thoughtful look on their faces.

"City Lord Di, we want to go out, look..."

Master Dezheng walked to Di Ping and asked.

Di Ping looked up and looked at the sky, the sun was already west, and the time was already three o'clock!

He knew that he was not suitable for exploring this space today. It seemed that he needed to act early in the morning. The danger of another world would be beyond imagination. Thinking of the Tier 3 Red Rock Beast, Di Ping was palpitating!

Once the world is more dangerous at night, even if you have a human-shaped war puppet, you can't cover the world.

This small world looks not small. He really doesn't know how to find that extremely gloomy place. It may not be something that can be solved in a day. He is ready to fight for two or three days.

It's late today, it's not too late to act tomorrow.

After the decision was made, Di Ping smiled and nodded, "Everything is arranged by Master Dezheng!"

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