Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1663: This is what you mean by meekness

"What's going on...what's going on?"

Everyone found the scene here, and they gathered around.

Di Ping reacted from the shock just now, and hurriedly got up to check the situation of Zen Master Su Shan, and found that he had passed out and his face was pale.

"Lord Di Shi, please take a look at what happened to Uncle Master?"

Seeing Di Ping coming, Dezheng asked anxiously.

"He is too exhausted!" Di Ping knew Sushan's situation as soon as he swept his probe skills, and said with a heavy face.

"City Lord Di also asks you to help Master Sushan!"

Dezheng looked at Di Ping with a request in his eyes, and he was silly, suffering, and Xing Dian, who also looked at Di Ping.

Actually, they don’t need to say that Di Ping also wants to save Sushan, just like Sushan mentioned the place of yin, he also wants to save. His trip is to find a place of extreme yin. Isn’t this place full of yin Is it a very shady place?

It is very possible! Looking aimlessly in the small world, it might as well go here and see, maybe it is the place you are looking for.

This is simply an unexpected joy. Sometimes things in the world are just such a coincidence. If he doesn't agree to the requests of Sushan and others, he enters this space alone and doesn't know when to find it?

He has no way of knowing how big this small world is!

Now that the two sides have the same goals, this saves him too much, so in any case, he must not let Sushan have trouble.

"No imitation, let me try it!"

Di Ping purchased a superb healing liquid from the system. Believing that Yi Sushan's body was actually effective, he poured this bottle of healing liquid into it.

Sure enough, after taking the medicine, Su Shan's pale face gradually became flushed, and his breathing gradually calmed down. After more than ten minutes, Su Shan opened his eyes in the eyes of everyone's expectations.

"Ah! Wake up?"

The crowd made surprise calls.

"Uncle Sushan, how do you feel?"

Dezheng asked with a worried look.

"No problem, I feel better!"

Sushan sat up on her own, then looked at Di Ping and said, "Thank you, little friend Di, it's just a waste of such a precious holy medicine to use on Lao Jang!"

Di Ping laughed and said: "The Zen master is also looking at it. Who is saved by this medicine? The Buddha says that all beings are equal, and saving one's life is better than creating a seventh-level Buddhaland!"


Su Shan smiled when he heard the words, and chanted the Buddha's name with his palm upright, and said, "I never thought that my little friend is also proficient in Buddhism!"

"Let the master laugh, in this age, who wouldn't say a few words of Buddha!"

Di Ping smiled and waved his hand.

"Chuck!" Lin Yun suddenly giggled when he heard the words. Not only her, but the faces of everyone around him were smiling.

Di Ping's words are true. In the current information age, chicken soup for the soul is flying in the sky, and Buddhist sayings are everywhere. Now young people, that person can't say a few words.

Sushan woke up, and the tension in everyone's hearts relaxed a lot. Although Sushan was still a little weak, as the power of the medicine dissipated, the physical injury would soon healed.

Everyone who angered Di Ping looked at Di Ping with hot eyes. A bottle of medicine could save their lives. No one was too hot. The bottle that Di Ping threw on the ground was robbed by several people. It was Shi Yanwu's quick eye that grabbed it, solemnly. The matter is carried into his arms, like a treasure.

Di Ping didn't feel funny looking at it. He had to know that he had enough coins in his hand to buy potions at will. This was when he didn't have enough coins in his hand, so he was reluctant to buy it!

Lunch was also fine, the wind wolf meat stewed potatoes, the crowd was full of oil, and everyone set off again after eating and resting.

Perhaps after the battle and exchanges in the morning, the relationship between everyone in the afternoon got closer, and Lin Yun didn't seem to be afraid of Di Ping anymore, always looking for opportunities to talk to him.

"Brother Di, how old are you?"

"Brother Di, why are you so strong?"

"Brother Di, you bought this medicine there! Can you sell me a bottle?"

"Brother Di...Do you have a girlfriend?"

Facing Lin Yun, who was jumping around him like a happy bird, Di Ping had a momentary headache.

In the end, if it were not for Lin Mujin to pull him back with an apologetic look, Di Ping felt that his ancestors for the eighteenth generation could be asked by him.

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