Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1673: Grey Skeleton

Lin Yun clutched her red lips and screamed, her pretty face turned pale at this time, her eyes looked forward in horror.

It was not just her at this time, everyone looked in the direction of Wu Zhengan in horror, even Di Ping's eyes shot horror.

I saw that the fat Wu Zhengan was losing weight quickly with a naked eye. It was almost a breath, but he shrank into a thin man. His face was thin, and the loose skin was lying down. It was very strange, and the color of blue and gray was lost. The shiny color of the skin.

This weird change made Di Ping also startled. He was going to rush to the front to pull Wu Zhengan away, but now he dare not do it. This scene is too weird. Who knows what caused it.

But at this moment, Wu Zhengan still seemed unaware, still pulling out the long sword desperately, but his strength was getting weaker and weaker, and his shouting was getting lighter and lighter. In just a few seconds, he was thin. It has become skinny, as if a gust of wind can blow away.


A long hustle sound resounded in the valley, as if it was the gasping of a troll, and the scalp of everyone who listened was numb, because the sound came from Wu Zhengan's mouth, which had become withered.


There was a sound of bone friction, Wu Zhengan slowly turned his head and looked at everyone!

hiss! Suddenly everyone took a breath, even Di Ping had a cold back. At this time, Wu Zhengan seemed to have become a skeleton, with loose skin attached to the skeleton, and a pair of eyeballs had changed. It became gray and white, looking at everyone, he opened his deflated mouth and let out a faint voice "Help me..."

But who would dare to save, even Di Ping was frightened by this strange scene.

The next moment, Wu Zhengan’s opened mouth froze, and then there was a click. Wu Zhengan’s entire skeleton seemed to have absorbed the last essence, and could no longer support the entire skeleton. The decayed bones that have been worn away in the years have shattered and scattered into one place.

Boom! The long sword unexpectedly fell into the dead bones of Wu Zhengan, but at this time it was a gorgeous and exquisite long sword, and turned into a white Sensen bone sword.

Everyone stared at this scene in a daze, and some couldn't believe it was true. A big living person turned into a pile of dead bones in a blink of an eye. It was incredible how you looked at it, and there was a deep sense of fear permeating everyone's hearts. .

As Wu Zhengan's dry bones landed, a sharp scream suddenly sounded in the valley. The sound was miserable and terrifying like a ghost roar, and the sound seemed to pierce the soul, making people shudder.

This scream seemed to open the gate of hell, and then the scream came from all directions, one after another, as if everyone was standing in a group of ghosts at this moment, the sharp and piercing ghost howl, like a rolling tide, pressed towards everyone .

There were horrified expressions on everyone's faces, their eyes scanned around in panic, and sweat dripped from the palms of their arms.


At this moment, another trembling sound of bone rubbing sounded, and everyone looked at it. The bones that had been nailed to the ground by the long sword turned their skulls slowly and looked towards Di Ping.

what! Di Ping let out a whisper, he found that the skeleton of the skeleton, which was originally gray-black and covered with green bacteria, turned into a forest white, as fresh as a newly picked bone, floating with a shining luster, like white jade.

Ka Ka Ka... With the sound of bone rubbing, this skeleton stood up slowly.


There was another scream of horror from the crowd. Lin Yun could no longer withstand the horror before him, and immediately hid behind Lin Mujin.

After White Bone stood up, he stretched out the White Bone arm to grab the Bone Sword inserted on the ground, and then turned his head to Di Ping and his party with a squeaking sound. The black hole's eye socket was like an abyss, dark, dead, and cold With endless death.

A cold air rises from the depths of everyone's hearts. This coldness seems to be dissipating from the icy hell. The fear and trembling of everyone's souls, their feet are as heavy as mountains, and they cannot be moved.

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