Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1689: Lin Yun was injured

Everyone woke up one after another, looking around blankly, not understanding what had happened, as if they had just woke up from a hangover.

"what happened!"

Shi Yanwu was about to stand up with excitement, but he only felt dizzy for a while, but he couldn't stand up. He shook his head vigorously to throw the dizziness from his head.

But the next moment he seemed to understand, he suddenly turned his head and raised his head to look at the Buddha, his face suddenly looked scared, as if he had seen a ghost.

At this time, not only did he understand, but everyone understood. They lost consciousness just now, and the dizziness in their heads and the frailty of their bodies really showed what the Buddha statue did to them.

Dezheng also understood that this was here. They were under control. There was confusion in his eyes. It seemed that he had doubts about his belief for the first time. He raised his head blankly at the Buddha and muttered, "How is this possible... ...It won't be like this!"

The same goes for the Xingzhi people. They have lost their mental power, and all of them have turned pale. They raised their heads and looked at the Buddha statue in confusion.

But at this time they all thought of Zen Master Su Shan, and it seemed that his death was also related to the Buddha statue.


At this time, the big Buddha made a hum, and the golden light flickered more violently, and a strange wave spread to Di Ping's consciousness.

Di Ping's eyes narrowed, and he also raised his head to look at the Buddha. He actually felt the meaning of willingness from the consciousness of the Buddha. He was willing to ask for his own help.

But Di Ping would never believe him anymore. If the Buddha had such a consciousness before, maybe Di Ping would still help. After the silent bewilderment just now, Di Ping could hardly trust him.


At this moment, the big Buddha was shaking again, and the ground was shaking even when it moved, and there were more cracks in the big Buddha.

A huge momentum came from the earth as if an ancient behemoth was about to wake up, Di Ping's heart seemed to be slammed into a sudden pain, and a burst of fear and throbbing from the soul rose from the bottom of his heart.

This aura was not only aimed at Di Ping, but everyone present felt it. Their faces turned pale, and their eyes looked at the base of the Buddha statue in terror. The horrible feeling made them want to escape immediately, but their feet were soft. In any case, I can't move forward.

"Quickly leave!"

Di Ping tried to endure the throbbing in his heart, shouted, rushed over and grabbed the two of them with one hand and threw them back. He didn't see who it was, his body moved, and more than a dozen people were thrown away by him. Forty meters away.

Fortunately, these people are not weak. They were just scared by the momentum and lost resistance. They were able to move after being thrown on the ground by Di Ping. Everyone got up in panic.

After Di Ping threw everyone out, he also shot backwards. This suppressed skeleton monster is absolutely terrifying. I don't know how many years it has been suppressed that it still has such a powerful aura. He doesn't want to fight against it. .

He has seen the picture, the strength of this cyan skeleton monster is definitely far superior to Tier 3, and the pitch-black demonic energy rushes into the world. Even so many masters in this Buddhist temple have been beheaded by it. When will it not be refunded?

Seeing Di Ping shot back, everyone greeted him. Dezheng even apologized: "I'm sorry City Lord Di, I don't know it will happen!"

Di Pingna had time to entangle this with him, and said anxiously: "Let's go, the terrifying monster here is coming out!"

After that, he ran forward first, he just wanted to retreat as far as possible!

When he moved, everyone would of course not keep it, and rushed forward in a hurry.


When Di Ping was just taking his steps, there was a sudden ringing of a bell on the Buddha's face. He was anxious, and he was also pleading, as if he was very anxious about Di Ping's departure.

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