Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1693: Fooled again

This source was not someone else. It turned out to be Lin Yun, the only female in the team. At this time, her face was pale without a trace of blood, and there was a line of blood flowing out of her nostrils, as if a white paper was lit with a little red, red and eye-catching.

Lin Yun obviously didn't realize her condition. Her eyes closed tightly, her brows furrowed, and her petite body was trembling slightly, like a small flower trembling in the cold wind, as if it would be blown down at any time.

Di Ping felt that he found that his mental power was also consumed astonishingly, and only consumed three levels less. At this time, he still didn't understand that this must be Lin Yun's mental power overspending, although the Buddha almost relied on his own spirit. Power supply, but it consumes a lot of them.

Lin Yun's mental strength is not low, but her strength is too weak. It has been so much time, she simply can't bear such a large output. If she continues to continue, she may be overdrawn and die with Zen Master Sushan.

As soon as Di Ping's consciousness moved, Lin Yun's mental fluctuation was kicked out of the resonance. With the secret control method, he could control everyone's mental participation.


Lin Yun's mental strength was expelled, Lin Yun's body suddenly shook, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her body softened and almost fell. Fortunately, she did not fall off by supporting the ground in time.

She opened her eyes blankly and looked around weakly, as if she didn't understand what had happened, but the next moment Di Ping's voice rang in her ears: "You get up and go behind, don't participate!"

Lin Yun turned around and looked at Di Ping in surprise. He saw Di Ping staring at her, knowing that it was indeed Di Ping’s voice. After hesitating for a while, he nodded and got up from the ground, and walked weakly to the side. Di Ping was terrible. She was a little scared of Di Ping now. When Di Ping saw her, she didn't dare to say more about going to the back to rest.

Because of this delay, Di Ping's mental consciousness felt a little sluggish. The Buddha's light suddenly fluctuated and became unstable. After changing the previous rapid advance, the speed of downward spread slowed down.

At this time, there was an anxious consciousness from the Great Buddha, urging Di Ping to support and speed up the output. Once the Buddha's light covered his body, he could launch an attack to obliterate the Yin Demon.

But Di Ping hesitated a bit. He already felt that the mental consciousness of the Dezheng members had also fluctuated. Obviously, they were also seriously consumed. If they were consumed like this, these people might have to withdraw like Lin Yun. Up.

Boom boom boom!

It seems that the light of the Buddha is weakened, and the suppressed skeleton monster becomes crazy again, desperately breaking the seal, as the Buddha shakes, golden rune lines faintly appear on the base of the Buddha and the surrounding ground, sometimes faintly.

"Hurry up and join, Yin Demon is breaking through the seal, I feel his strength is increasing, it may be forced to break the seal!"

At this time, the will of the Buddha once again anxiously urged Di Ping.

When Di Ping saw this situation, he was also a little helpless. Now it is difficult to ride a tiger. Once this evil demon breaks out, it will be a big deal if his humanoid war puppet fails.

This skeleton monster gave him too strong a feeling, there was no bottom in his heart, and now it seemed that he could only believe in the Great Buddha.

He began to sink his mind and chanting sutras. Once he calmed down, his mental power immediately doubled in resonance. The Sanskrit singing reverberated magnificently in the valley, and the Buddha's light that had stagnated or even shrunk again surged. , Like the gushing morning light swaying light towards the dark earth.

The golden light spread downwards, a little bit down from the legs, and as it moved down, the upper crack of the Buddha's body was shrinking a little bit, and the golden light was about to reach the huge base of the Buddha.

At this time, the Big Buddha was as heavy as a mountain and it was so motionless. Although the Yin Mo was desperately roaring and struggling, the vibration of the Big Buddha became less and less, and it seemed that the skeleton monster was about to be suppressed.

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