Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1695: Two souls

The three people of Shi Yanwu woke up after being kicked out of their spiritual resonance. They also understood what was going on. They dared to retreat and stand with the previous three. Although they were very weak and tired, no one was resting and they were all staring. The six people who were still insisting, all of them had anxiety and worry in their eyes.

The chanting sound did not decrease by six people, but was gentle. The voice was still mighty, and the sound of Sanskrit singing echoed throughout the high valley.

At this time, not only the three of them, but Lin Yun and the three who had retired before also looked nervously at the six people sitting cross-legged under the Buddha statue. None of them had any joy in their eyes, but they were more worried.

They found that at this time, except for Di Ping, although Di Ping wrinkled his brows from time to time, the overall situation was still calm. The rest of the people were not in good condition. All of them were pale, their bodies trembling, and the sweat on their foreheads rolled down like oil. After falling, all his clothes were wet with sweat, as if they were fished out of the water.

The downward spread of the Buddha light seems to be extremely difficult. After reaching half of the platform, every inch of expansion below is extremely difficult, not much faster than the snail crawling, and the Buddha seems to be a little anxious. The violent fluctuations of the Buddha light push the Buddha light downward. .

However, several people's faces became more and more ugly, their bodies shaking more violently, and there was a trace of blood flowing out of their nostrils.

Several people in the rear also understood that they should have reached their limit!


Sure enough, after a few moments, the painful blood spurted out, and the whole body fell backwards, with a bang, the whole body lay down on the ground, seeing his state severely traumatized, he moved a few times before sitting on the ground. stand up.

Yang Yantai and He Chunsheng played a little earlier and slowed down a bit, and the two hurriedly stepped forward and framed the game.

Lin Yun's eyes were all on her brother Lin Mujin at this time, and her eyes were full of worry. She and her brother depended on each other for their lives and the relationship was extremely deep, and Lin Mujin did fulfill the duty of a brother. In the previous battle, in order to save Lin Yun, she would rather be injured. To save her too, is simply a girl-loving demon.

Lin Mujin's condition is also very bad at this time, and his already fair complexion is now even whiter. His long, slender, woman-like eyelashes are shaking gently, and a pretty face with soft lines is cold, even The lines became harder, and the big beads of sweat on the temples ran down his thin chin.

There was a bloodshot at the corner of his mouth, and the red blood mixed with sweat fell to the ground, adding a few poignant beauty to his whole body.

Even if it was Shi Yanwu, a brave man who saw Lin Mujin clearly reaching his limit, he was still insisting on persevering with more respect. This handsome young woman who looked like a woman had such a determined character.


Shi Yanshan spouted a mouthful of blood, and his whole body shook for a while and almost fell, but he actually held up the ground in time at the last time, but his whole body was extremely weak and his eyes were painful and weak.

Yang Yantai and the two moved forward again and moved him back. At this time, only Dezheng, Xingzhi, Lin Mujin and Di Ping were sitting!

However, everyone has already seen that Lin Mujin is in a much worse state than the three, and he is definitely the next person to be kicked out.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, less than 30 seconds, Lin Mujin spouted out a mouthful of blood and fell backwards suddenly.


Lin Yun saw his brother fall down, his face suddenly changed, his pale face was full of anxiety and tension, and his eyes were full of panic.

Although she was not in a good state at this time, she threw herself out and hugged Lin Yaojin up and shouted anxiously, "Brother, how are you... Don't scare me... .. Woo!" She actually started crying nervously.

Yang Yantai and He Chunsheng hurriedly stepped forward to help, and brought Lin Mujin back. Several people hurriedly looked around with concern. Everyone was shocked. Lin Mujin was obviously more injured than everyone else and was in a very poor condition.

Most of the others are still able to move, but he has fallen into a coma, his face pale as paper, and his breathing is slightly weak.

Everyone didn’t dare to neglect, they hurriedly put a piece of clothing on him, and then laid it flat on the ground, with Yulin looking after him. Now no one can do anything but let him recover by himself. Fortunately, the intoxicated person’s physique is powerful and has amazing resilience. You should be able to recover slowly after resting.

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