Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1713: Big Buddha collapsed

Di Ping was bitten by a snake, and he was afraid of well ropes for ten years. Although he heard from a few words that the evil demon had been doing mischief and tempting him, the old monk seemed to be tacitly approving and he was also using it. Di Ping's mental power is used to suppress the evil demon.

It can be said that both parties are calculating him. Although the old monk helped him a lot later, it should be said that the old monk is not helping himself, but trapping the evil spirit and wanting to kill the evil spirit in his soul. In the space, I still want to use his power.

However, the old monk was right. He swallowed some soul energy just now, and he felt impetuous, full of murderous intent, and a faint state of instability. He originally thought it was anxious in his heart. Now it seems that it is because of the energy of the soul.

"Please... little friends, rest assured... there are no traps in the skills... I just broke my will, and I have no chance to survive after burning my soul. I just want to kill the evil demon... Please believe me...I can't suppress it anymore, please hurry up..."

Di Ping listened to the old monk's voice ringing in his mind. His voice was intermittent and slowly becoming mechanical. It seemed that his will was once again suppressed by the will of the Great Buddha.

"Go on..."

Obviously, the Yin Demon was also fighting, and a bigger flame rose above the sickle. This flame did not emit the heat of the flame, but a chill of cold air, like the icy cold air blowing from the winter wax moon. .

As the old monk said, with the mad hacking of the Yin Demon, the Buddha's light became dimmed, and the golden light faintly couldn't keep up with the swallowing of the sickle. With the devouring, the Yin Demon's momentum became stronger and stronger, but the Great Buddha was apparent. Getting weaker and weaker, the Great Buddha shook violently under the attack, and it seemed that it was possible to get out of the trap by the Yin Demon at any time.

" me..."

Seeing Di Ping not moving, the old monk heard a difficult voice again.

Di Ping looked at the Yin Demon who was about to get out of trouble, his eyes suddenly became cruel. Now he does not take this opportunity to destroy the Yin Demon. Once he has destroyed the Buddha, it will be himself who will be unlucky then. Thinking of this, he is not hesitating. As soon as the power of the soul moved, the entire soul space suddenly shook.

It was as if time suddenly stood still, the surging waves were fixed in the air, the tornado storm stopped spinning, and the lightning was stagnant. You could see the vellus-like thunder around the thunder and lightning, and even the movements of the evil demon were slow.

The next moment everything returned to normal, nothing seemed to happen, but suddenly a whirlwind formed above the sea, and a large bubble of cooing appeared above the sea, as if there was a volcano about to erupt below, and the water surface was red like fiery lava upwards. Risk.

The Yin Demon also felt wrong, a feeling of heart palpitations surged in his heart, so he attacked the Buddha even more frantically, but the Buddha seemed to know that at the critical moment, the Buddha's singing became more and more anxious, and the golden light on his body was like no money. It spread downward, entangled the Yin Demon tightly, and pressed him down to the sea.


With a loud noise, the sea exploded, and a huge furnace burning with raging flames rushed out of the sea and appeared under the Yin Demon and the Great Buddha, like a giant flame beast opening its huge mouth, and the flame in the mouth of the furnace was spinning, forming a huge The whirlpool, a powerful suction force was generated and attracted towards the Yin Demon and the Great Buddha.

"Flaming furnace!" The Yin Demon clearly knew this thing, and the purple pupils flashed with extreme horror, and screamed in shock: "Ming Fanzi, you are really crazy and even passed the flame furnace to him. You want to die with me. !"

In response to him, the Buddha urged Jin Guang to push him toward the furnace even more crazily.

"Get out of me, you madman, my evil demon can't die here, I want to go out, and I have to achieve the supreme realm and become the supreme god...Ah! Get out of me!"

Fear flashed in the purple eyes of the Yin Mo, frantically waving the sickle towards the golden light, and rushing up desperately, trying to escape from the suppression of the Great Buddha.

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