Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1728: right

With De Feiya's explanation, Di Ping realized how precious the royal jelly he had accidentally obtained last time.

Royal jelly is one of the few elixir that can restore mental power and repair mental damage, and it has no side effects and is extremely mild. It can be slowly nourished and repaired without entering a state of cultivation.

This kind of royal jelly is extremely precious, and it is usually difficult to collect in the depths of some dangerous mountains and waters. Once it is obtained, it is a good treasure that will surely be snatched by countless people, even more popular than some Tier 3 elixir.

We must know that there are not many medicines that can nourish mental power, but everything that touches the soul or spiritual power is covered with a layer of gold, which is extremely precious.

Di Ping almost jumped into the river with regret. Although he knew that royal jelly should be a good thing, he didn't care too much. He used royal jelly to make honey tea before. How extravagant is this?

Fortunately, he doesn't like sweets very much, and he doesn't consume too much. If the spoiling is over, he can regret his death at this time.

After communicating with De Feiya for a while, Di Ping got up and left. He had to cleanse and go to see his parents. This time he left for two or three days, fearing that his parents would be worried again.

This is really a daughter-in-law and forget his mother. He came to see De Feiya eagerly when he came back. Now he thinks of his parents after seeing people. If Di Mu knew, would he use a rolling pin on his head? Knock out two packages.

"Big cat! Still sleeping?"

Di Ping did not go through the main tower from the third floor, but walked around the garden below. He was afraid that his mother would see him embarrassed. As soon as he entered the garden, he saw the big cat crawling on the ground, squinting and lazy. , He frowned, and the big cat seemed to have not moved since he left.

This time, the big cat didn't pay attention to herself, and seemed to have fallen asleep. Di Ping's heart sank. The secret path cat won't get sick, right?

"Open the pet page!"

Di Ping's heart moved and issued instructions to the system.

Although the big cat is his pet, but with his rapid growth in strength, the role that the big cat can play is getting lower and lower. The last time he fought against the python in Bianzhou, he could not bite the python's body. , He was almost killed by a tail, and Di Ping, who got it, didn't dare to take it out now.

He was afraid that the big cat would be killed by the powerful mutant beast. Although it was only a pet beast, he would have feelings for the big cat like his relatives, and he was reluctant to let it happen.

Since the last time he came back from the small world with Delphia, he hasn't stopped. There are too many things, so he pays less attention to the big cat. Last time I saw it didn’t like to move, I just checked it to see if it was sick. I didn't care, I didn't expect that the big cat was getting worse and worse, and he didn't even say hello to him. At this time, he didn't realize that there was a problem, that would be strange.

"Pet: Flame Tiger, Bloodline: Level B, Level: Tier Nine, Talent Skills: Rage, Skills: Flame Strike, Tiger Tail Whip, Status: Bloodline is evolving, 18% completion, estimated evolution time is five days!"

The Macro Animal page appeared in front of Di Ping's eyes. When he saw the last item, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Bloodline evolution?"

He finally knows why the big cat has been sluggish recently. It turned out to be evolving. Last time, the big cat ate the second-order flame lion. It seems that he has swallowed the blood of the flame lion. Digest the energy of the flame lion and prepare for bloodline evolution.

Now the evolution has been completed nearly one-fifth, once the evolution is completed, the bloodline level of the big cat will become a grade, and the strength will definitely be further enhanced, and then it will not be unable to help yourself, you must know the flame Lion himself is also very hard to fight, and his ability to breathe fire is quite strong.

There is a glimmer of understanding in his heart. It seems that the bloodline of mutant animals is not constant. Like humans, they can swallow higher-level mutant beasts to promote their own evolution. No wonder the big cat saw that Xiaobi killed him. The Flame Lion couldn't help but ate it directly.

He didn't know this. If he knew how to get some mutant beasts with strong blood for the big cat to eat, maybe the big cat would have improved.

However, it is not too late to know!

Di Ping rubbed Big Cat's head and said, "Come on Big Cat! When your strength improves, you can accompany me to fight together!"


The big cat seemed to hear Di Ping's words, his body moved slightly, his mouth whimpered, and then he stopped moving.

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