Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1754: Strange bird attack

"Ted, what is this?"

Standing in the main control room inside the stationmaster tower, Di Ping pointed to a virtual three-dimensional map projection and asked.

This map is constantly changing, and from time to time there will be a piece of it on the side, like the dark dense fog covering the surroundings slowly retreating, revealing the hidden scenery inside.

"Master, this is the resource station that is collecting mountains and rivers and drawing topographic maps of mountains and rivers. Now it has scanned an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers!"

Ted replied respectfully.

"Oh!" Di Ping nodded suddenly, and then looked at the map carefully. Sure enough, he saw the situation of the valley where he was now on the topographic map. In front of the valley was a grassland, and behind the valley were endless mountains.

There are mountains and ridges, rugged mountains, gorges and valleys, without seeing the bottom, there are strange peaks like sword walls standing thousands of feet, there are waterfalls and raging waves rushing down, and there are fog barriers and misty forests that do not know its faces. Di Ping felt a chill just by looking at the map, and there seemed to be great danger hidden in it.

Mingjingzong really would choose a place. From the current map, this location is surrounded by grassland on the outside and mountains and rivers on the inside. It is a really good place. Once you cross the valley to the other side, it is a dangerous place. If you don’t have a map, It's really hard to find the direction to enter this. The map collection function of the resource station is really amazing.

Di Ping didn't know how big this different space was, nor did Ming Fanzi mention it in his memory.

Di Ping suddenly thought, if the mutant beasts in this space are cleaned up, how many human races will there be enough to survive here?

However, he knew that this was just thinking about it. These different spaces are not fertile ground. Among them, there are more powerful mutant beasts. It is no longer known how many years of existence existed in the space, just like the powerful Ming Jingzong did not exist in the past. Explore all the places in the small world, not to mention him now.

Only when he saw the map did he know how adventurous he was last time. If they didn't run into Dezheng, they would bump into the 100,000 mountains, even if they had a humanoid war puppet, it would be difficult to get out.

Now I want to be afraid for a while, people are really ignorant and fearless!

"Master, let me fight with you?"

Standing at the gate of the resource station, Ted looked at Di Ping eagerly.

Di Ping shook his head and said, "No, you stay behind! Now only you are in the resource station, so there can be no problems!"

Although Ted was the same as Di Ping, he was also a Tier Nine, but Di Ping clearly felt that his strength was so different from himself that he couldn't help him at all, and instead became a drag.

"It's the master!"

Ted was slightly disappointed in his eyes, but he respectfully took his orders.

Di Ping bid farewell to Ted and rushed out of the valley. He came here to hunt mutant beasts and hone his strength. There are more powerful mutant beasts on the grassland than outside. Only here can he train well. He is ready to do this. I spent a few days fully soaking here, honing my strength to perfection, so I could get to the second rank.

The valley is still very depressed. Although the fog in the valley has dispersed, the ground is still pitch black, as dead as a dead zone. It has been corroded by the power of darkness for thousands of years. Even a bug and ants on the ground cannot survive. I want to become normal. It takes a long time.

Di Ping believed that this process would not be too slow. He could feel the dark air being evaporating under the direct sunlight.

In the two worlds inside and outside the valley, Di Ping was in a great mood when he walked out into the valley and looked at the clusters of green grass in front of him, smelling the faint sweet air blowing from the grassland.


As soon as the big cat appeared, seeing the environment he was in, he immediately shook his head in excitement, then raised his hair and let out a happy tiger roar, as if he was swearing to this world of his own existence.

The howling is low and heavy, like thunder in summer, it shook on the grassland, and the surrounding weeds shivered, as if afraid of the power of the big cat. Looking at the big cat that roared into the sky, even Di Ping felt it from him. To a pressure.

The second-tier big cat's strength has increased too much, and it is already close to the flame lion.

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