Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1804: exhausted

Di Ping stood steady, looked towards the small courtyard, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly, "So there is a big boss!"


There was a loud noise, and the small building exploded like an explosion. A large number of bricks and stones were scattered all around. A huge black monster flew out from the building and fell on the street with a bang.

This is a varnished black mutant scorpion with a height of more than three meters and a length of five or six meters. Two large pliers are held in front of him, like two big buckets of excavators. Behind him is a poison that is longer than the body. On the tail, the sharp scorpion tail needle is like a steel rod with a hook, and the hook tip reflects a blue halo in the sun.

"Giant Hook Scorpion (King): Bloodline Level: a, Talent Skills: Breeding, Strengthening Level: Tier 3, Level 5, Skills: Venom Jet, Hammering, Scorpion Hook Tail Strike, Shock, Different Space Species, with Super Reproduction Ability to breed offspring quickly, with fierce toxicity, cruel temperament, and three-star danger level!

Another space species?

Di Ping looked at this poisonous scorpion's message and wondered, why are there more and more species in this different space? I just met two today. Could it be that the mutant beasts in the small world have begun to come out?

Thinking of this, he was shocked. If all the powerful mutant beasts in the small world came out, it would be troublesome. He saw too many powerful mutant beasts during the two small world trips. Compared with the mutant animals on the earth In terms of the degree of variation, it is far worse than the small world.

In the outside world, the second-order and above are relatively rare, and he has only seen two like Komodo and the mutant crocodile, but in the small world, this type of category is considered weak, and the third-order and above mutant beasts are bibi It's all.

There are two small worlds within a hundred kilometers of the entire Zhongzhou area, and he doesn't know if there are other small world void passages.

It was in these two little worlds that the mutant beasts inside came out, and the Sanctuary City must bear the brunt. It seemed that the development process of the Sanctuary City had to be accelerated.

He suddenly felt a heavy feeling in his heart, and the pressure was getting heavier. On this day, he encountered two mutant beasts above the third order, indicating that there are not a few mutant beasts coming out of the small world.

These mutant beasts are so powerful that humans can't resist it at all at present. I don't know how many human forces have been destroyed by these powerful mutant beasts.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the mutant scorpion king became angry when he saw the corpse of its offspring in one place. He waved a pair of steel tongs and made a earth-shattering neigh, and then the eight huge feet moved, and the huge body quickly Charged towards Di Ping.


Di Ping watched the rushing scorpion king hurriedly moved his mental power, and the shock skills quietly activated, and a spirit wave rushed towards the scorpion king.

As soon as one of the simplest mental skills of a deterrent skill moved, Di Ping felt a dizziness in his head.

At this time, he remembered that he had launched two mental storms with all his strength just now, and his mental power had been overdrawn. Now he was a little reluctant to launch the deterrent skills.


The Scorpion King was shocked by the stun skill, and suddenly the body of the giant was a meal. A pair of dark eyes was confused, but in less than a second, it suddenly shook its head and its eyes became clear, and it seemed to be irritated. Neigh, and then rushed over more quickly.


Di Ping's eyes shrank, and even the Green Poisonous Dragon was stunned for a second or two with the deterrence skills. The King Scorpion just froze for less than a second and was fine. It seems that the mental power of this mutant Scorpion King is not weak.

The strongest mental power is useless, and he doesn’t want to risk launching the strongest mental storm skills anymore. His mental power has been overdrawn. If it is overdrawn, it will definitely damage the spiritual sea. He feels that the spiritual sea is damaged. I don't want to taste it anymore, it's too painful.

"It looks like a killer!"

Di Ping looked at the Scorpion King who had rushed to a hundred meters away. He gritted his teeth in pain, and then waved his hand suddenly as if he had made up his mind.


A huge metal humanoid war puppet measuring three meters in height fell from the sky and hit the ground. The ground shook and the concrete floor was broken and cracked.

The dark golden humanoid war puppet stood on the street, carrying a giant long knife in his hand, emitting ten thousand golden rays under the sunlight, like a god, majestic and majestic.

This sudden appearance of the humanoid war puppet, startled King Scorpion, the action was slow, a pair of dark eyes looked at the war puppet with a trace of doubt.


Suddenly, the eyes of the humanoid war puppet suddenly lit up, and a red ray shot towards the King Scorpion.

"Accept the instruction.... The target alien beast, kill it!"

A cold mechanical voice sounded without a trace of emotion, and suddenly the whole town seemed to be shrouded in a layer of cold air.

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